
Payatakes, Alkiviades C.

Author ID: payatakes.alkiviades-c Recent zbMATH articles by "Payatakes, Alkiviades C."
Published as: Payatakes, Alkiviades C.; Payatakes, A. C.; Payatakes, A.
Documents Indexed: 12 Publications since 1982
Co-Authors: 20 Co-Authors with 11 Joint Publications
177 Co-Co-Authors

Citations contained in zbMATH Open

10 Publications have been cited 87 times in 68 Documents Cited by Year
Generalized eigenfunctions and complete semiseparable solutions for Stokes flow in spheroidal coordinates. Zbl 0802.76019
Dassios, G.; Hadjinicolaou, M.; Payatakes, A. C.
Stokes flow in spheroidal particle-in-cell models with Happel and Kuwabara boundary conditions. Zbl 0899.76118
Dassios, G.; Hadjinicolaou, M.; Coutelieris, F. A.; Payatakes, A. C.
Network models for two-phase flow in porous media. I: Immiscible microdisplacement of non-wetting fluids. Zbl 0587.76172
Dias, Madalena M.; Payatakes, Alkiviades C.
Dynamics of oil ganglia during immiscible displacement in water-wet porous media. Zbl 0513.76097
Payatakes, A. C.
Interrelation between Papkovich-Neuber and Stokes general solutions of the Stokes equations in spheroidal geometry. Zbl 1112.76017
Dassios, George; Payatakes, Alkiviades C.; Vafeas, Panayiotis
Theoretical modeling of fluid flow in cellular biological media: an overview. Zbl 1193.92034
Kapellos, George E.; Alexiou, Terpsichori S.; Payatakes, Alkiviades C.
A multiscale theoretical model for diffusive mass transfer in cellular biological media. Zbl 1129.92036
Kapellos, George E.; Alexiou, Terpsichori S.; Payatakes, Alkiviades C.
Network models for two-phase flow in porous media. II: Motion of oil ganglia. Zbl 0587.76173
Dias, Madalena M.; Payatakes, Alkiviades C.
A multiscale theoretical model for fluid flow in cellular biological media. Zbl 1423.76521
Kapellos, George E.; Alexiou, Terpsichori S.; Payatakes, Alkiviades C.
CFD predictions for cement kilns including flame modelling, heat transfer and clinker chemistry. Zbl 0978.92037
Mastorakos, E.; Massias, A.; Tsakiroglou, C. D.; Goussis, D. A.; Burganos, V. N.; Payatakes, A. C.
A multiscale theoretical model for fluid flow in cellular biological media. Zbl 1423.76521
Kapellos, George E.; Alexiou, Terpsichori S.; Payatakes, Alkiviades C.
Theoretical modeling of fluid flow in cellular biological media: an overview. Zbl 1193.92034
Kapellos, George E.; Alexiou, Terpsichori S.; Payatakes, Alkiviades C.
A multiscale theoretical model for diffusive mass transfer in cellular biological media. Zbl 1129.92036
Kapellos, George E.; Alexiou, Terpsichori S.; Payatakes, Alkiviades C.
Interrelation between Papkovich-Neuber and Stokes general solutions of the Stokes equations in spheroidal geometry. Zbl 1112.76017
Dassios, George; Payatakes, Alkiviades C.; Vafeas, Panayiotis
CFD predictions for cement kilns including flame modelling, heat transfer and clinker chemistry. Zbl 0978.92037
Mastorakos, E.; Massias, A.; Tsakiroglou, C. D.; Goussis, D. A.; Burganos, V. N.; Payatakes, A. C.
Stokes flow in spheroidal particle-in-cell models with Happel and Kuwabara boundary conditions. Zbl 0899.76118
Dassios, G.; Hadjinicolaou, M.; Coutelieris, F. A.; Payatakes, A. C.
Generalized eigenfunctions and complete semiseparable solutions for Stokes flow in spheroidal coordinates. Zbl 0802.76019
Dassios, G.; Hadjinicolaou, M.; Payatakes, A. C.
Network models for two-phase flow in porous media. I: Immiscible microdisplacement of non-wetting fluids. Zbl 0587.76172
Dias, Madalena M.; Payatakes, Alkiviades C.
Network models for two-phase flow in porous media. II: Motion of oil ganglia. Zbl 0587.76173
Dias, Madalena M.; Payatakes, Alkiviades C.
Dynamics of oil ganglia during immiscible displacement in water-wet porous media. Zbl 0513.76097
Payatakes, A. C.
all top 5

