Author ID: majda.george Recent zbMATH articles by "Majda, George"
Published as: Majda, George; Majda, G.
Documents Indexed: 20 Publications since 1980
Co-Authors: 14 Co-Authors with 15 Joint Publications
749 Co-Co-Authors

Citations contained in zbMATH Open

15 Publications have been cited 85 times in 69 Documents Cited by Year
Concentrations in the one-dimensional Vlasov-Poisson equations. I: Temporal development and non-unique weak solutions in the single component case. Zbl 0813.35091
Majda, Andrew J.; Majda, George; Zheng, Yuxi
Numerical computation of the scattering frequencies for acoustic wave equations. Zbl 0643.65080
Wei, Musheng; Majda, George; Strauss, Walter
Concentrations in the one-dimensional Vlasov-Poisson equations. II: Screening and the necessity for measure-valued solutions in the two component case. Zbl 0839.35104
Majda, Andrew J.; Majda, George; Zheng, Yuxi
On the Rokhlin-Greengard method with vortex blobs for problems posed in all space or periodic in one direction. Zbl 0847.76067
Hamilton, John T.; Majda, George
Computation of exponentials in transient data. Zbl 0946.78520
Majda, George; Strauss, Walter A.; Wei, Mu Sheng
Imaginary poles of radial potentials. Zbl 0641.35052
Strauss, Walter A.; Majda, George; Wei, Musheng
Trajectories and singular points in steady-state models of two-phase flows. Zbl 0639.76103
Bilicki, Z.; Dafermos, C.; Kestin, J.; Majda, G.; Zeng, D. L.
A new theoretical approach for Prony’s method. Zbl 0711.62082
Wei, Musheng; Majda, George
Filtering techniques for systems of stiff ordinary differential equations. I. Zbl 0543.65050
Majda, George
Filtering techniques for systems of stiff ordinary differential equations. II. Error estimates. Zbl 0589.65061
Majda, George
Relationships between a potential and its scattering frequencies. Zbl 0833.35105
Majda, George; Wei, Musheng
On the accuracy of the least squares and the total least squares methods. Zbl 0819.65062
Wei, Musheng; Majda, George
Concentrations in the one-dimensional Vlasov-Poisson equations: Additional regularizations. Zbl 0943.76093
Carmack, Lori; Majda, George
Numerical computation of the scattering frequencies for a cylindrically symmetric potential. Zbl 0770.65069
Wei, Musheng; Majda, George
Distortion of the arterial pulse. Zbl 0439.92006
Caflisch, Russel; Majda, George; Peskin, Charles; Strumolo, Gary
Concentrations in the one-dimensional Vlasov-Poisson equations: Additional regularizations. Zbl 0943.76093
Carmack, Lori; Majda, George
On the Rokhlin-Greengard method with vortex blobs for problems posed in all space or periodic in one direction. Zbl 0847.76067
Hamilton, John T.; Majda, George
Relationships between a potential and its scattering frequencies. Zbl 0833.35105
Majda, George; Wei, Musheng
Concentrations in the one-dimensional Vlasov-Poisson equations. I: Temporal development and non-unique weak solutions in the single component case. Zbl 0813.35091
Majda, Andrew J.; Majda, George; Zheng, Yuxi
Concentrations in the one-dimensional Vlasov-Poisson equations. II: Screening and the necessity for measure-valued solutions in the two component case. Zbl 0839.35104
Majda, Andrew J.; Majda, George; Zheng, Yuxi
On the accuracy of the least squares and the total least squares methods. Zbl 0819.65062
Wei, Musheng; Majda, George
Numerical computation of the scattering frequencies for a cylindrically symmetric potential. Zbl 0770.65069
Wei, Musheng; Majda, George
A new theoretical approach for Prony’s method. Zbl 0711.62082
Wei, Musheng; Majda, George
Computation of exponentials in transient data. Zbl 0946.78520
Majda, George; Strauss, Walter A.; Wei, Mu Sheng
Numerical computation of the scattering frequencies for acoustic wave equations. Zbl 0643.65080
Wei, Musheng; Majda, George; Strauss, Walter
Imaginary poles of radial potentials. Zbl 0641.35052
Strauss, Walter A.; Majda, George; Wei, Musheng
Trajectories and singular points in steady-state models of two-phase flows. Zbl 0639.76103
Bilicki, Z.; Dafermos, C.; Kestin, J.; Majda, G.; Zeng, D. L.
Filtering techniques for systems of stiff ordinary differential equations. II. Error estimates. Zbl 0589.65061
Majda, George
Filtering techniques for systems of stiff ordinary differential equations. I. Zbl 0543.65050
Majda, George
Distortion of the arterial pulse. Zbl 0439.92006
Caflisch, Russel; Majda, George; Peskin, Charles; Strumolo, Gary
all top 5

