Author ID: giroux.emmanuel Recent zbMATH articles by "Giroux, Emmanuel"
Published as: Giroux, Emmanuel; Giroux, E.
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Citations contained in zbMATH Open

20 Publications have been cited 667 times in 432 Documents Cited by Year
Contact geometry: From dimension three to higher dimensions. (Géométrie de contact: De la dimension trois vers les dimensions supérieures.) Zbl 1015.53049
Giroux, Emmanuel
Convexité en topologie de contact. (Convexity in contact topology). Zbl 0766.53028
Giroux, Emmanuel
Three-dimensional contact structures and bifurcations of foliations of surfaces. (Structures de contact en dimension trois et bifurcations des feuilletages de surfaces.) Zbl 1186.53097
Giroux, Emmanuel
Contact structures on manifolds fibered by circles above a surface. (Structures de contact sur les variétés fibrées en cercles au-dessus d’une surface.) Zbl 0988.57015
Giroux, Emmanuel
Even a tight contact structure, is more or less twisted. (Une structure de contact, même tendue, est plus ou moins tordue.) Zbl 0819.53018
Giroux, Emmanuel
On the stable equivalence of open books in three-manifolds. Zbl 1100.57013
Giroux, Emmanuel; Goodman, Noah
An infinity of tight contact structures on an infinity of manifolds. (Une infinité de structures de contact tendues sur une infinité de variétés.) Zbl 0969.53044
Giroux, Emmanuel
Homotopy and isotopy finiteness of tight contact structures. (Finitude homotopique et isotopique des structures de contact tendues.) Zbl 1268.57013
Colin, Vincent; Giroux, Emmanuel; Honda, Ko
Existence of Lefschetz fibrations on Stein and Weinstein domains. Zbl 1372.32035
Giroux, Emmanuel; Pardon, John
Ideal Liouville domains, a cool gadget. Zbl 1461.53060
Giroux, Emmanuel
On the coarse classification of tight contact structures. Zbl 1052.57036
Colin, Vincent; Giroux, Emmanuel; Honda, Ko
Contact topology in dimension 3 [around the work of Yakov Eliashberg]. (Topologie de contact en dimension 3 [autour des travaux de Yakov Eliashberg].) Zbl 0793.53037
Giroux, Emmanuel
Remarks on Donaldson’s symplectic submanifolds. Zbl 1403.53071
Giroux, Emmanuel
Contact transformations over surfaces. (Sur les transformations de contact au-dessus des surfaces.) Zbl 1027.57025
Giroux, Emmanuel
On the contact mapping class group of Legendrian circle bundles. Zbl 1378.57025
Giroux, Emmanuel; Massot, Patrick
On the geometry and dynamics of contact transformations (after Y. Eliashberg, L. Polterovich et al.). (Sur la géométrie et la dynamique des transformations de contact (d’après Y. Eliashberg, L. Polterovich et al.).) Zbl 1210.53073
Giroux, Emmanuel
Formes géneratrices d’immersions lagrangiennes. (Generating forms of Lagrangian immersions). Zbl 0653.57021
Giroux, Emmanuel
3-dimensional contact geometry (based on lectures of Y. Eliashberg and E. Giroux). Zbl 0866.53023
Thomas, C. B.
Osculating submanifolds of a plane field. (Sous-variétés osculatrices d’un champ de plans.) Zbl 0817.58001
Giroux, Emmanuel
What is …an Open Book? Zbl 1090.53002
Giroux, Emmanuel
Ideal Liouville domains, a cool gadget. Zbl 1461.53060
Giroux, Emmanuel
Remarks on Donaldson’s symplectic submanifolds. Zbl 1403.53071
Giroux, Emmanuel
Existence of Lefschetz fibrations on Stein and Weinstein domains. Zbl 1372.32035
Giroux, Emmanuel; Pardon, John
On the contact mapping class group of Legendrian circle bundles. Zbl 1378.57025
Giroux, Emmanuel; Massot, Patrick
On the geometry and dynamics of contact transformations (after Y. Eliashberg, L. Polterovich et al.). (Sur la géométrie et la dynamique des transformations de contact (d’après Y. Eliashberg, L. Polterovich et al.).) Zbl 1210.53073
Giroux, Emmanuel
Homotopy and isotopy finiteness of tight contact structures. (Finitude homotopique et isotopique des structures de contact tendues.) Zbl 1268.57013
Colin, Vincent; Giroux, Emmanuel; Honda, Ko
On the stable equivalence of open books in three-manifolds. Zbl 1100.57013
Giroux, Emmanuel; Goodman, Noah
What is …an Open Book? Zbl 1090.53002
Giroux, Emmanuel
On the coarse classification of tight contact structures. Zbl 1052.57036
Colin, Vincent; Giroux, Emmanuel; Honda, Ko
Contact geometry: From dimension three to higher dimensions. (Géométrie de contact: De la dimension trois vers les dimensions supérieures.) Zbl 1015.53049
Giroux, Emmanuel
Contact structures on manifolds fibered by circles above a surface. (Structures de contact sur les variétés fibrées en cercles au-dessus d’une surface.) Zbl 0988.57015
Giroux, Emmanuel
Contact transformations over surfaces. (Sur les transformations de contact au-dessus des surfaces.) Zbl 1027.57025
Giroux, Emmanuel
Three-dimensional contact structures and bifurcations of foliations of surfaces. (Structures de contact en dimension trois et bifurcations des feuilletages de surfaces.) Zbl 1186.53097
Giroux, Emmanuel
An infinity of tight contact structures on an infinity of manifolds. (Une infinité de structures de contact tendues sur une infinité de variétés.) Zbl 0969.53044
Giroux, Emmanuel
3-dimensional contact geometry (based on lectures of Y. Eliashberg and E. Giroux). Zbl 0866.53023
Thomas, C. B.
Even a tight contact structure, is more or less twisted. (Une structure de contact, même tendue, est plus ou moins tordue.) Zbl 0819.53018
Giroux, Emmanuel
Osculating submanifolds of a plane field. (Sous-variétés osculatrices d’un champ de plans.) Zbl 0817.58001
Giroux, Emmanuel
Contact topology in dimension 3 [around the work of Yakov Eliashberg]. (Topologie de contact en dimension 3 [autour des travaux de Yakov Eliashberg].) Zbl 0793.53037
Giroux, Emmanuel
Convexité en topologie de contact. (Convexity in contact topology). Zbl 0766.53028
Giroux, Emmanuel
Formes géneratrices d’immersions lagrangiennes. (Generating forms of Lagrangian immersions). Zbl 0653.57021
Giroux, Emmanuel
all top 5

