Author ID: remy.elisabeth Recent zbMATH articles by "Remy, Elisabeth"
Published as: Remy, Elisabeth; Remy, Élisabeth; Remy, E.
External Links: MGP
Documents Indexed: 19 Publications since 2001
Co-Authors: 16 Co-Authors with 19 Joint Publications
267 Co-Co-Authors

Publications by Year

Citations contained in zbMATH Open

17 Publications have been cited 292 times in 227 Documents Cited by Year
Graphic requirements for multistability and attractive cycles in a Boolean dynamical framework. Zbl 1169.05333
Remy, Élisabeth; Ruet, Paul; Thieffry, Denis
Isoperimetry and heat kernel decay on percolation clusters. Zbl 1078.60085
Mathieu, Pierre; Remy, Elisabeth
Petri net modelling of biological regulatory networks. Zbl 1153.90336
Chaouiya, Claudine; Remy, Elisabeth; Thieffry, Denis
Dynamically consistent reduction of logical regulatory graphs. Zbl 1211.92024
Naldi, Aurélien; Remy, Elisabeth; Thieffry, Denis; Chaouiya, Claudine
Qualitative analysis of regulatory graphs: A computational tool based on a discrete formal framework. Zbl 1059.93085
Chaouiya, Claudine; Remy, Elisabeth; Mossé, Brigitte; Thieffry, Denis
Mapping multivalued onto Boolean dynamics. Zbl 1331.92051
Didier, Gilles; Remy, Elisabeth; Chaouiya, Claudine
Homogenization of elliptic difference operators. Zbl 1097.39501
Piatnitski, Andrey; Remy, Elisabeth
Dynamical modeling and analysis of large cellular regulatory networks. Zbl 1331.37134
Bérenguier, D.; Chaouiya, C.; Monteiro, P. T.; Naldi, A.; Remy, E.; Thieffry, D.; Tichit, L.
Qualitative modelling of genetic networks: From logical regulatory graphs to standard Petri nets. Zbl 1094.68581
Chaouiya, Claudine; Remy, Elisabeth; Ruet, Paul; Thieffry, Denis
Petri net representation of multi-valued logical regulatory graphs. Zbl 1217.68149
Chaouiya, C.; Naldi, A.; Remy, E.; Thieffry, D.
Relations between gene regulatory networks and cell dynamics in Boolean models. Zbl 1291.92065
Didier, Gilles; Remy, Elisabeth
Positive or negative regulatory circuit inference from multilevel dynamics. Zbl 1132.93305
Remy, Élisabeth; Ruet, Paul; Thieffry, Denis
On differentiation and homeostatic behaviours of Boolean dynamical systems. Zbl 1141.92330
Remy, Élisabeth; Ruet, Paul
Heat kernel decay and isoperimetry on a percolation cluster. (Décroissance du noyau de la chaleur et isopérimétrie sur un amas de percolation.) Zbl 1017.60102
Mathieu, Pierre; Remy, Elisabeth
Formalizing and enriching phenotype signatures using Boolean networks. Zbl 1409.92097
Wery, Méline; Dameron, Olivier; Nicolas, Jacques; Remy, Elisabeth; Siegel, Anne
Isometries of the hypercube: a tool for Boolean regulatory networks analysis. Zbl 1491.37040
Fabre-Monplaisir, Jean; Mossé, Brigitte; Remy, Élisabeth
Logical modelling of regulatory networks, methods and applications. Zbl 1311.92080
Chaouiya, Claudine; Remy, Elisabeth
Isometries of the hypercube: a tool for Boolean regulatory networks analysis. Zbl 1491.37040
Fabre-Monplaisir, Jean; Mossé, Brigitte; Remy, Élisabeth
Formalizing and enriching phenotype signatures using Boolean networks. Zbl 1409.92097
Wery, Méline; Dameron, Olivier; Nicolas, Jacques; Remy, Elisabeth; Siegel, Anne
Dynamical modeling and analysis of large cellular regulatory networks. Zbl 1331.37134
Bérenguier, D.; Chaouiya, C.; Monteiro, P. T.; Naldi, A.; Remy, E.; Thieffry, D.; Tichit, L.
Logical modelling of regulatory networks, methods and applications. Zbl 1311.92080
Chaouiya, Claudine; Remy, Elisabeth
Relations between gene regulatory networks and cell dynamics in Boolean models. Zbl 1291.92065
Didier, Gilles; Remy, Elisabeth
Dynamically consistent reduction of logical regulatory graphs. Zbl 1211.92024
Naldi, Aurélien; Remy, Elisabeth; Thieffry, Denis; Chaouiya, Claudine
Mapping multivalued onto Boolean dynamics. Zbl 1331.92051
Didier, Gilles; Remy, Elisabeth; Chaouiya, Claudine
Petri net representation of multi-valued logical regulatory graphs. Zbl 1217.68149
Chaouiya, C.; Naldi, A.; Remy, E.; Thieffry, D.
Graphic requirements for multistability and attractive cycles in a Boolean dynamical framework. Zbl 1169.05333
Remy, Élisabeth; Ruet, Paul; Thieffry, Denis
Petri net modelling of biological regulatory networks. Zbl 1153.90336
Chaouiya, Claudine; Remy, Elisabeth; Thieffry, Denis
On differentiation and homeostatic behaviours of Boolean dynamical systems. Zbl 1141.92330
Remy, Élisabeth; Ruet, Paul
Positive or negative regulatory circuit inference from multilevel dynamics. Zbl 1132.93305
Remy, Élisabeth; Ruet, Paul; Thieffry, Denis
Isoperimetry and heat kernel decay on percolation clusters. Zbl 1078.60085
Mathieu, Pierre; Remy, Elisabeth
Qualitative modelling of genetic networks: From logical regulatory graphs to standard Petri nets. Zbl 1094.68581
Chaouiya, Claudine; Remy, Elisabeth; Ruet, Paul; Thieffry, Denis
Qualitative analysis of regulatory graphs: A computational tool based on a discrete formal framework. Zbl 1059.93085
Chaouiya, Claudine; Remy, Elisabeth; Mossé, Brigitte; Thieffry, Denis
Homogenization of elliptic difference operators. Zbl 1097.39501
Piatnitski, Andrey; Remy, Elisabeth
Heat kernel decay and isoperimetry on a percolation cluster. (Décroissance du noyau de la chaleur et isopérimétrie sur un amas de percolation.) Zbl 1017.60102
Mathieu, Pierre; Remy, Elisabeth
all top 5

