Author ID: heiss.florian Recent zbMATH articles by "Heiss, Florian"
Published as: Heiss, Florian
Documents Indexed: 5 Publications since 2008
Co-Authors: 7 Co-Authors with 3 Joint Publications
32 Co-Co-Authors
all top 5

Cited by 163 Authors

10 Keshavarzzadeh, Vahid
6 Kirby, Robert M. II
5 Narayan, Akil C.
3 Tortorelli, Daniel A.
2 Chernov, Alexey
2 He, Yanyan
2 Lü, Zhenzhou
1 Ackerer, Damien
1 Ahrari, Ali
1 Aluru, Narayana R.
1 Atai, Ali Asghar
1 Ballreich, Dominik
1 Baños, Alfonso
1 Bayer, Christian
1 Béreš, Michal
1 Berge, I. J. M. Ten
1 Bernardo, Fernando P.
1 Bilodeau, Blair L.
1 Bottai, Matteo
1 Bremer, Melanie
1 Brumm, Johannes
1 Buchan, Andrew G.
1 Bungartz, Hans-Joachim
1 Chen, Qingwei
1 Cheng, Lei
1 Cheng, Yang
1 Colbert, Brendon K.
1 Crespo, Luis G.
1 Dal Negro, Luca
1 Dong, Zhaonan
1 Eggleston, Jonathan
1 Emery, Ashley F.
1 Ernst, Oliver G.
1 Fang, Fangxin
1 Farcas, Ionut-Gabriel
1 Farmer, Leland E.
1 Fernández, Felipe
1 Ferreira, Placid M.
1 Filliben, James J.
1 Forestiere, Carlo
1 Fox, Jeremy T.
1 Gao, Yang
1 Georgoulis, Emmanuil H.
1 Geraci, Marco
1 Gerhard, Daniel
1 Gerstner, Thomas
1 Geskus, Ronald Bertus
1 Ghanem, Roger G.
1 Ghosh, Swarnadip
1 Giesy, Daniel P.
1 Goos, Peter
1 Griebel, Michael
1 Guan, Qingguang
1 Guo, Jian
1 Guo, Xu
1 Hastie, Trevor John
1 Havelka, Jan
1 He, Jingjie
1 He, Xiaoming
1 Heiss, Florian
1 Hof, Michel H.
1 Holtz, Markus
1 Hong, Dongpao
1 Horowitz, Joel Lawrence
1 Hu, Jixiang
1 Hussaini, M. Yousuff
1 Ishihara, Masakazu
1 Jacobsen, Robert Dahl
1 Jia, Bin
1 Jiang, Nan
1 Johnson, Kenneth C.
1 Kang, Zhan
1 Kapoor, Shiv G.
1 Kenny, Sean P.
1 Kim, Kyoo il
1 Kolb, Oliver
1 Lei, Yu
1 Levesley, Jeremy
1 Li, Jia
1 Li, Xuejian
1 Li, Yan
1 Liang, Hua
1 Lim, Lek-Heng
1 Lin, Danyu
1 Lin, Zongli
1 Ma, Qianxia
1 Masri, Sami F.
1 Matthies, Hermann Georg
1 Mehrotra, Sanjay
1 Meidani, Hadi
1 Mercader, Pedro
1 Mills, Kevin
1 Ming, Ju
1 Muggeridge, Ann H.
1 Musoro, Jammbe Z.
1 Mylona, Kalliopi
1 Najafi, Ahmad R.
1 Navon, Ionel Michael
1 Neckel, Tobias
1 Nesheim, Lars P.
...and 63 more Authors
all top 5

Cited in 42 Serials

7 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
5 Journal of Econometrics
4 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics
3 Computers & Mathematics with Applications
3 Journal of Computational Physics
3 Journal of the Franklin Institute
3 SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing
2 Automatica
2 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering
2 Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics
2 International Journal of Systems Science. Principles and Applications of Systems and Integration
1 Applied Mathematics and Computation
1 Biometrics
1 Econometrica
1 Journal of the American Statistical Association
1 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation
1 SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis
1 Systems & Control Letters
1 Insurance Mathematics & Economics
1 Sequential Analysis
1 Econometric Reviews
1 Journal of Scientific Computing
1 Applications of Mathematics
1 Numerical Algorithms
1 Applied Mathematical Modelling
1 Computational Optimization and Applications
1 ETNA. Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis
1 Statistica Sinica
1 Journal of Applied Statistics
1 Quantitative Finance
1 Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering
1 Acta Numerica
1 Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering
1 Electronic Journal of Statistics
1 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series S
1 Journal of Business and Economic Statistics
1 Quantitative Economics
1 Statistics and Computing
1 Journal of the Operations Research Society of China
1 Dependence Modeling
1 Stat
1 Communications on Analysis and Computation

Citations by Year