
Gaunersdorfer, Andrea

Author ID: gaunersdorfer.andrea Recent zbMATH articles by "Gaunersdorfer, Andrea"
Published as: Gaunersdorfer, Andrea; Gaunersdorfer, A.
External Links: ORCID

Citations contained in zbMATH Open

11 Publications have been cited 172 times in 160 Documents Cited by Year
Fictitious play, Shapley polygons, and the replicator equations. Zbl 0841.90143
Gaunersdorfer, Andrea; Hofbauer, Josef
Time averages for heteroclinic attractors. Zbl 0755.34040
Gaunersdorfer, Andrea
Endogenous fluctuations in a simple asset pricing model with heterogeneous agents. Zbl 0949.91011
Gaunersdorfer, A.
A nonlinear structural model for volatility clustering. Zbl 1181.91343
Gaunersdorfer, Andrea; Hommes, Cars
On the dynamics of asymmetric games. Zbl 0732.92031
Gaunersdorfer, Andrea; Hofbauer, Josef; Sigmund, Karl
Evolutionary and dynamic stability in symmetric evolutionary games with two independent decisions. Zbl 1073.91516
Cressman, Ross; Gaunersdorfer, Andrea; Wen, Jean-Francois
Strategic new product pricing when demand obeys saturation effects. Zbl 0907.90042
Dockner, Engelbert J.; Gaunersdorfer, Andrea
Adaptive beliefs and the volatility of asset prices. Zbl 1034.91039
Gaunersdorfer, Andrea
Government price subsidies to promote fast diffusion of a new consumer durable. Zbl 0878.90019
Dockner, Engelbert J.; Gaunersdorfer, Andrea; Jørgensen, Steffen
Dynamic investment strategies with demand-side and cost-side risks. Zbl 1198.91223
Dockner, Engelbert J.; Gaunersdorfer, Andrea
The strategic role of dividends and debt in markets with imperfect competition. Zbl 1411.91380
Dockner, Engelbert J.; Elsinger, Helmut; Gaunersdorfer, Andrea
The strategic role of dividends and debt in markets with imperfect competition. Zbl 1411.91380
Dockner, Engelbert J.; Elsinger, Helmut; Gaunersdorfer, Andrea
Dynamic investment strategies with demand-side and cost-side risks. Zbl 1198.91223
Dockner, Engelbert J.; Gaunersdorfer, Andrea
A nonlinear structural model for volatility clustering. Zbl 1181.91343
Gaunersdorfer, Andrea; Hommes, Cars
Adaptive beliefs and the volatility of asset prices. Zbl 1034.91039
Gaunersdorfer, Andrea
Endogenous fluctuations in a simple asset pricing model with heterogeneous agents. Zbl 0949.91011
Gaunersdorfer, A.
Evolutionary and dynamic stability in symmetric evolutionary games with two independent decisions. Zbl 1073.91516
Cressman, Ross; Gaunersdorfer, Andrea; Wen, Jean-Francois
Strategic new product pricing when demand obeys saturation effects. Zbl 0907.90042
Dockner, Engelbert J.; Gaunersdorfer, Andrea
Government price subsidies to promote fast diffusion of a new consumer durable. Zbl 0878.90019
Dockner, Engelbert J.; Gaunersdorfer, Andrea; Jørgensen, Steffen
Fictitious play, Shapley polygons, and the replicator equations. Zbl 0841.90143
Gaunersdorfer, Andrea; Hofbauer, Josef
Time averages for heteroclinic attractors. Zbl 0755.34040
Gaunersdorfer, Andrea
On the dynamics of asymmetric games. Zbl 0732.92031
Gaunersdorfer, Andrea; Hofbauer, Josef; Sigmund, Karl
all top 5

