Author ID: presnell.brett Recent zbMATH articles by "Presnell, Brett"
Published as: Presnell, Brett
External Links: MGP
Documents Indexed: 27 Publications since 1990
Co-Authors: 22 Co-Authors with 25 Joint Publications
712 Co-Co-Authors

Publications by Year

Citations contained in zbMATH Open

19 Publications have been cited 497 times in 475 Documents Cited by Year
A new approach to variable selection in least squares problems. Zbl 0962.65036
Osborne, M. R.; Presnell, Brett; Turlach, B. A.
Nonparametric estimation of the mode of a distribution of random curves. Zbl 0909.62030
Gasser, Theo; Hall, Peter; Presnell, Brett
A functional data-analytic approach to signal discrimination. Zbl 1072.62686
Hall, Peter; Poskitt, D. S.; Presnell, Brett
Intentionally biased bootstrap methods. Zbl 0931.62036
Hall, Peter; Presnell, Brett
On the applicability of regenerative simulation in Markov chain Monte Carlo. Zbl 1035.60080
Hobert, James P.; Jones, Galin L.; Presnell, Brett; Rosenthal, Jeffrey S.
Projected multivariate linear models for directional data. Zbl 1063.62546
Presnell, Brett; Morrison, Scott P.; Littell, Ramon C.
\(U\)-statistics and imperfect ranking in ranked set sampling. Zbl 0921.62062
Presnell, Brett; Bohn, Lora L.
Nonparametric methods for imperfect repair models. Zbl 0756.62035
Hollander, Myles; Presnell, Brett; Sethuraman, Jayaram
The IOS test for model misspecification. Zbl 1089.62503
Presnell, Brett; Boos, Dennis D.
Rendering parametric procedures more robust by empirically tilting the model. Zbl 0948.62022
Choi, Edwin; Hall, Peter; Presnell, Brett
Biased bootstrap methods for reducing the effects of contamination. Zbl 0930.62029
Hall, Peter; Presnell, Brett
An improved test of equality of mean directions for the Langevin-von Mises-Fisher distribution. Zbl 1373.62071
Rumcheva, Pavlina; Presnell, Brett
Bootstrap inference for misspecified moment condition models. Zbl 1401.62071
Giurcanu, Mihai; Presnell, Brett
Testing the minimal repair assumption in an imperfect repair model. Zbl 0791.62094
Presnell, Brett; Hollander, Myles; Sethuraman, Jayaram
On reparametrization and the Gibbs sampler. Zbl 1296.60197
Román, Jorge Carlos; Hobert, James P.; Presnell, Brett
The mean resultant length of the spherically projected normal distribution. Zbl 1136.62351
Presnell, Brett; Rumcheva, Pavlina
Bootstrapping Lasso-type estimators in regression models. Zbl 1418.62185
Giurcanu, Mihai; Presnell, Brett
Some degenerate mean convergence theorems for Banach space valued random elements. Zbl 1489.60051
Li, Deli; Presnell, Brett; Rosalsky, Andrew
Reducing bias without prejudicing sign. Zbl 0960.62042
Hall, Peter; Presnell, Brett; Turlach, Berwin A.
Some degenerate mean convergence theorems for Banach space valued random elements. Zbl 1489.60051
Li, Deli; Presnell, Brett; Rosalsky, Andrew
Bootstrapping Lasso-type estimators in regression models. Zbl 1418.62185
Giurcanu, Mihai; Presnell, Brett
Bootstrap inference for misspecified moment condition models. Zbl 1401.62071
Giurcanu, Mihai; Presnell, Brett
An improved test of equality of mean directions for the Langevin-von Mises-Fisher distribution. Zbl 1373.62071
Rumcheva, Pavlina; Presnell, Brett
On reparametrization and the Gibbs sampler. Zbl 1296.60197
Román, Jorge Carlos; Hobert, James P.; Presnell, Brett
The mean resultant length of the spherically projected normal distribution. Zbl 1136.62351
Presnell, Brett; Rumcheva, Pavlina
The IOS test for model misspecification. Zbl 1089.62503
Presnell, Brett; Boos, Dennis D.
On the applicability of regenerative simulation in Markov chain Monte Carlo. Zbl 1035.60080
Hobert, James P.; Jones, Galin L.; Presnell, Brett; Rosenthal, Jeffrey S.
A functional data-analytic approach to signal discrimination. Zbl 1072.62686
Hall, Peter; Poskitt, D. S.; Presnell, Brett
A new approach to variable selection in least squares problems. Zbl 0962.65036
Osborne, M. R.; Presnell, Brett; Turlach, B. A.
Rendering parametric procedures more robust by empirically tilting the model. Zbl 0948.62022
Choi, Edwin; Hall, Peter; Presnell, Brett
Reducing bias without prejudicing sign. Zbl 0960.62042
Hall, Peter; Presnell, Brett; Turlach, Berwin A.
Intentionally biased bootstrap methods. Zbl 0931.62036
Hall, Peter; Presnell, Brett
\(U\)-statistics and imperfect ranking in ranked set sampling. Zbl 0921.62062
Presnell, Brett; Bohn, Lora L.
Biased bootstrap methods for reducing the effects of contamination. Zbl 0930.62029
Hall, Peter; Presnell, Brett
Nonparametric estimation of the mode of a distribution of random curves. Zbl 0909.62030
Gasser, Theo; Hall, Peter; Presnell, Brett
Projected multivariate linear models for directional data. Zbl 1063.62546
Presnell, Brett; Morrison, Scott P.; Littell, Ramon C.
Testing the minimal repair assumption in an imperfect repair model. Zbl 0791.62094
Presnell, Brett; Hollander, Myles; Sethuraman, Jayaram
Nonparametric methods for imperfect repair models. Zbl 0756.62035
Hollander, Myles; Presnell, Brett; Sethuraman, Jayaram
all top 5

