Author ID: kirsch.adam Recent zbMATH articles by "Kirsch, Adam"
Published as: Kirsch, Adam
External Links: MGP
Documents Indexed: 12 Publications since 1998
Co-Authors: 11 Co-Authors with 10 Joint Publications
384 Co-Co-Authors

Citations contained in zbMATH Open

8 Publications have been cited 54 times in 49 Documents Cited by Year
More robust hashing: cuckoo hashing with a stash. Zbl 1205.68253
Kirsch, Adam; Mitzenmacher, Michael; Wieder, Udi
Less hashing, same performance: Building a better bloom filter. Zbl 1156.68368
Kirsch, Adam; Mitzenmacher, Michael
Less hashing, same performance: Building a better Bloom filter. Zbl 1131.68429
Kirsch, Adam; Mitzenmacher, Michael
More robust hashing: Cuckoo hashing with a stash. Zbl 1158.68362
Kirsch, Adam; Mitzenmacher, Michael; Wieder, Udi
The hiring problem and Lake Wobegon strategies. Zbl 1205.68251
Broder, Andrei Z.; Kirsch, Adam; Kumar, Ravi; Mitzenmacher, Michael; Upfal, Eli; Vassilvitskii, Sergei
The hiring problem and Lake Wobegon strategies. Zbl 1192.90100
Broder, Andrei Z.; Kirsch, Adam; Kumar, Ravi; Mitzenmacher, Michael; Vassilvitskii, Sergei
Load balancing in arbitrary network topologies with stochastic adversarial input. Zbl 1075.68005
Anagnostopoulos, Aris; Kirsch, Adam; Upfal, Eli
An efficient rigorous approach for identifying statistically significant frequent itemsets. Zbl 1281.68098
Kirsch, Adam; Mitzenmacher, Michael; Pietracaprina, Andrea; Pucci, Geppino; Upfal, Eli; Vandin, Fabio
An efficient rigorous approach for identifying statistically significant frequent itemsets. Zbl 1281.68098
Kirsch, Adam; Mitzenmacher, Michael; Pietracaprina, Andrea; Pucci, Geppino; Upfal, Eli; Vandin, Fabio
More robust hashing: cuckoo hashing with a stash. Zbl 1205.68253
Kirsch, Adam; Mitzenmacher, Michael; Wieder, Udi
The hiring problem and Lake Wobegon strategies. Zbl 1205.68251
Broder, Andrei Z.; Kirsch, Adam; Kumar, Ravi; Mitzenmacher, Michael; Upfal, Eli; Vassilvitskii, Sergei
Less hashing, same performance: Building a better bloom filter. Zbl 1156.68368
Kirsch, Adam; Mitzenmacher, Michael
More robust hashing: Cuckoo hashing with a stash. Zbl 1158.68362
Kirsch, Adam; Mitzenmacher, Michael; Wieder, Udi
The hiring problem and Lake Wobegon strategies. Zbl 1192.90100
Broder, Andrei Z.; Kirsch, Adam; Kumar, Ravi; Mitzenmacher, Michael; Vassilvitskii, Sergei
Less hashing, same performance: Building a better Bloom filter. Zbl 1131.68429
Kirsch, Adam; Mitzenmacher, Michael
Load balancing in arbitrary network topologies with stochastic adversarial input. Zbl 1075.68005
Anagnostopoulos, Aris; Kirsch, Adam; Upfal, Eli
all top 5

Cited by 105 Authors

5 Mitzenmacher, Michael
5 Pinkas, Benny
4 Asharov, Gilad
4 Komargodski, Ilan
3 Falk, Brett Hemenway
3 Noble, Daniel
3 Shi, Elaine
3 Yanai, Avishay
2 Dietzfelbinger, Martin
2 Goodrich, Michael Truman
2 Hazay, Carmit
2 Helmi, Ahmed Mohamed
2 Kushilevitz, Eyal
2 Lin, Wei-Kai
2 Maier, Tobias
2 Minaud, Brice
2 Panholzer, Alois
2 Papamanthou, Charalampos
2 Rosulek, Mike
2 Sanders, Peter
2 Schneider, Thomas
2 Segev, Gil
2 Shahaf, Ido
2 Trieu, Ni
2 Walzer, Stefan
1 Anand, Avishek
1 Aumüller, Martin
1 Becchetti, Luca
1 Berman, Itay
1 Bittner, Lucie
1 Bodlaender, Hans L.
1 Bonchiş, Cosmin
1 Bossuat, Angèle
1 Bost, Raphael
1 Carrea, Laura
1 Cash, David M.
1 Cerda, Mauricio
1 Clementi, Andrea E. F.
1 Dachman-Soled, Dana
1 de Perthuis, Paola
1 Fiore, Dario
1 Fouque, Pierre-Alain
1 Freedman, Michael J.
1 Frías, José
1 Garimella, Gayathri
1 Grandi, Fabio
1 Haitner, Iftach
1 Hamada, Koki
1 Henriques, Rui
1 Hitschfeld, Nancy
1 Huang, Kun
1 Ichikawa, Atsunori
1 Ikarashi, Dai
1 Istrate, Gabriel I.
1 Janson, Svante
1 Khosla, Megha
1 Kikuchi, Ryo
1 Kindelan, Rolando
1 Kirsch, Adam
1 Kolonelos, Dimitris
1 Küpçü, Alptekin
1 Kutzelnigg, Reinhard
1 Lecompte, Lolita
1 Limasset, Antoine
1 Liu, Chang
1 Lu, Pin
1 Lu, Steve
1 Madeira, Sara C.
1 Mandelbrod, Matan
1 Marchet, Camille
1 Martínez, Conrado
1 Mour, Tamer
1 Naor, Moni
1 Natale, Emanuele
1 Nayak, Kartik
1 Nissim, Kobbi
1 Ohrimenko, Olga
1 Ostrovsky, Rafail
1 Panagiotou, Konstantinos D.
1 Pasquale, Francesco
1 Peserico, Enoch
1 Peterlongo, Pierre
1 Pontarelli, Salvatore
1 Posta, Gustavo
1 Reichle, Michael
1 Reviriego, Pedro
1 Schellbach, Ulf
1 Seiferas, Joel I.
1 Shen, Kai
1 Shtepel, Matan
1 Sterne, Philip A.
1 Tamassia, Roberto
1 Tkachenko, Oleksandr
1 van der Zanden, Tom C.
1 Vernitski, Alexei
1 Vishkin, Uzi
1 Weinert, Christian
1 Wichs, Daniel
1 Wieder, Udi
1 Woelfel, Philipp
...and 5 more Authors

Citations by Year