
Leland, Robert Patton

Author ID: leland.robert-patton Recent zbMATH articles by "Leland, Robert Patton"
Published as: Leland, Robert P.; Leland, Robert Patton; Leland, Robert
Documents Indexed: 19 Publications since 1989, including 1 Book
Co-Authors: 5 Co-Authors with 4 Joint Publications
135 Co-Co-Authors

Citations contained in zbMATH Open

8 Publications have been cited 135 times in 124 Documents Cited by Year
An improved spectral graph partitioning algorithm for mapping parallel computations. Zbl 0816.68093
Hendrickson, Bruce; Leland, Robert
Fuzzy differential systems and Malliavin calculus. Zbl 0845.34029
Leland, Robert Patton
Parallel algorithms for dynamically partitioning unstructured grids. Zbl 0836.65122
Diniz, Pedro; Plimpton, Steve; Hendrickson, Bruce; Leland, Robert
A new fuzzy time-series model of fuzzy number observations. Zbl 0852.62087
Song, Qiang; Leland, Robert P.; Chissom, Brad S.
Fuzzy stochastic fuzzy time series and its models. Zbl 0912.62099
Song, Qiang; Leland, Robert P.; Chissom, Brad S.
An alternate calculation of the discrete-time Kalman filter gain and Riccati equation solution. Zbl 0868.93016
Leland, Robert
Stochastic models for laser propagation in atmospheric turbulence. Zbl 0709.60041
Leland, Robert Patton
White noise in atmospheric optics. Zbl 0801.60052
Leland, Robert P.
Fuzzy stochastic fuzzy time series and its models. Zbl 0912.62099
Song, Qiang; Leland, Robert P.; Chissom, Brad S.
An alternate calculation of the discrete-time Kalman filter gain and Riccati equation solution. Zbl 0868.93016
Leland, Robert
An improved spectral graph partitioning algorithm for mapping parallel computations. Zbl 0816.68093
Hendrickson, Bruce; Leland, Robert
Fuzzy differential systems and Malliavin calculus. Zbl 0845.34029
Leland, Robert Patton
Parallel algorithms for dynamically partitioning unstructured grids. Zbl 0836.65122
Diniz, Pedro; Plimpton, Steve; Hendrickson, Bruce; Leland, Robert
A new fuzzy time-series model of fuzzy number observations. Zbl 0852.62087
Song, Qiang; Leland, Robert P.; Chissom, Brad S.
White noise in atmospheric optics. Zbl 0801.60052
Leland, Robert P.
Stochastic models for laser propagation in atmospheric turbulence. Zbl 0709.60041
Leland, Robert Patton
all top 5