Cited by 353 Authors

22 Richard, Adrien
11 Remy, Elisabeth
10 Sené, Sylvain
9 Ruet, Paul
7 Noual, Mathilde
7 Paulevé, Loïc
7 Thieffry, Denis
6 Chaouiya, Claudine
6 Demongeot, Jacques
6 Mathieu, Pierre
6 Siebert, Heike
5 Biskup, Marek
5 Magnin, Morgan
5 Perrot, Kévin
5 Soliman, Sylvain
5 Tonello, Elisa
4 Albert, Réka
4 Aracena, Julio
4 Chaves, Madalena
4 Comet, Jean-Paul
4 Dario, Paul
4 Gadouleau, Maximilien
4 Monteiro, Pedro T.
4 Murrugarra, David
4 Naldi, Aurélien
4 Rau, Clément
4 Regnault, Damien
4 Roux, Olivier F.
3 Andres, Sebastian
3 Benhamou, Belaid
3 Bockmayr, Alexander
3 Bridoux, Florian
3 Deuschel, Jean-Dominique
3 Fages, François
3 Faggionato, Alessandra
3 Gedeon, Tomáš
3 Hiraishi, Kunihiko
3 Kaufman, Marcelle
3 Kumagai, Takashi
3 Laubenbacher, Reinhard C.
3 Melliti, Tarek
3 Mischaikow, Konstantin
3 Panasenko, Grigory P.
3 Peres, Yuval
3 Procaccia, Eviatar Ben
3 Salinas, Lilian
3 Simas, Alexandre B.
3 Valentim, Fábio Júlio
2 Abou-Jaoudé, Wassim
2 Argyris, Georgios
2 Barlow, Martin T.
2 Berger, Noam
2 Boivin, Daniel
2 Boukhadra, Omar
2 Casagrande, Alberto
2 Chatain, Thomas
2 Chen, Xin
2 Citti, Giovanna
2 Crawford, Nicholas
2 Cummins, Bree
2 Folschette, Maxime
2 Galeotti, Mattia
2 Gebser, Martin
2 Glass, Leon
2 Gold, Julian
2 Goles Chacc, Eric
2 Haar, Stefan
2 Han, Dong
2 Harker, Shaun
2 He, Qinbin
2 Inoue, Katsumi
2 Kobayashi, Koichi
2 Lin, Bin
2 Lluch Lafuente, Alberto
2 Lorenz, Therese
2 Louidor, Oren
2 Luo, Chao
2 Macauley, Matthew
2 Montealegre, Pedro
2 Müller, Peter
2 Piatnitski, Andrey L.
2 Piazza, Carla
2 Poindron, Alexis
2 Ríos-Wilson, Martín
2 Rosenthal, Ron
2 Sapozhnikov, Artëm
2 Sarti, Alessandro
2 Schaub, Torsten H.
2 Slowik, Martin
2 Sly, Allan
2 Stollmann, Peter
2 Thiele, Sven
2 Tribastone, Mirco
2 Trinh, Van-Giang
2 Tschaikowski, Max
2 Vandin, Andrea
2 Veliz-Cuba, Alan
2 Wang, Jian
2 Xia, Zhile
2 Yang, Yongqing
...and 253 more Authors
all top 5