Cited by 253 Authors

6 Berger, Ulrich
6 Hommes, Cars H.
6 Westerhoff, Frank H.
5 Anufriev, Mikhail
5 Dieci, Roberto
5 Sandholm, William Howard
4 Ashwin, Peter
4 Hofbauer, Josef
3 Chiarella, Carl
3 Cressman, Ross
3 He, Xuezhong
3 Hopkins, Ed
3 Kiriki, Shin
3 Lux, Thomas C. H.
3 Nakano, Yushi
3 Peixe, Telmo
3 Radi, Davide
3 Soma, Teruhiko
3 van Strien, Sebastian J.
3 Viossat, Yannick
3 Wang, Duo
2 Alfarano, Simone
2 Benaïm, Michel
2 Boubaker, Heni
2 Gardini, Laura
2 Gaunersdorfer, Andrea
2 Hashimoto, Koh
2 Jørgensen, Steffen
2 Krupa, Martin
2 Kukacka, Jiri
2 Lahkar, Ratul
2 Li, Youwei
2 Schmitt, Noemi
2 Sigmund, Karl
2 Sorin, Sylvain
2 Sornette, Didier
2 Sparrow, Colin T.
2 Tramontana, Fabio
2 Wagener, Florian
2 Zaccour, Georges
1 Akyol, Derya Eren
1 Allen, Benjamin L.
1 Amann, Erwin
1 Andersen, J. V.
1 Antali, Mate
1 Araújo, Vítor
1 Arenzon, Jeferson J.
1 Bąk, Włodzimierz
1 Bari, Abdullahel
1 Barrientos, Pablo G.
1 Baykasoglu, Adil
1 Bednarik, Peter
1 Bogdanov, Alexander V.
1 Boone, Victor
1 Bottazzi, Giulio
1 Branch, William A.
1 Brock, William A.“Buz”
1 Budišić, Marko
1 Campisi, Giovanni
1 Canarella, Giorgio
1 Cason, Timothy N.
1 Castro, Sofia B. S. D.
1 Cavalli, Fausto
1 Chamberland, Marc
1 Chawanya, Tsuyoshi
1 Chen, Qiushuang
1 Chen, Shuheng
1 Chen, Yu
1 Cheriyan, Vinod
1 Chernulich, Aleksei
1 Couto, Marta C.
1 de Carvalho, Maria Pires
1 Deguchi, Hideo
1 Dercole, Fabio
1 Díaz, Lorenzo Justiniano
1 Du, Peng
1 El-Seidy, Essam A.
1 Ellis, T. Selwyn
1 Elshobaky, Entisarat M.
1 Eshel, Ilan
1 Evans, George W. II
1 Ewerhart, Christian
1 Feichtinger, Gustav
1 Franke, Reiner
1 Frean, Marcus
1 Fruchter, Gila E.
1 Fudenberg, Drew
1 Gaivão, José Pedro
1 Garrido-da-Silva, Liliana
1 Gelfert, Katrin Grit
1 Goeree, Jacob K.
1 Gokhale, Chaitanya S.
1 Gölcük, İlker
1 Goldbaum, David
1 Golenishcheva-Kutuzova, Tatiana
1 Gomes, Orlando
1 Gritsans, Armands
1 Guarino, Pablo
1 Guihéneuf, Pierre-Antoine
1 Guo, Hao
...and 153 more Authors
all top 5

Cited in 65 Serials

29 Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control
10 Games and Economic Behavior
10 Dynamic Games and Applications
9 Journal of Economic Theory
6 Chaos
5 Journal of Theoretical Biology
4 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals
4 Annals of Operations Research
4 Journal of Dynamics and Games
3 Mathematical Biosciences
3 European Journal of Operational Research
3 International Game Theory Review
3 Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems
3 Games
2 Applied Mathematics and Computation
2 Journal of Mathematical Economics
2 Mathematical Social Sciences
2 Physica D
2 Journal of Nonlinear Science
2 Journal of Difference Equations and Applications
2 Macroeconomic Dynamics
2 Quantitative Finance
2 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series B
2 Journal of Systems Science and Complexity
2 Decisions in Economics and Finance
1 Communications in Mathematical Physics
1 Journal of Mathematical Biology
1 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences
1 Mathematical Notes
1 Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society
1 Nonlinearity
1 Physica A
1 Physics Letters. A
1 Physics Reports
1 Bulletin of Mathematical Biology
1 Advances in Mathematics
1 Automatica
1 International Economic Review
1 International Journal of Game Theory
1 Monatshefte für Mathematik
1 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods
1 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society
1 Theoretical Population Biology
1 Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems
1 Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research
1 Computational Mathematics and Modeling
1 Economics Letters
1 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. New Series
1 Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations
1 Boletim da Sociedade Brasileira de Matemática. Nova Série
1 Computational Economics
1 Applied Mathematical Finance
1 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems
1 Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics
1 Regular and Chaotic Dynamics
1 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation
1 International Journal of Modern Physics C
1 Dynamical Systems
1 Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis
1 Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society. New Series
1 Milan Journal of Mathematics
1 SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems
1 Kinetic and Related Models
1 Journal of Time Series Econometrics
1 Results in Applied Mathematics

Citations by Year