
MacNeal, Richard H.

Author ID: macneal.richard-h Recent zbMATH articles by "MacNeal, Richard H."
Published as: MacNeal, Richard H.; MacNeal, R. H.; Macneal, R. H.
Documents Indexed: 13 Publications since 1950
Co-Authors: 8 Co-Authors with 6 Joint Publications
13 Co-Co-Authors

Citations contained in zbMATH Open

11 Publications have been cited 257 times in 229 Documents Cited by Year
A simple quadrilateral shell element. Zbl 0369.73085
MacNeal, Richard H.
An asymmetrical finite difference network. Zbl 0053.26304
Macneal, R. H.
A refined four-noded membrane element with rotational degrees of freedom. Zbl 0631.73064
MacNeal, Richard H.; Harder, Robert L.
A theorem regarding the locking of tapered four-noded membrane elements. Zbl 0625.73083
MacNeal, Richard H.
On the limits of finite element perfectability. Zbl 0768.73076
MacNeal, Richard H.
Perspective on finite elements for shell analysis. Zbl 0922.73065
MacNeal, Richard H.
The treatment of shell normals in finite element analysis. Zbl 0921.73246
MacNeal, Richard H.; Wilson, Charles T.; Harder, Robert L.; Hoff, Claus C.
The solution of elastic plate problems by electrical analogies. Zbl 0044.39501
MacNeal, R. H.
The solution of aeroelastic problems by means of electrical analogies. Zbl 0043.18806
MacNeal, R. H.; MacCann, G. D.; Wilts, C. H.
Application of the compensation theorem to the modification of redundant structures. Zbl 0051.15503
MacNeal, R. H.
Beam-vibration analysis with the electric-analog computer. Zbl 0036.13303
McCann, G. D.; MacNeal, R. H.
Perspective on finite elements for shell analysis. Zbl 0922.73065
MacNeal, Richard H.
The treatment of shell normals in finite element analysis. Zbl 0921.73246
MacNeal, Richard H.; Wilson, Charles T.; Harder, Robert L.; Hoff, Claus C.
On the limits of finite element perfectability. Zbl 0768.73076
MacNeal, Richard H.
A refined four-noded membrane element with rotational degrees of freedom. Zbl 0631.73064
MacNeal, Richard H.; Harder, Robert L.
A theorem regarding the locking of tapered four-noded membrane elements. Zbl 0625.73083
MacNeal, Richard H.
A simple quadrilateral shell element. Zbl 0369.73085
MacNeal, Richard H.
An asymmetrical finite difference network. Zbl 0053.26304
Macneal, R. H.
Application of the compensation theorem to the modification of redundant structures. Zbl 0051.15503
MacNeal, R. H.
The solution of elastic plate problems by electrical analogies. Zbl 0044.39501
MacNeal, R. H.
The solution of aeroelastic problems by means of electrical analogies. Zbl 0043.18806
MacNeal, R. H.; MacCann, G. D.; Wilts, C. H.
Beam-vibration analysis with the electric-analog computer. Zbl 0036.13303
McCann, G. D.; MacNeal, R. H.
all top 5

