
Hesterberg, Timothy C.

Author ID: hesterberg.timothy-c Recent zbMATH articles by "Hesterberg, Timothy C."
Published as: Hesterberg, Tim C.; Hesterberg, Tim; Hesterberg, Timothy C.; Hesterberg, T. C.
External Links: MGP
Documents Indexed: 12 Publications since 1994, including 4 Books
Co-Authors: 10 Co-Authors with 8 Joint Publications
408 Co-Co-Authors

Citations contained in zbMATH Open

10 Publications have been cited 151 times in 146 Documents Cited by Year
Weighted average importance sampling and defensive mixture distributions. Zbl 0822.62002
Hesterberg, Tim
Least angle and \(\ell _{1}\) penalized regression: a review. Zbl 1189.62070
Hesterberg, Tim; Choi, Nam Hee; Meier, Lukas; Fraley, Chris
Matched-block bootstrap for dependent data. Zbl 0920.62106
Carlstein, Edward; Do, Kim-Anh; Hall, Peter; Hesterberg, Tim; Künsch, Hans R.
What teachers should know about the bootstrap: resampling in the undergraduate statistics curriculum. Zbl 07671755
Hesterberg, Tim C.
Control variates for probability and quantile estimation. Zbl 1103.90374
Hesterberg, Timothy C.; Nelson, Barry L.
Mathematical statistics with resampling and R. Zbl 1278.62002
Chihara, Laura M.; Hesterberg, Tim C.
Estimates and confidence intervals for importance sampling sensitivity analysis. Zbl 0855.62020
Hesterberg, T. C.
Mathematical statistics with resampling and R. 2nd edition. Zbl 1400.62001
Chihara, Laura M.; Hesterberg, Tim C.
Least angle regression and Lasso for large datasets. Zbl 07260198
Fraley, Chris; Hesterberg, Tim
Saddlepoint quantiles and distribution curves with bootstrap applications. Zbl 0938.65010
Hesterberg, Tim
Mathematical statistics with resampling and R. 2nd edition. Zbl 1400.62001
Chihara, Laura M.; Hesterberg, Tim C.
What teachers should know about the bootstrap: resampling in the undergraduate statistics curriculum. Zbl 07671755
Hesterberg, Tim C.
Mathematical statistics with resampling and R. Zbl 1278.62002
Chihara, Laura M.; Hesterberg, Tim C.
Least angle regression and Lasso for large datasets. Zbl 07260198
Fraley, Chris; Hesterberg, Tim
Least angle and \(\ell _{1}\) penalized regression: a review. Zbl 1189.62070
Hesterberg, Tim; Choi, Nam Hee; Meier, Lukas; Fraley, Chris
Matched-block bootstrap for dependent data. Zbl 0920.62106
Carlstein, Edward; Do, Kim-Anh; Hall, Peter; Hesterberg, Tim; Künsch, Hans R.
Control variates for probability and quantile estimation. Zbl 1103.90374
Hesterberg, Timothy C.; Nelson, Barry L.
Estimates and confidence intervals for importance sampling sensitivity analysis. Zbl 0855.62020
Hesterberg, T. C.
Weighted average importance sampling and defensive mixture distributions. Zbl 0822.62002
Hesterberg, Tim
Saddlepoint quantiles and distribution curves with bootstrap applications. Zbl 0938.65010
Hesterberg, Tim
all top 5