Cited by 337 Authors

24 Etnyre, John B.
17 Colin, Vincent
17 Ozbagci, Burak
16 Honda, Ko
14 Geiges, Hansjörg
12 Lisca, Paolo
11 Casals, Roger
10 Ghiggini, Paolo
10 Mathews, Daniel V.
10 Stipsicz, András I.
9 Matić, Gordana
8 Baldwin, John A.
8 Eliashberg, Yakov Matveevich
8 Kawamuro, Keiko
8 Sivek, Steven
7 Ito, Tetsuya
7 Niederkrüger, Klaus
7 Presas, Francisco
6 Bowden, Jonathan Peter
6 Ding, Fan
6 Kazez, William H.
6 Massot, Patrick
6 Murphy, Emmy
6 Plamenevskaya, Olga
6 van Koert, Otto
6 Wendl, Chris
5 Conway, James
5 Gironella, Fabio
5 Hedden, Matthew
5 Hofer, Helmut H. W.
5 Ishikawa, Masaharu
5 Lisi, Samuel T.
5 Onaran, Sinem Çelik
5 Pandit, Suhas
5 Polterovich, Leonid Viktorovich
5 Vértesi, Vera
4 Abbondandolo, Alberto
4 Adachi, Jiro
4 Dehornoy, Pierre
4 Dynnikov, Ivan Alekseevich
4 Giroux, Emmanuel
4 Golla, Marco
4 Komendarczyk, Rafal
4 Kulkarni, Dheeraj
4 Li, Youlin
4 Marinković, Aleksandra
4 Moreno, Agustín S.
4 Oba, Takahiro
4 Sağlam, Murat
4 Saha, Kuldeep
4 Selvakumar, A.
4 Tosun, Bülent
4 van Horn-Morris, Jeremy
4 Zehmisch, Kai
3 Acu, Bahar
3 Arıkan, Mehmet Fırat
3 Baader, Sebastian
3 Barilari, Davide
3 Boscain, Ugo
3 Côté, Laurent
3 Dimitroglou Rizell, Georgios
3 Entov, Michael
3 Gay, David T.
3 Hryniewicz, Umberto L.
3 Keating, Ailsa M.
3 Lekili, Yankı
3 Licata, Joan E.
3 Min, Hyunki
3 Oms, Cédric
3 Ozsváth, Peter Steven
3 Pancholi, Dishant M.
3 Pavelescu, Elena
3 Popescu-Pampu, Patrick
3 Rechtman, Ana
3 Saeki, Osamu
3 Szabo, Zoltan
3 Vaugon, Anne
3 Vogel, Thomas
3 Wand, Andy
3 Wysocki, Krzysztof
3 Zehnder, Eduard J.
2 Alishahi, Akram S.
2 Alves, Marcelo R. R.
2 Avdek, Russell
2 Baker, Kenneth L.
2 Baykur, Refik İnanç
2 Bhupal, Mohan
2 Boyer, Charles P.
2 Breen, Joseph
2 Cannarsa, Daniele
2 Cardona, Robert
2 Chatterjee, Rima
2 Christian, Austin
2 Cieliebak, Kai
2 Crowley, Diarmuid John
2 del Pino, Álvaro
2 Diogo, Luís
2 Durst, Sebastian
2 Feller, Peter
2 Gammage, Benjamin
...and 237 more Authors
all top 5

