Author ID: mundlak.yair Recent zbMATH articles by "Mundlak, Yair"
Published as: Mundlak, Yair; Mundlak, Y.
Documents Indexed: 11 Publications since 1961, including 1 Book
1 Further Contribution
Co-Authors: 15 Co-Authors with 5 Joint Publications
79 Co-Co-Authors

Citations contained in zbMATH Open

8 Publications have been cited 184 times in 178 Documents Cited by Year
On the pooling of time series and cross section data. Zbl 0397.62066
Mundlak, Yair
Measurement in economics. Studies in mathematical economics and econometrics. In memory of Yehuda Grunfeld. Zbl 0117.00108
Christ, Carl F.; Friedman, Milton; Goodman, Leo A.; Griliches, Zvi; Harberger, Arnold C.; Liviatan, Nissan; Mincer, Jacob; Mundlak, Yair; Nerlove, Marc; Patinkin, Don; Telser, Lester G.; Theil, Henri
Aggregation over time in distributed lag models. Zbl 0109.14201
Mundlak, Y.
Production function estimation: Reviving the primal. Zbl 0859.90042
Mundlak, Yair
Consequences of alternative specifications in estimation of Cobb-Douglas production functions. Zbl 0133.43102
Mundlak, Yair; Hoch, Irving
On the concept of non-significant functions and its implications for regression analysis. Zbl 0473.62058
Mundlak, Yair
Estimation of production and behavioral functions from a combination of cross-section and time-series data. Zbl 0117.15502
Mundlak, Yair
Production economics: A dual approach to theory and applications. Vol. 1: The theory of production. 2nd printing. Zbl 0432.90001
Production function estimation: Reviving the primal. Zbl 0859.90042
Mundlak, Yair
On the concept of non-significant functions and its implications for regression analysis. Zbl 0473.62058
Mundlak, Yair
Production economics: A dual approach to theory and applications. Vol. 1: The theory of production. 2nd printing. Zbl 0432.90001
On the pooling of time series and cross section data. Zbl 0397.62066
Mundlak, Yair
Consequences of alternative specifications in estimation of Cobb-Douglas production functions. Zbl 0133.43102
Mundlak, Yair; Hoch, Irving
Measurement in economics. Studies in mathematical economics and econometrics. In memory of Yehuda Grunfeld. Zbl 0117.00108
Christ, Carl F.; Friedman, Milton; Goodman, Leo A.; Griliches, Zvi; Harberger, Arnold C.; Liviatan, Nissan; Mincer, Jacob; Mundlak, Yair; Nerlove, Marc; Patinkin, Don; Telser, Lester G.; Theil, Henri
Estimation of production and behavioral functions from a combination of cross-section and time-series data. Zbl 0117.15502
Mundlak, Yair
Aggregation over time in distributed lag models. Zbl 0109.14201
Mundlak, Y.
all top 5

