Author ID: ordonez.manuel Recent zbMATH articles by "Ordóñez, Manuel"
Published as: Ordóñez, M.; Ordóñez, Manuel
External Links: ORCID
Documents Indexed: 16 Publications since 2000
Co-Authors: 11 Co-Authors with 16 Joint Publications
598 Co-Co-Authors

Citations contained in zbMATH Open

12 Publications have been cited 146 times in 130 Documents Cited by Year
On the existence and uniqueness of limit cycles in planar continuous piecewise linear systems without symmetry. Zbl 1293.34047
Llibre, Jaume; Ordóñez, Manuel; Ponce, Enrique
Axiomatizations of the Shapley value for games on augmenting systems. Zbl 1176.91005
Bilbao, J. M.; Ordóñez, M.
Games on fuzzy communication structures with Choquet players. Zbl 1205.91041
Jiménez-Losada, Andrés; Fernández, Julio R.; Ordóñez, Manuel; Grabisch, Michel
Myerson values for games with fuzzy communication structure. Zbl 1293.91014
Jiménez-Losada, A.; Fernández, J. R.; Ordóñez, M.
Games on concept lattices: Shapley value and core. Zbl 1334.91008
Faigle, Ulrich; Grabisch, Michel; Jiménez-Losada, Andres; Ordóñez, Manuel
Cooperation among agents with a proximity relation. Zbl 1346.91007
Fernández, J. R.; Gallego, I.; Jiménez-Losada, A.; Ordóñez, M.
The core and the Weber set of games on augmenting systems. Zbl 1226.05178
Bilbao, J. M.; Ordóñez, M.
Bifurcations from a center at infinity in 3D piecewise linear systems with two zones. Zbl 1453.34057
Freire, Emilio; Ordóñez, Manuel; Ponce, Enrique
A Banzhaf value for games with fuzzy communication structure: computing the power of the political groups in the European parliament. Zbl 1335.91012
Gallego, I.; Fernández, J. R.; Jiménez-Losada, A.; Ordóñez, M.
Limit cycle bifurcation from a persistent center at infinity in 3D piecewise linear systems with two zones. Zbl 1485.34112
Freire, Emilio; Ordóñez, Manuel; Ponce, Enrique
The \(cg\)-position value for games on fuzzy communication structures. Zbl 1397.91034
Fernández, J. R.; Gallego, I.; Jiménez-Losada, A.; Ordóñez, M.
A Banzhaf value for games with a proximity relation among the agents. Zbl 1425.91031
Fernández, J. R.; Gallego, I.; Jiménez-Losada, A.; Ordóñez, M.
Bifurcations from a center at infinity in 3D piecewise linear systems with two zones. Zbl 1453.34057
Freire, Emilio; Ordóñez, Manuel; Ponce, Enrique
The \(cg\)-position value for games on fuzzy communication structures. Zbl 1397.91034
Fernández, J. R.; Gallego, I.; Jiménez-Losada, A.; Ordóñez, M.
Limit cycle bifurcation from a persistent center at infinity in 3D piecewise linear systems with two zones. Zbl 1485.34112
Freire, Emilio; Ordóñez, Manuel; Ponce, Enrique
A Banzhaf value for games with a proximity relation among the agents. Zbl 1425.91031
Fernández, J. R.; Gallego, I.; Jiménez-Losada, A.; Ordóñez, M.
Games on concept lattices: Shapley value and core. Zbl 1334.91008
Faigle, Ulrich; Grabisch, Michel; Jiménez-Losada, Andres; Ordóñez, Manuel
Cooperation among agents with a proximity relation. Zbl 1346.91007
Fernández, J. R.; Gallego, I.; Jiménez-Losada, A.; Ordóñez, M.
A Banzhaf value for games with fuzzy communication structure: computing the power of the political groups in the European parliament. Zbl 1335.91012
Gallego, I.; Fernández, J. R.; Jiménez-Losada, A.; Ordóñez, M.
On the existence and uniqueness of limit cycles in planar continuous piecewise linear systems without symmetry. Zbl 1293.34047
Llibre, Jaume; Ordóñez, Manuel; Ponce, Enrique
Myerson values for games with fuzzy communication structure. Zbl 1293.91014
Jiménez-Losada, A.; Fernández, J. R.; Ordóñez, M.
Games on fuzzy communication structures with Choquet players. Zbl 1205.91041
Jiménez-Losada, Andrés; Fernández, Julio R.; Ordóñez, Manuel; Grabisch, Michel
The core and the Weber set of games on augmenting systems. Zbl 1226.05178
Bilbao, J. M.; Ordóñez, M.
Axiomatizations of the Shapley value for games on augmenting systems. Zbl 1176.91005
Bilbao, J. M.; Ordóñez, M.
all top 5