Cited in 110 Serials

49 Algebraic & Geometric Topology
41 Geometry & Topology
15 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society
13 International Journal of Mathematics
12 Duke Mathematical Journal
12 Journal of Topology
10 Inventiones Mathematicae
10 Topology and its Applications
10 Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications
9 Advances in Mathematics
9 Mathematische Annalen
8 Geometriae Dedicata
7 Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society
7 Expositiones Mathematicae
7 Communications in Contemporary Mathematics
6 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society
6 Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications
5 Archiv der Mathematik
5 Geometric and Functional Analysis. GAFA
5 Journal of the European Mathematical Society (JEMS)
5 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris
4 Journal of Geometry and Physics
4 Compositio Mathematica
4 Journal of the London Mathematical Society. Second Series
4 Michigan Mathematical Journal
4 Osaka Journal of Mathematics
4 Acta Mathematica Hungarica
4 Differential Geometry and its Applications
4 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. New Series
4 Journal of Topology and Analysis
3 Periodica Mathematica Hungarica
3 Annales de l’Institut Fourier
3 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta
3 Annales Scientifiques de l’École Normale Supérieure. Quatrième Série
3 Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici
3 Indiana University Mathematics Journal
3 Publications Mathématiques
3 Pacific Journal of Mathematics
3 Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems
3 Selecta Mathematica. New Series
3 Advances in Geometry
3 Quantum Topology
3 Journal de l’École Polytechnique – Mathématiques
2 Jahresbericht der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung (DMV)
2 Nonlinearity
2 Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France
2 Glasgow Mathematical Journal
2 Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan
2 Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik
2 Mathematische Zeitschrift
2 Revista Matemática Iberoamericana
2 Journal of the American Mathematical Society
2 The Journal of Geometric Analysis
2 Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences. Mathematical Sciences
2 The New York Journal of Mathematics
2 European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ESAIM): Control, Optimization and Calculus of Variations
2 Annals of Mathematics. Second Series
2 Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society. New Series
2 Central European Journal of Mathematics
2 Kyoto Journal of Mathematics
2 Forum of Mathematics, Sigma
2 Winter Braids Lecture Notes
1 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society
1 Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Mathematics
1 Journal of Mathematical Physics
1 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics
1 Russian Mathematical Surveys
1 Acta Mathematica
1 Acta Mathematica Vietnamica
1 Canadian Mathematical Bulletin
1 Hiroshima Mathematical Journal
1 Journal of Differential Geometry
1 Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society
1 Manuscripta Mathematica
1 Mathematische Nachrichten
1 Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society
1 Nagoya Mathematical Journal
1 Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society
1 Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing
1 Physica D
1 Journal of the Ramanujan Mathematical Society
1 Science in China. Series A
1 Sugaku Expositions
1 Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées. Neuvième Série
1 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Probabilités et Statistiques
1 Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Toulouse. Mathématiques. Série VI
1 Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations
1 Kyushu Journal of Mathematics
1 Turkish Journal of Mathematics
1 NoDEA. Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications
1 Boletín de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana. Third Series
1 Sbornik: Mathematics
1 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems
1 Vietnam Journal of Mathematics
1 Regular and Chaotic Dynamics
1 Annales Henri Poincaré
1 Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa. Classe di Scienze. Serie V
1 Oberwolfach Reports
1 SIGMA. Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications
1 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical
...and 10 more Serials

Citations by Year

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