Cited by 811 Authors

13 Vieu, Philippe
12 Ferraty, Frédéric
11 Jones, Galin L.
9 Hall, Peter Gavin
8 Ould-Saïd, Elias
7 Hobert, James P.
6 Bouzebda, Salim
6 Fadili, Jalal M.
6 Flegal, James M.
6 Giurcanu, Mihai C.
6 Lorenz, Dirk Alfred
6 Nuñez-Antonio, Gabriel
5 Bühlmann, Peter
5 Laksaci, Ali
5 Presnell, Brett
5 Tibshirani, Robert John
5 Zamanzade, Ehsan
5 Zhou, Qian M.
5 Zou, Hui
4 Crujeiras, Rosa María
4 Dabo-Niang, Sophie
4 Huang, Jian
4 Johnson, Alicia A.
4 Loris, Ignace
4 Meier, Lukas
4 Müller, Hans-Georg
4 Rabhi, Abbes
4 Ruiz-Medina, María Dolores
4 Song, Peter Xue-Kun
4 Tan, Zhiqiang
4 Tillmann, Andreas M.
4 Turlach, Berwin A.
3 Addy, Cheryl L.
3 Adekpedjou, Akim
3 Barabesi, Lucio
3 Bondell, Howard D.
3 Bongiorno, Enea Giuseppe
3 Delaigle, Aurore
3 Ezzahrioui, M’hamed
3 Francisco-Fernandez, Mario
3 Frey, Jesse C.
3 Goia, Aldo
3 Gutiérrez-Peña, Eduardo
3 Hardin, James W.
3 Hastie, Trevor John
3 Laib, Naâmane
3 Liang, Hanying
3 Louani, Djamal
3 Lu, Xiliang
3 Mahdizadeh, Mahdi
3 Meilán-Vila, Andrea
3 Möller, Michael
3 Nadarajah, Saralees
3 Nguyen, Andrew L.
3 Peyré, Gabriel
3 Pham, Hoang
3 Razmkhah, Mostafa
3 Robert, Christian P.
3 Shang, Han Lin
3 Tibshirani, Ryan J.
3 Tsagris, Michail
3 Vaiter, Samuel
3 Van de Geer, Sara Anna
3 Vats, Dootika
3 Wang, Hongzhou
3 Withers, Christopher Stroude
3 Wood, Andrew T. A.
3 Yang, Zhao
3 Zhang, Cun-Hui
3 Zhang, Shulin
2 Abraham, Christophe
2 Alonso, Andrés M.
2 Asadi, Majid
2 Attaoui, Said
2 Bertin, Karine
2 Bouchentouf, Amina Angelika
2 Bourguignon, Sébastien
2 Brauer, Christoph
2 Bravo, Francesco
2 Burger, Martin
2 Cadre, Benoît
2 Camponovo, Lorenzo
2 Casado, David
2 Chen, Zehua
2 Chesneau, Christophe
2 Cremers, Daniel
2 Cuevas, Antonio
2 Dai, Qionghai
2 De Mol, Christine
2 Deledalle, Charles-Alban
2 Doostan, Alireza
2 Dossal, Charles
2 Febrero, Manuel
2 Ferrari, Davide
2 Galeano, Pedro
2 Geenens, Gery
2 Geneyro, Emiliano
2 Gilboa, Guy
2 González-Manteiga, Wenceslao
2 Guler, Ebru Ozgur
...and 711 more Authors
all top 5