Cited in 81 Serials

16 Theoretical Computer Science
13 Journal of Theoretical Biology
10 Discrete Applied Mathematics
10 Bulletin of Mathematical Biology
9 The Annals of Probability
9 Probability Theory and Related Fields
8 Natural Computing
6 Chaos
4 Journal of Statistical Physics
4 Journal of Computer and System Sciences
4 Advances in Applied Mathematics
4 Physica D
4 The Annals of Applied Probability
4 Stochastic Processes and their Applications
4 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Probabilités et Statistiques
4 Electronic Journal of Probability
3 Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics
3 Automatica
3 Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France
3 Journal of Functional Analysis
2 Mathematical Social Sciences
2 SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics
2 Mathematical Structures in Computer Science
2 Abstract and Applied Analysis
2 SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems
2 Advances in Difference Equations
2 ALEA. Latin American Journal of Probability and Mathematical Statistics
1 Applicable Analysis
1 Communications in Mathematical Physics
1 Journal of Computational Physics
1 Journal of the Franklin Institute
1 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
1 Journal of Mathematical Biology
1 Journal of Mathematical Physics
1 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences
1 Physics Letters. A
1 Theoretical and Mathematical Physics
1 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals
1 Fuzzy Sets and Systems
1 Journal of Differential Equations
1 Journal of Graph Theory
1 Journal of the London Mathematical Society. Second Series
1 Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan
1 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation
1 Tôhoku Mathematical Journal. Second Series
1 Journal of Theoretical Probability
1 Neural Networks
1 Discrete Event Dynamic Systems
1 European Journal of Operational Research
1 International Journal of Computer Mathematics
1 Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées. Neuvième Série
1 Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Toulouse. Mathématiques. Série VI
1 Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations
1 Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence
1 Complexity
1 Electronic Communications in Probability
1 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems
1 Mathematical Problems in Engineering
1 Journal of Vibration and Control
1 Computing and Visualization in Science
1 Mathematical Methods of Operations Research
1 Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science. DMTCS
1 Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences
1 Acta Mathematica Sinica. English Series
1 Fundamenta Informaticae
1 Advances in Complex Systems
1 MATCH - Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry
1 Journal of Discrete Algorithms
1 Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics
1 Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena
1 SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences
1 International Journal of Biomathematics
1 IET Control Theory & Applications
1 Algorithms
1 Probability Surveys
1 JAMM. Journal of Advanced Mathematical Modeling
1 Philosophical Transactions A. Royal Society of London
1 Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences
1 Journal of Membrane Computing
1 SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science
1 Combinatorial Theory

Citations by Year