Cited by 285 Authors

12 Baltagi, Badi H.
6 Kumbhakar, Subal Chandra
6 Wooldridge, Jeffrey M.
5 Schmidt, Peter
4 Hsiao, Cheng
3 Bai, Jushan
3 Bandyopadhyay, Soutir
3 Beyaztas, Beste Hamiye
3 Judge, George G.
3 Liu, Long
3 Sarafidis, Vasilis
3 Wang, Hung-Jen
2 Ahn, Seung Chan
2 Biørn, Erik
2 Boucher, Jean-Philippe
2 Bresson, Georges
2 Feng, Xingdong
2 Greene, William H.
2 Griffiths, William E.
2 Han, Chirok
2 Hill, R. Carter
2 Juodis, Artūras
2 Just, David R.
2 Kalwij, Adriaan S.
2 Kuersteiner, Guido M.
2 Lai, Hung-Pin
2 Li, Wenyu
2 Malikov, Emir
2 Michaelides, Panayotis G.
2 Mostafa, Tarek
2 Murtazashvili, Irina
2 Trivedi, Pravin K.
2 Tsionas, Efthymios G.
2 Tsionas, Mike G.
2 Vouldis, Angelos T.
2 Wansbeek, Tom J.
2 Yang, Zhenlin
2 Zhu, Qianqian
1 Aasness, Jørgen
1 Ackerberg, Daniel A.
1 Aghamohammadi, Ali
1 Aguiar, Victor H.
1 Alexander, Blair
1 Alfò, Marco
1 Allen, Roy
1 Anderson, Theodore Wilbur jun.
1 Angrist, Joshua David
1 Arellano, Manuel
1 Arifovic, Jasmina
1 Baiocchi, Mike
1 Banack, Hailey R.
1 Bar-Shira, Ziv
1 Barbieri, Laura
1 Basak, Gopal Krishna
1 Baygi, M. Mousavi
1 Bekker, Paul A.
1 Bělín, Matěj
1 Ben Taieb, Souhaib
1 Bester, C. Alan
1 Bolton, Gary E.
1 Breitung, Jorg
1 Breunig, Robert V.
1 Brewer, Kenneth R. W.
1 Butsic, Van
1 Cai, Zhengzheng
1 Caves, Kevin
1 Chamberlain, Gary
1 Chaturvedi, Anoop
1 Chen, Maolong
1 Chen, Songnian
1 Chen, Yi-Yi
1 Chernozhukov, Victor
1 Chinnakum, Warattaya
1 Cornwell, Christopher R.
1 Cui, Guowei
1 Danese, Giuseppe
1 Das, Samarjit
1 Das, Sanghamitra
1 Davary, K.
1 Dawson, Chris
1 Deb, Partha
1 Denuit, Michel M.
1 Di Iorio, Francesca
1 Dionne, Georges
1 Dustmann, Christian
1 English, D. R.
1 Erkan, Ibrahim
1 Fachin, Stefano
1 Fanti, Luciano
1 Faustino, Horácio C.
1 Fernández-Val, Iván
1 Finkelshtain, Israel
1 Frazer, Garth
1 Frees, Edward W.
1 Fu, Ke
1 Gagné, Robert
1 Gao, Jiti
1 Gardes, François
1 Gayle, Wayne-Roy
1 Ghanem, Dalia
...and 185 more Authors
all top 5

Cited in 51 Serials

57 Journal of Econometrics
21 Economics Letters
10 Econometric Reviews
6 Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods
5 European Journal of Operational Research
5 The Econometrics Journal
5 Journal of Applied Statistics
5 Journal of Business and Economic Statistics
3 Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation
3 Journal of Econometric Methods
2 Psychometrika
2 Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics
2 Econometrica
2 Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference
2 Metroeconomica
2 Statistics & Probability Letters
2 Social Choice and Welfare
2 Computational Statistics
2 Statistische Hefte
2 Computational Statistics and Data Analysis
2 Statistical Methods and Applications
2 Bulletin of Economic Research
2 Games
2 Statistics in Medicine
1 The Canadian Journal of Statistics
1 Computers & Mathematics with Applications
1 Scandinavian Journal of Statistics
1 The Annals of Statistics
1 British Journal of Mathematical & Statistical Psychology
1 International Statistical Review
1 Journal of the American Statistical Association
1 Journal of Environmental Economics and Management
1 Journal of Multivariate Analysis
1 Statistica Neerlandica
1 Journal of Time Series Analysis
1 International Journal of Production Research
1 Statistical Science
1 International Journal of Approximate Reasoning
1 Games and Economic Behavior
1 Statistical Papers
1 Statistica Sinica
1 Econometric Theory
1 ASTIN Bulletin
1 Electronic Journal of Statistics
1 The Annals of Applied Statistics
1 Foundations and Trends in Econometrics
1 International Journal of Economic Theory
1 Sankhyā. Series B
1 Quantitative Economics
1 Journal of Statistical Distributions and Applications
1 Japanese Journal of Statistics and Data Science

Citations by Year