Author ID: piltant.olivier Recent zbMATH articles by "Piltant, Olivier"
Published as: Piltant, Olivier
External Links: MGP
Documents Indexed: 21 Publications since 1995, including 1 Additional arXiv Preprint
Co-Authors: 7 Co-Authors with 17 Joint Publications
124 Co-Co-Authors

Citations contained in zbMATH Open

17 Publications have been cited 316 times in 188 Documents Cited by Year
Resolution of singularities of threefolds in positive characteristic. II. Zbl 1173.14012
Cossart, Vincent; Piltant, Olivier
Resolution of singularities of threefolds in positive characteristic. I: Reduction to local uniformization on Artin-Schreier and purely inseparable coverings. Zbl 1159.14009
Cossart, Vincent; Piltant, Olivier
Ramification of valuations. Zbl 1105.14015
Cutkosky, Steven Dale; Piltant, Olivier
Resolution of singularities of arithmetical threefolds. Zbl 1467.14008
Cossart, Vincent; Piltant, Olivier
Cones of curves and of line bundles on surfaces associated with curves having one place at infinity. Zbl 1074.14505
Campillo, Antonio; Piltant, Olivier; Reguera-López, Ana J.
Resolution of singularities of threefolds in mixed characteristic: case of small multiplicity. Zbl 1308.13004
Cossart, Vincent; Piltant, Olivier
Un exemple effectif de gradué non noethérien associé à une valuation divisorielle. (An effective example of a non noetherian graduate ring associated to a divisorial valuation). Zbl 0966.13001
Cossart, Vincent; Galindo, Carlos; Piltant, Olivier
Monomial resolutions of morphisms of algebraic surfaces. Zbl 1003.14004
Cutkosky, Dale; Piltant, Olivier
Cones of curves and of line bundles “at infinity”. Zbl 1086.14006
Campillo, Antonio; Piltant, Olivier; Reguera, Ana J.
An axiomatic version of Zariski’s patching theorem. Zbl 1267.14021
Piltant, Olivier
Characteristic polyhedra of singularities without completion. Zbl 1308.14008
Cossart, Vincent; Piltant, Olivier
Ridge of the tangent cone of a singularity: a forgotten theorem. (Faîte du cône tangent à une singularité: un théorème oublié.) Zbl 1360.14011
Cossart, Vincent; Piltant, Olivier; Schober, Bernd
On isomorphisms of blowing-ups of complete ideals of a rational surface singularity. Zbl 0938.14016
Cossart, Vincent; Piltant, Olivier; Reguera-López, Ana J.
Divisorial valuations dominating rational surface singularities. Zbl 1064.14036
Cossart, Vincent; Piltant, Olivier; Reguera-López, Ana J.
On the Jung method in positive characteristic. Zbl 1078.14018
Piltant, Olivier
Local uniformization and arc spaces. Zbl 1423.13039
Piltant, Olivier; Reguera, Ana J.
Small irreducible components of arc spaces in positive characteristic. Zbl 1493.13014
Benito, Angélica; Piltant, Olivier; Reguera, Ana J.
Small irreducible components of arc spaces in positive characteristic. Zbl 1493.13014
Benito, Angélica; Piltant, Olivier; Reguera, Ana J.
Resolution of singularities of arithmetical threefolds. Zbl 1467.14008
Cossart, Vincent; Piltant, Olivier
Local uniformization and arc spaces. Zbl 1423.13039
Piltant, Olivier; Reguera, Ana J.
Ridge of the tangent cone of a singularity: a forgotten theorem. (Faîte du cône tangent à une singularité: un théorème oublié.) Zbl 1360.14011
Cossart, Vincent; Piltant, Olivier; Schober, Bernd
Characteristic polyhedra of singularities without completion. Zbl 1308.14008
Cossart, Vincent; Piltant, Olivier
Resolution of singularities of threefolds in mixed characteristic: case of small multiplicity. Zbl 1308.13004
Cossart, Vincent; Piltant, Olivier
An axiomatic version of Zariski’s patching theorem. Zbl 1267.14021
Piltant, Olivier
Resolution of singularities of threefolds in positive characteristic. II. Zbl 1173.14012
Cossart, Vincent; Piltant, Olivier
Resolution of singularities of threefolds in positive characteristic. I: Reduction to local uniformization on Artin-Schreier and purely inseparable coverings. Zbl 1159.14009
Cossart, Vincent; Piltant, Olivier
Cones of curves and of line bundles “at infinity”. Zbl 1086.14006
Campillo, Antonio; Piltant, Olivier; Reguera, Ana J.
Ramification of valuations. Zbl 1105.14015
Cutkosky, Steven Dale; Piltant, Olivier
On the Jung method in positive characteristic. Zbl 1078.14018
Piltant, Olivier
Cones of curves and of line bundles on surfaces associated with curves having one place at infinity. Zbl 1074.14505
Campillo, Antonio; Piltant, Olivier; Reguera-López, Ana J.
Divisorial valuations dominating rational surface singularities. Zbl 1064.14036
Cossart, Vincent; Piltant, Olivier; Reguera-López, Ana J.
Un exemple effectif de gradué non noethérien associé à une valuation divisorielle. (An effective example of a non noetherian graduate ring associated to a divisorial valuation). Zbl 0966.13001
Cossart, Vincent; Galindo, Carlos; Piltant, Olivier
Monomial resolutions of morphisms of algebraic surfaces. Zbl 1003.14004
Cutkosky, Dale; Piltant, Olivier
On isomorphisms of blowing-ups of complete ideals of a rational surface singularity. Zbl 0938.14016
Cossart, Vincent; Piltant, Olivier; Reguera-López, Ana J.
all top 5

