
Grabowski, Wojciech W.

Author ID: grabowski.wojciech-w Recent zbMATH articles by "Grabowski, Wojciech W."
Published as: Grabowski, Wojciech W.; Grabowski, W. W.
Documents Indexed: 14 Publications since 1964
Biographic References: 1 Publication
Co-Authors: 7 Co-Authors with 7 Joint Publications
186 Co-Co-Authors

Citations contained in zbMATH Open

10 Publications have been cited 124 times in 114 Documents Cited by Year
Growth of cloud droplets in a turbulent environment. Zbl 1359.76293
Grabowski, Wojciech W.; Wang, Lian-Ping
The multidimensional positive definite advection transport algorithm: Nonoscillatory option. Zbl 0698.76100
Smolarkiewicz, Piotr K.; Grabowski, Wojciech W.
CRCP: a cloud resolving convection parameterization for modeling the tropical convecting atmosphere. Zbl 1194.86006
Grabowski, Wojciech W.; Smolarkiewicz, Piotr K.
A hybrid approach for simulating turbulent collisions of hydrodynamically-interacting particles. Zbl 1118.76036
Ayala, Orlando; Grabowski, Wojciech W.; Wang, Lian-Ping
A finite-volume module for cloud-resolving simulations of global atmospheric flows. Zbl 1376.86006
Smolarkiewicz, Piotr K.; Kühnlein, Christian; Grabowski, Wojciech W.
An accurate and efficient method for treating aerodynamic interactions of cloud droplets. Zbl 1408.86003
Rosa, B.; Wang, L.-P.; Maxey, M. R.; Grabowski, W. W.
A bin integral method for solving the kinetic collection equation. Zbl 1127.82037
Wang, Lian-Ping; Xue, Yan; Grabowski, Wojciech W.
Lexicographic and time minimization in the transportation problem. Zbl 0329.90038
Grabowski, W.
Early experiences with the 360TF IBM Blue Gene/L platform. Zbl 1222.76070
Bhanot, G.; Dennis, J. M.; Edwards, J.; Grabowski, W.; Gupta, M.; Jordan, K.; Loft, R. D.; Sexton, J.; St-Cyr, A.; Thomas, S. J.; Tufo, H. M.; Voran, T.; Walkup, R.; Wyszogrodski, A. A.
Problem of transportation in minimum time. Zbl 0125.37901
Grabowski, W.
A finite-volume module for cloud-resolving simulations of global atmospheric flows. Zbl 1376.86006
Smolarkiewicz, Piotr K.; Kühnlein, Christian; Grabowski, Wojciech W.
Growth of cloud droplets in a turbulent environment. Zbl 1359.76293
Grabowski, Wojciech W.; Wang, Lian-Ping
An accurate and efficient method for treating aerodynamic interactions of cloud droplets. Zbl 1408.86003
Rosa, B.; Wang, L.-P.; Maxey, M. R.; Grabowski, W. W.
Early experiences with the 360TF IBM Blue Gene/L platform. Zbl 1222.76070
Bhanot, G.; Dennis, J. M.; Edwards, J.; Grabowski, W.; Gupta, M.; Jordan, K.; Loft, R. D.; Sexton, J.; St-Cyr, A.; Thomas, S. J.; Tufo, H. M.; Voran, T.; Walkup, R.; Wyszogrodski, A. A.
A hybrid approach for simulating turbulent collisions of hydrodynamically-interacting particles. Zbl 1118.76036
Ayala, Orlando; Grabowski, Wojciech W.; Wang, Lian-Ping
A bin integral method for solving the kinetic collection equation. Zbl 1127.82037
Wang, Lian-Ping; Xue, Yan; Grabowski, Wojciech W.
CRCP: a cloud resolving convection parameterization for modeling the tropical convecting atmosphere. Zbl 1194.86006
Grabowski, Wojciech W.; Smolarkiewicz, Piotr K.
The multidimensional positive definite advection transport algorithm: Nonoscillatory option. Zbl 0698.76100
Smolarkiewicz, Piotr K.; Grabowski, Wojciech W.
Lexicographic and time minimization in the transportation problem. Zbl 0329.90038
Grabowski, W.
Problem of transportation in minimum time. Zbl 0125.37901
Grabowski, W.
all top 5

Cited by 226 Authors

16 Smolarkiewicz, Piotr K.
8 Bragg, Andrew D.
8 Majda, Andrew J.
6 Kühnlein, Christian
6 Stechmann, Samuel N.
5 Szmelter, Joanna
5 Wang, Lianping
4 Grooms, Ian G.
4 Koch, Donald L.
4 Margolin, Len G.
4 Roy, Anubhab
3 Carbone, Maurizio
3 Coletti, Filippo
3 Ireland, Peter J.
3 Lee, Yoonsang
3 Rosa, Bogdan
3 Strain, John A.
3 Tom, Josin
2 Ababaei, Ahmad
2 Ayala, Orlando M.
2 Brandt, Luca
2 Collins, Lance R.
2 Desjardins, Olivier
2 Dhanasekaran, Johnson
2 Dhariwal, Rohit
2 Flandoli, Franco
2 Gotoh, Toshiyuki
2 Govindarajan, Rama
2 Grabowski, Wojciech W.
2 Guala, Michele
2 Hong, Jiarong
2 Huang, Ruojun
2 Khouider, Boualem
2 Papini, Andrea
2 Patra, Pijush
2 Ravichandran, S.
2 Ruan, Xuan
2 Saito, Izumi
2 Sardina, Gaetano
2 Shashkov, Mikhail J.
2 Watanabe, Takeshi
2 Wedi, Nils P.
2 Yu, Zhaosheng
1 Abraham, Aliza
1 Ahmadi, Goodarz
1 Akiki, G.
1 Alam, Jahrul M.
1 Alamgir Hossain, M.
1 Aliseda, Alberto
1 Alventosa, Luke F. L.
1 Andersen, Charles
1 Andreotti, Bruno
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1 Bartello, Peter
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1 Capecelatro, Jesse
1 Cartellier, Alain
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1 Chen, Nan
1 Chen, Sheng
1 Chen, YiAn
1 Chini, Greg
1 Cimpeanu, Radu
1 Collette, C.
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1 Crommelin, Daan T.
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1 Deepu, P.
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...and 126 more Authors

Citations by Year