Cited by 124 Authors

5 Wei, Musheng
4 Majda, George
3 Bouchut, François
3 Carrillo de la Plata, José Antonio
3 Soler, Juan S.
3 Zheng, Yuxi
2 Barbieri, Luca
2 Bohun, Anna
2 Buccella, Giacomo
2 Crippa, Gianluca
2 Eckhoff, Knut S.
2 Jin, Shi
2 Majda, Andrew J.
2 Malgesini, Roberto
2 Villa, Andrea
2 Viloche Bazán, Fermín S.
2 Wei, Yimin
2 Wu, Jingpeng
2 Xiang, Hua
1 Alendal, Guttorm
1 Alves, Carlos J. S.
1 Ammari, Habib
1 Aurell, Erik
1 Bachelot, Alain
1 Barba, Lorena A.
1 Bardos, Claude Williams
1 Bimbato, Alex M.
1 Buresti, Guido
1 Caprino, Silvia
1 Carmack, Lori A.
1 Casarosa, Claudio
1 Cavallaro, Guido
1 Chen, Li-Chieh
1 Cheng, Hongjun
1 Christlieb, Andrew J.
1 Colombini, Ferruccio
1 Condon, Marissa
1 Cruz, Felipe A.
1 Dabrowski, Alexander
1 de la Cruz, Richard
1 de Llinas, Estela S.
1 Delarue, François
1 Dietz, Christian
1 Ding, Jiu
1 Distefano, Nestor
1 Duraiswami, Ramani
1 Engquist, Bjorn E.
1 Fanelli, Duccio
1 Fitzpatrick, Brian
1 Flandoli, Franco
1 Gozzi, Maroua
1 Gumerov, Nail A.
1 Hauray, Maxime
1 Hazard, Christophe
1 Huang, Mei-Jiau
1 Iserles, Arieh
1 Ivashneva, Marina N.
1 Ivashnyov, Oleg E.
1 James, François
1 Juajibioy, Juan Carlos
1 Khelifi, Abdessatar
1 Krasny, Robert
1 Kropielnicka, Karolina
1 Laurano, Christian
1 Liao, Xiaomei
1 Lin, Kevin K.
1 Lindsay, Keith
1 Liu, Juan
1 Loe, Brian J.
1 Lopes Filho, Milton da Costa
1 Loret, François
1 Lowengrub, John Samuel
1 Luo, Ziyang
1 Marchioro, Carlo
1 Markowich, Peter Alexander
1 Mattheij, Robert M. M.
1 Meklachi, Taoufik
1 Millien, Pierre
1 Miot, Evelyne
1 Moskow, Shari
1 Motet-Bachelot, Agnès
1 Muratore-Ginanneschi, Paolo
1 Nussenzveig Lopes, Helena Judith
1 Ong, Benjamin W.
1 Paige, Christopher Conway
1 Palladini, Daniele
1 Pallard, Christophe
1 Pausader, Benoît
1 Petkov, Vesselin M.
1 Pironneau, Olivier
1 Poisson, Olivier
1 Pulvirenti, Mario
1 Qiu, Qingjiu
1 Quaife, Bryan D.
1 Ramani, Raaghav
1 Rauch, Jeffrey B.
1 Rendall, Alan D.
1 Ricciardi, Túlio R.
1 Sandor, Viktor
1 Schotland, John C.
...and 24 more Authors
all top 5

Cited in 43 Serials

7 Journal of Computational Physics
4 Physica D
3 Mathematics of Computation
3 Journal of Differential Equations
3 Communications in Partial Differential Equations
3 Linear Algebra and its Applications
2 Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics
2 Journal of Fluid Mechanics
2 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics
2 Numerische Mathematik
2 RAIRO. Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique
2 Physics of Fluids
2 European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ESAIM): Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis
2 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications
1 Communications in Mathematical Physics
1 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
1 Journal of Mathematical Physics
1 Journal of Statistical Physics
1 Linear and Multilinear Algebra
1 Mathematical Biosciences
1 Nonlinearity
1 Transport Theory and Statistical Physics
1 ZAMP. Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik
1 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering
1 Systems & Control Letters
1 Acta Applicandae Mathematicae
1 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Analyse Non Linéaire
1 Applied Numerical Mathematics
1 Applied Mathematics Letters
1 Journal of Scientific Computing
1 Applied Mathematical Modelling
1 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Physique Théorique
1 Indagationes Mathematicae. New Series
1 Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications
1 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation
1 Annales Henri Poincaré
1 Journal of Hyperbolic Differential Equations
1 Acta Numerica
1 Differential Equations and Applications
1 Advances in Mathematical Physics
1 Bulletin of Mathematical Sciences
1 Journal of Computational Dynamics
1 Séminaire Laurent Schwartz. EDP et Applications

Citations by Year