Cited by 169 Authors

28 Cutkosky, Steven Dale
11 Monserrat, Francisco
11 Piltant, Olivier
9 Galindo Pastor, Carlos
8 Cossart, Vincent
8 Villamayor Uriburu, Orlando Eugenio
7 Kuhlmann, Franz-Viktor
7 Schober, Bernd
6 Reguera, Ana-José
5 Zhang, Lei
4 Benito, Angélica
4 Bravo, Ana María
4 de la Rosa Navarro, Brenda Leticia
4 Kashcheyeva, Olga
4 Lahyane, Mustapha
4 Mourtada, Hussein
4 Schwede, Karl E.
4 Temkin, Michael
4 Waldron, Joe
3 Cano, Felipe
3 ElHitti, Samar
3 Frías Medina, Juan Bosco
3 Ghezzi, Laura
3 Hauser, Herwig
3 Jonsson, Mattias
3 Matsuki, Kenji
3 Moreno-Ávila, Carlos-Jesús
3 Patakfalvi, Zsolt
3 Tanaka, Hiromu
3 Tucker, Kevin
3 Włodarczyk, Jarosław
2 Abramovich, Dan
2 Ahmadian, Razieh
2 Blaszczok, Anna
2 de Felipe, Ana Belén
2 Encinas, Santiago
2 Favre, Charles
2 Fernández-Sánchez, Jesús
2 Ferragut, Antoni
2 Gongyo, Yoshinori
2 Haution, Olivier
2 Hirokado, Masayuki
2 Ishii, Shihoko
2 Jannsen, Uwe
2 Kollár, János
2 Krishna, Amalendu
2 Ma, Linquan
2 Nicaise, Johannes
2 Novacoski, Josnei Antonio
2 Perlega, Stefan
2 Rebelo, Julio C.
2 Reis, Helena
2 Rülling, Kay
2 Saito, Shuji
2 Spivakovsky, Mark
2 Witaszek, Jakub
2 Xu, Chenyang
2 Zhang, Tong
2 Zhukov, Igor’ Borisovich
1 Abad, Carlos
1 Andablo-Reyes, Gloria
1 Annala, Toni M.
1 Aroca, Fuensanta
1 Auel, Asher Natan
1 Beheshti, Roya
1 Benguş-Lasnier, Andrei
1 Benoist, Olivier
1 Bernasconi, Fabio
1 Bhatt, Bhargav
1 Bigazzi, Alessandro
1 Birkar, Caucher
1 Blum, Harold
1 Böhning, Christian
1 Brivio, Iacopo
1 Bruce, David J.
1 Burgos Gil, José Ignacio
1 Campillo, Antonio
1 Cascini, Paolo
1 Cobo Pablos, Helena
1 Conca, Aldo
1 Das, Omprokash
1 de Fernex, Tommaso
1 Diaz, H. Anthony
1 Ein, Lawrence Man Hon
1 Ejiri, Sho
1 Faber, Eleonore
1 Failla, Gioia
1 Frühbis-Krüger, Anne
1 Gómez-Morales, Mirna
1 Graf von Bothmer, Hans-Christian
1 Gryszka, Beata
1 Gubler, Walter Bruno
1 Guo, Ning
1 Gwoździewicz, Janusz
1 Hà, Huy Tài
1 Hacon, Christopher Derek
1 Hanumanthu, Krishna
1 Herzog, Jürgen
1 Ibadula, Denis
1 Ito, Hiroyuki
...and 69 more Authors
all top 5

Cited in 68 Serials

24 Journal of Algebra
12 Advances in Mathematics
10 Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra
6 Manuscripta Mathematica
6 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society
5 Mathematische Annalen
5 Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University
5 Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A: Matemáticas. RACSAM
4 Annales de l’Institut Fourier
4 Compositio Mathematica
4 Michigan Mathematical Journal
4 Journal of Algebraic Geometry
3 Communications in Algebra
3 Illinois Journal of Mathematics
3 Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik
3 Mathematische Nachrichten
3 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society
3 Algebra & Number Theory
3 Kyoto Journal of Mathematics
2 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
2 Russian Mathematical Surveys
2 Inventiones Mathematicae
2 Journal of the London Mathematical Society. Second Series
2 Mathematische Zeitschrift
2 Results in Mathematics
2 Journal of the American Mathematical Society
2 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. New Series
2 Geometry & Topology
2 Revista Matemática Complutense
2 Annals of Mathematics. Second Series
2 Journal of the European Mathematical Society (JEMS)
2 Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu
1 Israel Journal of Mathematics
1 Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society
1 Mathematics of Computation
1 Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie
1 American Journal of Mathematics
1 Annales Scientifiques de l’École Normale Supérieure. Quatrième Série
1 Canadian Mathematical Bulletin
1 Collectanea Mathematica
1 Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici
1 Indiana University Mathematics Journal
1 Publications Mathématiques
1 Journal of Differential Equations
1 Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society
1 Quaestiones Mathematicae
1 Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society
1 Revista Matemática Iberoamericana
1 Sugaku Expositions
1 International Journal of Mathematics
1 Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées. Neuvième Série
1 Vestnik St. Petersburg University. Mathematics
1 Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Toulouse. Mathématiques. Série VI
1 St. Petersburg Mathematical Journal
1 Finite Fields and their Applications
1 Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics
1 Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems
1 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris
1 Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa. Classe di Scienze. Serie V
1 Oberwolfach Reports
1 Journal of \(K\)-Theory
1 Journal of Commutative Algebra
1 Japanese Journal of Mathematics. 3rd Series
1 Arabian Journal of Mathematics
1 European Journal of Mathematics
1 Journal de l’École Polytechnique – Mathématiques
1 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. Series B
1 Electronic Research Archive

Citations by Year