Cited by 319 Authors

4 Hager, William W.
3 Flaherty, Joseph E.
3 Shephard, Mark S.
2 Bichot, Charles-Edmond
2 Davis, Timothy Alden
2 Devine, Karen D.
2 Farrell, Patrick E.
2 Geuzaine, Christophe A.
2 Hendrickson, Bruce A.
2 Hong, Dug Hun
2 Hughes, Thomas J. R.
2 Hungerford, James T.
2 Johan, Zdeněk
2 Johnsson, S. Lennart
2 Kallinderis, Yannis
2 Leland, Robert Patton
2 Lin, Geng
2 Loukas, Andreas
2 Loy, Raymond M.
2 Marchandise, Emilie
2 Mathur, Kapil K.
2 Meyerhenke, Henning
2 Ozturan, Can
2 Pawlowski, Roger P.
2 Remacle, Jean-François
2 Safro, Ilya
2 Salinger, Andrew G.
2 Schulz, Christian
2 Teng, Shang-Hua
2 Teresco, James D.
2 Wechsung, Florian
2 Zhu, Wenxing
1 Abel, John F.
1 Acer, Seher
1 Adam, Maria
1 Alappat, Christie Louis
1 Ales, Zacharie
1 Alpert, Charles J.
1 Amaral, André R. S.
1 An, Xiaojing
1 Ashcraft, Cleve
1 Assimakis, Nicholas D.
1 Aykanat, Cevdet
1 Azad, Ariful
1 Bagchi, Arunabha
1 Balin, Muhammed Fatih
1 Ballard, Grey M.
1 Bao, Xiaowei
1 Baptiste, Philippe
1 Barucca, Paolo
1 Beall, Mark W.
1 Belkin, Mikhail
1 Berry, Jonathan W.
1 Bickel, Peter John
1 Bientinesi, Paolo
1 Biswas, Rupak
1 Bomhof, Christiaan Willem
1 Bouhmala, Noureddine
1 Boujbel, Zied
1 Bousquet, Olivier
1 Bricteux, Gaëtan
1 Buluç, Aydın
1 Burroughs, Elizabeth A.
1 Cai, Dayong
1 Cai, Xing
1 Cannataro, Begüm Şenses
1 Carlier, Jacques G.
1 Carpentieri, Bruno
1 Castelletto, Nicola
1 Castrejón-Pita, Alfonso A.
1 Çatalyürek, Ümit V.
1 Chatterjee, Sourav
1 Chen, Chih-Chuan
1 Chen, Jie
1 Chen, Yurong
1 Cheng, Guanghui
1 Cheng, Yi-Chung
1 Ciarlet, Patrick jun.
1 Compère, Gaëtan
1 Corveleyn, Samuel
1 Cotter, Colin John
1 Coutinho Fernandes, Michael
1 Crainic, Teodor Gabriel
1 Cross, Mark
1 Cwik, Tom
1 Daei, Omid
1 Dang, Chuangyin
1 Das, Sajal Kumar
1 David, Ofir
1 De Souza Rocha, Israel
1 De Wiart, C. Carton
1 deCougny, H. L.
1 Delling, Daniel
1 Dellnitz, Michael
1 Demmel, James Weldon
1 Deuflhard, Peter
1 Diaz, Diego
1 Diekmann, Ralf
1 Ding, Chris H. Q.
1 d’Onofrio, Alberto
...and 219 more Authors
all top 5

Cited in 69 Serials

12 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
7 Fuzzy Sets and Systems
4 Journal of Computational Physics
4 The Annals of Statistics
4 Mathematical Programming. Series A. Series B
4 SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing
3 Applied Mathematical Modelling
3 JMMA. Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms
3 ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmics
2 Discrete Applied Mathematics
2 Journal of the Franklin Institute
2 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering
2 Acta Applicandae Mathematicae
2 Applied Numerical Mathematics
2 Annals of Operations Research
2 International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science
2 Numerical Algorithms
2 Linear Algebra and its Applications
2 Computational Optimization and Applications
2 Mathematical Problems in Engineering
1 Computers & Mathematics with Applications
1 International Journal of General Systems
1 International Journal of Theoretical Physics
1 Journal of Fluid Mechanics
1 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals
1 Applied Mathematics and Computation
1 Computing
1 Information Sciences
1 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics
1 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation
1 Networks
1 Operations Research Letters
1 Algorithmica
1 Computers & Operations Research
1 Applied Mathematics Letters
1 Mathematical and Computer Modelling
1 Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing
1 Neural Networks
1 Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing
1 Machine Learning
1 Computational Statistics
1 European Journal of Operational Research
1 SIAM Review
1 Computational Statistics and Data Analysis
1 International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering
1 Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications
1 Advances in Computational Mathematics
1 Journal of Heuristics
1 ELA. The Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra
1 Parallel Algorithms and Applications
1 Journal of Combinatorial Optimization
1 Journal of Scheduling
1 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation
1 Computational Geosciences
1 Engineering Computations
1 RAIRO. Operations Research
1 International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems
1 Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR)
1 Multiscale Modeling & Simulation
1 Quantum Information Processing
1 Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment
1 Mathematical Programming Computation
1 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering
1 Numerical Algebra, Control and Optimization
1 ISRN Applied Mathematics
1 EURO Journal on Computational Optimization
1 Journal of the Operations Research Society of China
1 AIMS Mathematics

Citations by Year