Cited by 330 Authors

3 Alonso, Andrés M.
3 Hesterberg, Timothy C.
3 Marin, Jean-Michel
3 Peña, Daniel
3 Portier, François
3 Romo, Juan J.
2 Ahmed, Syed Ejaz
2 Alzahrani, Naif
2 Bielza, Concha
2 Bühlmann, Peter
2 Chiquet, Julien
2 Doksum, Kjell A.
2 Elvira, Víctor
2 Fenga, Livio
2 Iooss, Bertrand
2 Klȩsk, Przemysław
2 Kohn, Robert J.
2 Kreiß, Jens-Peter
2 Lahiri, Soumendra Nath
2 Larrañaga, Pedro
2 Mangan, Niall M.
2 Marra, Giampiero
2 Martino, Luca
2 McKinley, Trevelyan J.
2 Mira, Antonietta
2 Nakayama, Marvin K.
2 Neal, Peter J.
2 Öhrvik, John
2 Pettitt, Anthony N.
2 Politis, Dimitris Nicolas
2 Raftery, Adrian E.
2 Robert, Christian P.
2 Segers, Johan
2 Spencer, Simon Edward Frank
2 Sudret, Bruno
2 Touloupou, Panayiota
2 Vidaurre, Diego
2 Wang, Haiying
1 Adamek, Robert
1 Aerts, Marc
1 Affleck, David L. R.
1 Akyildiz, Ömer Deniz
1 An, Ning
1 Arbenz, Philipp
1 Arlot, Sylvain
1 Arnaud, Aurélie
1 Arslan, Olcay
1 Asencio, Maria
1 Askham, Travis
1 Bacro, Jean-Noël
1 Bao, Le
1 Bar, Haim Y.
1 Beach, Thomas H.
1 Beyaztas, Beste Hamiye
1 Bhaduri, Moinak
1 Bodik, Juraj
1 Booth, James G.
1 Bousquet, Nicolas
1 Bower, Roy
1 Brammer, Michael John
1 Breakspear, Michael
1 Brown, Michael J.
1 Brunton, Steven L.
1 Bruyndonckx, Robin
1 Bugallo, Mónica F.
1 Bullmore, Edward
1 Burigo, Lucas
1 Bürkner, Paul-Christian
1 Byon, Eunshin
1 Cambou, Mathieu
1 Cameron, Ewan
1 Campbell, David A.
1 Cannamela, Claire
1 Canty, Angelo J.
1 Carrizosa, Emilio
1 Celisse, Alain
1 Chan, Kin Wai
1 Chance, Beth L.
1 Chang, Haibin
1 Charbonnier, Camille
1 Chatterjee, Sourav
1 Chen, E. Jack
1 Chen, Songcan
1 Cherniakov, Chris
1 Chouzenoux, Emilie
1 Christensen, William F.
1 Cipolli, William III
1 Cobb, George W.
1 Cogneau, Philippe
1 Congedo, Pietro Marco
1 Cornuet, Jean-Marie
1 Cox, Dennis D.
1 Crommelin, Daan T.
1 Crucinio, Francesca Romana
1 Cui, Angang
1 Davison, Anthony C.
1 Delyon, Bernard
1 Deng, Yangqing
1 Diaconis, Persi Warren
1 Dimov, Ivan Todor
...and 230 more Authors
all top 5

Cited in 72 Serials

12 Computational Statistics and Data Analysis
11 The American Statistician
6 Scandinavian Journal of Statistics
6 Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics
5 Journal of Computational Physics
5 The Annals of Statistics
5 Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation
4 Computational Statistics
4 Statistics and Computing
3 Statistical Science
3 The Annals of Applied Statistics
3 SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification
2 The Canadian Journal of Statistics
2 Biometrical Journal
2 Biometrics
2 International Statistical Review
2 Journal of Econometrics
2 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation
2 Mathematical and Computer Modelling
2 European Journal of Operational Research
2 Statistical Papers
2 ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation
2 Statistical Methodology
2 Electronic Journal of Statistics
2 Statistics Surveys
2 Bayesian Analysis
2 Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences
1 Journal of the Franklin Institute
1 Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics
1 Applied Mathematics and Computation
1 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering
1 Journal of the American Statistical Association
1 Journal of Applied Probability
1 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics
1 Journal of Mathematical Psychology
1 Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference
1 Naval Research Logistics
1 Theoretical Population Biology
1 Insurance Mathematics & Economics
1 Journal of Time Series Analysis
1 International Journal of Approximate Reasoning
1 Science in China. Series A
1 The Annals of Applied Probability
1 Applied Mathematical Modelling
1 Communications in Statistics. Simulation and Computation
1 Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods
1 Pattern Recognition
1 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Probabilités et Statistiques
1 Bernoulli
1 Journal of Nonparametric Statistics
1 Mathematical Problems in Engineering
1 Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics
1 Chaos
1 Extremes
1 Communications de la Faculté des Sciences de l’Université d’Ankara. Séries A1. Mathematics and Statistics
1 International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
1 Computational Geosciences
1 Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry
1 Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics
1 Quantitative Finance
1 Statistical Modelling
1 Statistical Methods in Medical Research
1 SORT. Statistics and Operations Research Transactions
1 Thai Journal of Mathematics
1 Computational Management Science
1 Journal of the Korean Statistical Society
1 Statistical Analysis and Data Mining
1 Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice
1 Mathematical Geosciences
1 Science China. Mathematics
1 Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews. WIREs Computational Statistics
1 International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics

Citations by Year