Cited by 110 Authors

8 Dassios, George
7 Hadjinicolaou, Maria
6 Deo, Satya
5 Protopapas, Eleftherios
5 Vafeas, Panayiotis
4 Saad, Elsayed I.
3 Jenny, Patrick
3 Kumar Yadav, Pramod
3 Payatakes, Alkiviades C.
3 Tiwari, Ashish Kumar
3 Wang, Moran
2 Alexiou, Terpsichori S.
2 Coutelieris, Frank A.
2 Gupta, Bali Ram
2 Hatzikonstantinou, Pavlos M.
2 Kapellos, George E.
2 Kaur, Manpreet
2 Keh, Huan J.
2 Khayrat, Karim
2 Liu, Fanli
2 Nganguia, Herve
2 Papadopoulos, Polycarpos K.
2 Shoorehdeli, M. Aliyari
2 Teshnehlab, Mohammad
1 Akgöz, Bekir
1 Araujo, Mariela
1 Asadollahi, T.
1 Baganis, G.
1 Bagheri, Shervin
1 Bakalis, Panteleimon A.
1 Balhoff, Matthew T.
1 Baudoin, Michael
1 Benson, Sally M.
1 Bignonnet, François
1 Bławzdziewicz, Jerzy
1 Brenner, Howard
1 Bucha, Tina
1 Carpio, Ana
1 Charalambopoulos, Antonios
1 Chen, Shiyi
1 Civalek, Ömer
1 Cooper, Laura J.
1 Dahle, Helge K.
1 Dastjerdi, Shahriar
1 Datta, Sunil
1 De Chalendar, Jacques A.
1 Dehghan Takht Fooladi, Mehdi
1 Dehghany, Mohammad
1 Demir, Ebru
1 Dey, Bibaswan
1 Duro, Gema
1 Entov, Vladimir M.
1 Faltas, M. S.
1 Garing, Charlotte
1 Gavriil, Gavriil
1 Golshan Ebrahimi, N.
1 Hassanizadeh, S. M.
1 Hu, Yuhang
1 Hunt, Allen G.
1 Jaiswal, Bharat Raj
1 Jeong, Darae
1 Joekar-Niasar, Vahid
1 Kainourgiakis, M. E.
1 Kamvyssas, Gregory
1 Kanavouras, Antonios
1 Kariotou, Foteini
1 Kikkinides, E. S.
1 Kim, Junseok
1 Krishna Prasad, M.
1 Kuznetsov, Andrey V.
1 Lācis, Uǧis
1 Lahaye, Domenico
1 Lei, Wenhai
1 Li, Yunlong
1 Lin, Hao
1 Madasu, Krishna Prasad
1 Magniez, J. C.
1 Maurya, Deepak Kumar
1 Mohammadi, Vahid
1 Naeijian, Fatemeh
1 Naghdabadi, Reza
1 Narsimhan, Vivek
1 Nield, Donald A.
1 Nitsche, Ludwig C.
1 Palaniappan, D.
1 Pisaroni, M.
1 Pistiner, Arieh
1 Rodriguez, Adolfo A.
1 Sadi, R.
1 San Martín, Jorge Alonso
1 Sekhar, G. P. Raja
1 Shaqfeh, Eric S. G.
1 Signe Mamba, S.
1 Singh, Priyanka
1 Sohrabpour, Saeed
1 Spann, Andrew P.
1 Sprittles, James E.
1 Stubos, A. K.
1 Takahashi, Takéo
1 Tucsnak, Marius
...and 10 more Authors
all top 5

Cited in 41 Serials

9 Journal of Fluid Mechanics
7 International Journal of Engineering Science
6 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences
3 Meccanica
2 Acta Mechanica
2 Computers & Mathematics with Applications
2 Physics of Fluids
2 Mathematical Problems in Engineering
2 European Journal of Mechanics. B. Fluids
2 International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics
1 Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis
1 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
1 Computer Physics Communications
1 Fluid Dynamics
1 International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
1 Journal of Computational Physics
1 Journal of the Franklin Institute
1 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
1 Journal of Mathematical Physics
1 Mathematical Biosciences
1 Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society
1 Physica A
1 Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics
1 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals
1 Applied Mathematics and Computation
1 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
1 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods
1 Quarterly of Applied Mathematics
1 Cybernetics and Systems
1 Applied Numerical Mathematics
1 Applied Mathematical Modelling
1 Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences. Mathematical Sciences
1 ZAMM. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik
1 Computational Geosciences
1 The ANZIAM Journal
1 GEM - International Journal on Geomathematics
1 Mathematical Control and Related Fields
1 Journal of Mathematics in Industry
1 Journal of Theoretical Biology
1 Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences
1 Bulletin of the Hellenic Mathematical Society

Citations by Year