Author ID: huang.tzeeming Recent zbMATH articles by "Huang, Tzeeming"
Published as: Huang, Tzee-Ming; Huang, Tzeeming
Documents Indexed: 14 Publications since 1971
Co-Authors: 8 Co-Authors with 6 Joint Publications
197 Co-Co-Authors

Citations contained in zbMATH Open

7 Publications have been cited 121 times in 118 Documents Cited by Year
Nonparametric estimation of copula functions for dependence modelling. Zbl 1129.62023
Chen, Song Xi; Huang, Tzee-Ming
Testing conditional independence using maximal nonlinear conditional correlation. Zbl 1202.62078
Huang, Tzee-Ming
Convergence rates for posterior distributions and adaptive estimation. Zbl 1095.62055
Huang, Tzee-Ming
Estimating the parametric component of nonlinear partial spline model. Zbl 1284.62218
Huang, Tzee-Ming; Chen, Hung
On stochastic context-free languages. Zbl 0225.68041
Huang, T.; Fu, K. S.
Stochastic grammars and languages. Zbl 0293.68060
Fu, K. S.; Huang, T.
A conditional independence test for dependent data based on maximal conditional correlation. Zbl 1236.62038
Cheng, Yu-Hsiang; Huang, Tzee-Ming
A conditional independence test for dependent data based on maximal conditional correlation. Zbl 1236.62038
Cheng, Yu-Hsiang; Huang, Tzee-Ming
Testing conditional independence using maximal nonlinear conditional correlation. Zbl 1202.62078
Huang, Tzee-Ming
Estimating the parametric component of nonlinear partial spline model. Zbl 1284.62218
Huang, Tzee-Ming; Chen, Hung
Nonparametric estimation of copula functions for dependence modelling. Zbl 1129.62023
Chen, Song Xi; Huang, Tzee-Ming
Convergence rates for posterior distributions and adaptive estimation. Zbl 1095.62055
Huang, Tzee-Ming
Stochastic grammars and languages. Zbl 0293.68060
Fu, K. S.; Huang, T.
On stochastic context-free languages. Zbl 0225.68041
Huang, T.; Fu, K. S.
all top 5

Cited by 227 Authors

7 Bouezmarni, Taoufik
4 Bouzebda, Salim
4 Gijbels, Irène
3 Dette, Holger
3 Ghosal, Subhashis
3 Omelka, Marek
3 Rousseau, Judith
3 Taamouti, Abderrahim
3 Tian, Zheng
3 Van der Vaart, Adrianus Willem
3 van Zanten, J. H.
3 Xiao, Yanting
2 Balakrishnan, Sivaraman
2 Choi, Taeryon
2 Cui, Hengjian
2 El Ghouch, Anouar
2 Liu, Xiaohui
2 Liu, Yi
2 Neykov, Matey
2 Norets, Andriy
2 Okhrin, Ostap
2 Otneim, Håkon
2 Pati, Debdeep
2 Peng, Liang
2 Rabhi, Yassir
2 Rombouts, Jeroen V. K.
2 Scricciolo, Catia
2 Segers, Johan
2 Siburg, Karl Friedrich
2 Tjøstheim, Dag B.
2 van Zanten, Harry
2 Veraverbeke, Noël
2 Wasserman, Larry Alan
2 Zhao, Peixin
2 Zhou, Xiaoshuang
2 Zhou, Yeqing
2 Zhu, Liping
1 Acar, Elif F.
1 Ahn, Jae Youn
1 Albrecher, Hansjörg
1 Ameijeiras-Alonso, Jose
1 Arbel, Julyan
1 Awiszus, Kerstin
1 Azadkia, Mona
1 Baghfalaki, Taban
1 Belalia, Mohamed
1 Belitser, Eduard
1 Bhattacharya, Anirban
1 Bücher, Axel
1 Cai, Tianwen
1 Cai, Tianxi
1 Canonne, Clement Louis
1 Chen, Jian
1 Cheng, Qing
1 Cheng, Yu-Hsiang
1 Ciuperca, Gabriela
1 Craiu, Radu V.
1 de Jonge, René
1 DelSole, Timothy
1 Diakonikolas, Ilias
1 Diers, Dorothea
1 Drton, Mathias
1 Dunson, David Brian
1 Elhattab, Issam
1 Eling, Martin
1 Fan, Xiaodan
1 Fei, Yu
1 Fontaine, Charles
1 Frees, Edward W.
1 Gai, Yujie
1 Ganapathy, Rajesh
1 Ganjali, Mojtaba
1 Gardes, Laurent
1 Gayraud, Ghislaine
1 Ghanbari, Bahareh
1 Ghosh, Sujit Kumar
1 Girard, Stéphane
1 Gribkova, Svetlana
1 Grigoriu, Mircea Dan
1 Guo, Wenyan
1 Haff, Ingrid Hobæk
1 Han, Fang
1 He, Chen
1 He, Wenqing
1 Hong, Yongmiao
1 Hsu, Yu-Chin
1 Hu, Tao
1 Huang, Lele
1 Huang, Ta-Cheng
1 Huang, Tzeeming
1 Jiang, Wenxin
1 Jiang, Yunlu
1 Kabir, A.
1 Kane, Daniel M.
1 Kauermann, Goran
1 Kim, Ilmun
1 Kinon, Anusart
1 Kiwitt, Sebastian
1 Knispel, Thomas
1 Krishnankutty, Baby Alpettiyil
...and 127 more Authors
all top 5

Cited in 50 Serials

11 The Annals of Statistics
8 Journal of Multivariate Analysis
8 Electronic Journal of Statistics
6 Scandinavian Journal of Statistics
5 Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods
4 Journal of the American Statistical Association
4 Journal of Econometrics
4 Bernoulli
4 Journal of Nonparametric Statistics
4 Journal of the Korean Statistical Society
4 Journal of Business and Economic Statistics
3 Statistics & Probability Letters
3 Statistics
3 Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation
3 Computational Statistics and Data Analysis
3 Econometric Theory
2 The Canadian Journal of Statistics
2 Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference
2 Insurance Mathematics & Economics
2 Communications in Statistics. Simulation and Computation
2 Test
1 Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics
1 Biometrics
1 South African Statistical Journal
1 Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica. English Series
1 Statistical Science
1 Econometric Reviews
1 SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing
1 Applied Mathematics. Series B (English Edition)
1 Mathematical Methods of Statistics
1 Statistical Papers
1 Statistica Sinica
1 Lifetime Data Analysis
1 Journal of Applied Statistics
1 Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences
1 Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability
1 Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry
1 Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics
1 Scandinavian Actuarial Journal
1 Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR)
1 Thai Journal of Mathematics
1 Journal of Zhejiang University. Science A
1 AStA. Advances in Statistical Analysis
1 Journal of Probability and Statistics
1 Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews. WIREs Computational Statistics
1 European Actuarial Journal
1 Statistics and Computing
1 Journal of Theoretical Biology
1 Japanese Journal of Statistics and Data Science
1 Stat

Citations by Year