Cited in 133 Serials

37 Computational Statistics and Data Analysis
33 The Annals of Statistics
20 Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference
16 Journal of Nonparametric Statistics
15 Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods
15 Electronic Journal of Statistics
14 Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation
12 Journal of Multivariate Analysis
12 Statistical Science
11 Statistics and Computing
10 Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics
10 Statistics & Probability Letters
10 Communications in Statistics. Simulation and Computation
8 Journal of Econometrics
8 Computational Statistics
8 Statistical Papers
7 The Canadian Journal of Statistics
7 Statistics
6 Scandinavian Journal of Statistics
6 Biometrics
6 Journal of the American Statistical Association
6 Journal of Applied Statistics
5 Computational Optimization and Applications
5 Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics
4 Test
4 Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis
4 Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics
4 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B. Statistical Methodology
4 Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability
4 Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews. WIREs Computational Statistics
3 Inverse Problems
3 Metrika
3 Econometric Reviews
3 Machine Learning
3 The Annals of Applied Probability
3 European Journal of Operational Research
3 Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision
3 Mathematical Methods of Statistics
3 Bernoulli
3 Optimization Methods & Software
3 Statistical Inference for Stochastic Processes
3 Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR)
3 Statistical Methods and Applications
3 AStA. Advances in Statistical Analysis
3 Sankhyā. Series A
2 Journal of Computational Physics
2 Mathematics of Computation
2 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics
2 Statistica
2 Journal of Time Series Analysis
2 Journal of Classification
2 Journal of Global Optimization
2 Pattern Recognition
2 Mathematical Programming. Series A. Series B
2 SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing
2 Statistica Sinica
2 European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ESAIM): Probability and Statistics
2 Statistical Modelling
2 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris
2 Statistical Methodology
2 Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering
2 Advances in Data Analysis and Classification. ADAC
2 The Annals of Applied Statistics
2 Acta Universitatis Sapientiae. Mathematica
2 Statistics Surveys
2 Science China. Mathematics
2 Stat
1 The American Statistician
1 Computers & Mathematics with Applications
1 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
1 Computer Physics Communications
1 International Journal of Systems Science
1 ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software
1 Applied Mathematics and Computation
1 Applied Mathematics and Optimization
1 Automatica
1 Biometrical Journal
1 British Journal of Mathematical & Statistical Psychology
1 Information Sciences
1 International Statistical Review
1 Journal of Applied Probability
1 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications
1 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation
1 Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization
1 Statistica Neerlandica
1 International Journal of Production Research
1 Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica. English Series
1 Optimization
1 Journal of Theoretical Probability
1 Annals of Operations Research
1 Numerical Algorithms
1 YUJOR. Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research
1 Linear Algebra and its Applications
1 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
1 SIAM Review
1 Stochastic Processes and their Applications
1 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. New Series
1 Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences. Mathematical Sciences
1 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Probabilités et Statistiques
1 Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Toulouse. Mathématiques. Série VI
...and 33 more Serials

Citations by Year