Cited by 184 Authors

30 Llibre, Jaume
11 Chen, Hebai
8 Jiménez-Losada, Andrés
8 Valls Anglés, Cláudia
6 Huang, Lihong
6 Ordóñez, Manuel
6 Ponce, Enrique
6 Teixeira, Marco Antonio
5 Fernández, Julio R.
5 Gallego, Inés
5 Jiang, Fangfang
5 Wang, Jiafu
5 Zhang, Qiang
4 Euzébio, Rodrigo D.
4 Grabisch, Michel
4 Jia, Man
4 Meng, Fanyong
4 Sun, Ji Tao
4 Tang, Yilei
3 Anacleto, Maria Elisa
3 Benterki, Rebiha
3 del Pozo, Mónica
3 Ferrer, Josep
3 Manuel, Conrado Miguel
3 Novaes, Douglas Duarte
3 Pena, Marta Conde
3 Ros, Javier
3 Susin, Antoni
3 Suzuki, Takamasa
3 Van den Brink, René
3 Vela, Elísabet
3 Vidal, Claudio
3 Wei, Zhouchao
3 Yang, Xiaosong
3 Yu, Jiang
3 Zhang, Xiang
3 Zhao, Qianqian
2 Berbache, Aziza
2 Freire Macías, Emilio
2 González-Arangüena, Enrique
2 Huang, Jianfeng
2 Huzak, Renato
2 Jin, Yuye
2 Li, Shimin
2 Su, Youfeng
2 Talman, Dolf
2 Wang, Lei
2 Wei, Lijun
2 Xia, Yonghui
2 Zeli, Iris O.
1 Algaba, Encarnación
1 Alves, Alexandre Miranda
1 Amador, Andrés
1 Ausloos, Marcel R.
1 Basallote, Manuela
1 Beliakov, Gleb
1 Bilbao, Jesús Mario
1 Buzzi, Claudio Aguinaldo
1 Carmona, Victoriano
1 Carvalho, Yagor Romano
1 Casimiro, Joyce A.
1 Chen, Ting
1 Chen, Xiaofeng
1 Chen, Xiaohong
1 Chen, Xiaoyan
1 Chopra, Ritika
1 Clément, Frédérique
1 Crnković, Vlatko
1 Csóka, Péter
1 Damene, Loubna
1 de Carvalho, Tiago
1 de Freitas, Bruno Rodrigues
1 Desroches, Mathieu
1 Dhavale, Dileep G.
1 Dietz, Chris
1 Dockhorn, Alexander
1 Du, Chaoxiong
1 Escalante-González, R. J.
1 Esteban, Marina
1 Faigle, Ulrich
1 Feng, Jun’e
1 Fernández-García, Soledad
1 Fernández-Sánchez, Fernando
1 Fiestras-Janeiro, María Gloria
1 García-Jurado, Ignacio
1 Gil-Fariña, María Candelaria
1 González-Concepción, Concepción
1 Grabowski, Tomasz
1 Guillamon, Antoni
1 He, Su
1 Hernández-Mancera, Carmen
1 Hetel, Laurentiu
1 Heyne, M.
1 Hou, Dongshuang
1 Huan, Songmei
1 Huang, Chuangxia
1 Huang, Wanyi
1 Huang, Wentao
1 Ignatov, Dmitry I.
1 Illés, Ferenc
...and 84 more Authors
all top 5

Cited in 61 Serials

18 International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering
6 European Journal of Operational Research
4 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
4 Journal of Differential Equations
4 Physica D
4 Top
4 Nonlinear Dynamics
4 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation
4 Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems
3 Discrete Applied Mathematics
3 Fuzzy Sets and Systems
3 Annals of Operations Research
3 Dynamical Systems
3 SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems
3 Nonlinear Analysis. Hybrid Systems
3 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series S
3 Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation
2 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals
2 Applied Mathematics and Computation
2 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics
2 Rendiconti del Circolo Matemàtico di Palermo. Serie II
2 Journal of Nonlinear Science
2 Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques
2 Chaos
2 Nonlinear Analysis. Real World Applications
2 Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis
1 Artificial Intelligence
1 Nonlinearity
1 Physics Reports
1 Wave Motion
1 Automatica
1 Information Sciences
1 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications
1 Kybernetika
1 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation
1 Results in Mathematics
1 Operations Research Letters
1 Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica. English Series
1 Optimization
1 Revista Matemática Iberoamericana
1 Computers & Operations Research
1 International Journal of Approximate Reasoning
1 Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research
1 Economics Letters
1 Mathematica Bohemica
1 Expositiones Mathematicae
1 Tatra Mountains Mathematical Publications
1 Electronic Journal of Differential Equations (EJDE)
1 Buletinul Academiei de Științe a Republicii Moldova. Matematica
1 Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence
1 Boletín de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana. Third Series
1 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems
1 Mathematical Problems in Engineering
1 Journal of Combinatorial Optimization
1 RAIRO. Operations Research
1 Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete & Impulsive Systems. Series A. Mathematical Analysis
1 Journal of Systems Science and Complexity
1 Journal of Applied Mathematics
1 4OR
1 Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems
1 TWMS Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics

Citations by Year