Cited by 347 Authors

12 Cen, Song
8 Li, Chenfeng
7 Sze, Kam-Yim
6 Hughes, Thomas J. R.
5 Destuynder, Philippe
5 Felippa, Carlos A.
5 Gruttmann, Friedrich
5 Niemi, Antti H.
5 Wagner, Werner
4 Betsch, Peter
4 Carrera, Erasmo
4 Li, Rui
4 Pfefferkorn, Robin
4 Rezaiee-Pajand, Mohammad
4 Stolarski, Henryk K.
3 Benito, Juan José
3 Casquero, Hugo
3 Chen, Xiaoming
3 Chen, Zhongying
3 Cheung, Yau Kai
3 Flaggs, D. L.
3 Fotiu, Peter A.
3 Franca, Leopoldo Luis Cabo Penna
3 Fuhrmann, Jürgen
3 Gavete, Luis
3 Hermeline, François
3 Huang, Junbin
3 Park, Kwang-Chun
3 Salaun, Michel
3 Shang, Yan
3 Tessler, Alexander
3 Tian, Bin
3 Ureña, Francisco
3 Vu-Quoc, Loc
3 Zhong, Yang
2 Álvarez, Ramón
2 Atluri, Satya N.
2 Belyaev, Alexander G.
2 Belytschko, Ted Bohdan
2 Bergan, Pal G.
2 Bischoff, Manfred
2 Bletzinger, Kai-Uwe
2 Chen, Yung-I
2 dell’Isola, Francesco
2 Desmet, Wim
2 Dostál, Zdeněk
2 Dvorkin, Eduardo N.
2 Fayolle, Pierre-Alain
2 Feng, Wei
2 Fu, Xiangrong
2 Gärtner, Klaus
2 Golestanian, Mahmoud
2 Groenwold, Albert A.
2 He, P. Q.
2 Hu, Shengrong
2 Kamenski, Lennard
2 Kanno, Yoshihiro
2 Kozubek, Tomas
2 Krysl, Petr
2 Kugler, Stephan
2 Lee, Byungchai
2 Li, Yungui
2 Liang, Ke
2 Liu, Xinhong
2 Liu, Yuemei
2 Ma, Ru-Xia
2 Mackerle, Jaroslav
2 Miller, John James Henry
2 Murín, Justin
2 Parisch, H.
2 Payre, G. M. J.
2 Pitkäranta, Juhani
2 Polit, Olivier
2 Prathap, Gangan
2 Rao, Mekala N.
2 Russo, Alessandro
2 Schlebusch, Rainer
2 Schmidt, Rüdiger
2 Schröder, Kai-Uwe
2 Shrinivasa, U.
2 Singh, Gajbir
2 Sivaselvan, M. V.
2 Sun, Jianyun
2 Sun, Qin
2 Taylor, Robert Leroy
2 Turska, Ewa
2 Vandepitte, Dirk
2 Vanmaele, Caroline
2 Wang, Song
2 Wanji, Chen
2 Winslow, Alan M.
2 Wisniewski, Krzysztof
2 Wu, Chengjin
2 Xu, Jingjing
2 Xu, Yuesheng
2 Yaghoobi, Majid
2 Yan, Murong
2 Yao, Linquan
2 Yao, Xiaohu
2 Zastrau, Bernd W.
...and 247 more Authors
all top 5

Cited in 52 Serials

67 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
51 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering
15 Computational Mechanics
6 Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering
5 Acta Mechanica
5 Computers & Mathematics with Applications
5 European Journal of Mechanics. A. Solids
4 Journal of Computational Physics
4 Mathematical Problems in Engineering
3 Mathematics of Computation
3 Numerische Mathematik
3 Engineering Computations
2 Computer Physics Communications
2 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics
2 RAIRO. Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique
2 Applied Mathematics Letters
2 Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics
2 Applied Mathematical Modelling
2 Archive of Applied Mechanics
2 Optimization and Engineering
2 Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering
2 Sādhanā
2 International Journal for Computational Methods in Engineering Science and Mechanics
1 Computers and Fluids
1 Journal of Engineering Mathematics
1 Journal of the Franklin Institute
1 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences
1 Applied Mathematics and Computation
1 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation
1 Meccanica
1 Mechanics Research Communications
1 European Journal of Combinatorics
1 Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. (English Edition)
1 Journal of Computational Mathematics
1 Applied Numerical Mathematics
1 Finite Elements in Analysis and Design
1 Discrete & Computational Geometry
1 Journal of Scientific Computing
1 M\(^3\)AS. Mathematical Models & Methods in Applied Sciences
1 Aequationes Mathematicae
1 SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing
1 International Applied Mechanics
1 International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow
1 Advances in Computational Mathematics
1 Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements
1 Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids
1 ZAMM. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik
1 Science China. Mathematics
1 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering
1 International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics
1 Annales de l’Association Internationale pour le Calcul Analogique
1 Iranian Journal of Numerical Analysis and Optimization

Citations by Year