
Delchamps, David F.

Author ID: delchamps.david-f Recent zbMATH articles by "Delchamps, David F."
Published as: Delchamps, David F.; Delchamps, D. F.
Documents Indexed: 6 Publications since 1983, including 1 Book
Co-Authors: 1 Co-Author with 1 Joint Publication
12 Co-Co-Authors
all top 5

Cited by 277 Authors

5 Chen, Guanrong
4 Bru, Rafael
4 Che, Weiwei
4 Chen, Tongwen
4 Furtat, Igor Borisovich
4 Wang, Jian
4 Xia, Xiaohua
4 Yun, Sung Wook
3 Bicchi, Antonio
3 Chang, Xiaoheng
3 Fu, Minyue
3 Lin, Hai
3 Ling, Qiang
3 Lunze, Jan
3 Matveev, Alexey S.
3 Park, PooGyeon
3 Savkin, Andrey V.
3 Stépán, Gábor
3 Wang, Zidong
3 Yang, Guanghong
3 Yu, Xinghuo
3 Zhai, Guisheng
3 Zhang, Guofeng
2 Alsaadi, Fuad Eid Salem
2 Antsaklis, Panos J.
2 Bitmead, Robert R.
2 Choi, Yun Jong
2 Coll, Carmen
2 Cuevas, Claudio
2 Delchamps, David F.
2 Dou, Rundong
2 Dubbini, Nevio
2 Evans, Robin J.
2 Ferrante, Francesco
2 Fradkov, Aleksandr L’vovich
2 Gabrielov, Andrei
2 Gai, Rudong
2 Gao, Huijun
2 Goodwin, Graham Clifford
2 Gouaisbaut, Frédéric
2 Haimovich, Hernan
2 Helmke, Uwe R.
2 Huang, Yu
2 Liang, Jinling
2 Liberzon, Daniel
2 Liu, Yurong
2 Ma, Yuechao
2 Mahmoud, Magdi Sadik Mostafa
2 Marigo, Alessia
2 Nair, Girish N.
2 Piccoli, Benedetto
2 Sánchez, Elena
2 Seron, Maria Marta
2 Shi, Peng
2 Tarbouriech, Sophie
2 Xie, Lihua
2 Yan, Yan
2 Yeremenko, Oleksandr Emmanuïlovych
1 Alessandri, Angelo
1 Almutairi, Naif B.
1 Almuzakki, Muhammad Zaki
1 Andrievskii, B. R.
1 Aubrun, Christophe
1 Azarm, Shapour
1 Başar, Tamer
1 Belabbas, Mohamed-Ali
1 Ben Gaid, Mohamed El Mongi
1 Bernardo, Felix
1 Bliman, Pierre-Alexandre
1 Bobtsov, Alexey A.
1 Brüggemann, Sven
1 Cantó, Rafael
1 Cela, Arben
1 Chanekar, Prasad Vilas
1 Chen, Ning
1 Chen, Ning
1 Chen, Rui
1 Chen, Xudong
1 Chida, Yuichi
1 Chopra, Nikhil
1 Chou, Chun Tung
1 Clements, David J.
1 Colonius, Fritz
1 Corradini, Maria Letizia
1 Coutinho, Daniel F.
1 Csernák, Gábor
1 Dahleh, Munther A.
1 D’Amico, Marìa Belén
1 De Persis, Claudio
1 de Souza, Carlos Emanuel
1 Deistler, Manfred
1 Dimarogonas, Dimos V.
1 Ding, Derui
1 Dobson, Ian
1 Donkers, M. C. F.
1 Duan, Guangren
1 Dumas, Jean-Guillaume
1 Enikov, Eniko
1 Foo, Yung Kuan
1 Fridman, Emilia
...and 177 more Authors
all top 5

Cited in 39 Serials

25 Automatica
12 International Journal of Control
12 Systems & Control Letters
7 Mathematical Problems in Engineering
6 Linear Algebra and its Applications
6 International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control
5 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals
5 Applied Mathematics and Computation
5 MCSS. Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems
5 Asian Journal of Control
4 Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing
4 Automation and Remote Control
4 International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering
4 European Journal of Control
4 Nonlinear Analysis. Hybrid Systems
3 International Journal of Systems Science. Principles and Applications of Systems and Integration
2 Information Sciences
2 SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization
2 Optimal Control Applications & Methods
2 International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing
2 Journal of Nonlinear Science
2 Nonlinear Dynamics
2 International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
2 Journal of Control Theory and Applications
1 International Journal of General Systems
1 International Journal of Systems Science
1 Journal of the Franklin Institute
1 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
1 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences
1 Kybernetika
1 Mathematical Systems Theory
1 Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems
1 Discrete Event Dynamic Systems
1 Journal of Vibration and Control
1 Abstract and Applied Analysis
1 Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society
1 Sādhanā
1 Computational Methods and Function Theory
1 Central European Journal of Mathematics

Citations by Year