
Dahl, Ole-Johan (b. 1931 d. 2002)

Author ID: dahl.ole-johan Recent zbMATH articles by "Dahl, Ole-Johan"
Published as: Dahl, Ole-Johan; Dahl, O.-J.; Dahl, O. J.
Homepage: http://www.olejohandahl.info/
External Links: Wikidata · dblp · GND · IdRef
Awards: Turing Award (2001)
Documents Indexed: 15 Publications since 1962, including 3 Books
Biographic References: 5 Publications
Co-Authors: 9 Co-Authors with 8 Joint Publications
104 Co-Co-Authors

Citations contained in zbMATH Open

12 Publications have been cited 132 times in 121 Documents Cited by Year
Structured programming. Zbl 0267.68001
Dahl, O.-J.; Dijkstra, E. W.; Hoare, C. A. R.
SIMULA - an ALGOL-based simulation language. Zbl 0139.32903
Dahl, O. J.; Nygaard, K.
An ILU preconditioner with coupled node fill-in for iterative solution of the mixed finite element formulation of the 2D and 3D Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 0825.76446
Dahl, O.; Wille, S.Ø.
Verifiable programming. Zbl 0790.68005
Dahl, Ole-Johan
Analysis of an algorithm for priority queue administration. Zbl 0324.68021
Jonassen, Arne; Dahl, Ole-Johan
Coroutine sequencing in a block structured environment. Zbl 0242.68013
Wang, Arne; Dahl, Ole-Johan
Generator induction in order sorted algebras. Zbl 0712.68068
Owe, Olaf; Dahl, Ole-Johan
Algorithms and data structures. (Algoritmer og datastrukturer.). Zbl 0334.68001
Dahl, Ole-Johan; Belsnes, Dag
Time sequences as a tool for describing program behaviour. Zbl 0456.68017
Dahl, Ole-Johan
An approach to correctness proofs of semicoroutines. Zbl 0337.68013
Dahl, Ole-Johan
Subtyping and constructive specification. Zbl 0907.68123
Dahl, Ole-Johan; Owe, Olaf; Bastiansen, Tore J.
On introducing higher order functions in ABEL. Zbl 0907.68124
Kristoffersen, Bjørn; Dahl, Ole-Johan
Subtyping and constructive specification. Zbl 0907.68123
Dahl, Ole-Johan; Owe, Olaf; Bastiansen, Tore J.
On introducing higher order functions in ABEL. Zbl 0907.68124
Kristoffersen, Bjørn; Dahl, Ole-Johan
An ILU preconditioner with coupled node fill-in for iterative solution of the mixed finite element formulation of the 2D and 3D Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 0825.76446
Dahl, O.; Wille, S.Ø.
Verifiable programming. Zbl 0790.68005
Dahl, Ole-Johan
Generator induction in order sorted algebras. Zbl 0712.68068
Owe, Olaf; Dahl, Ole-Johan
Time sequences as a tool for describing program behaviour. Zbl 0456.68017
Dahl, Ole-Johan
Analysis of an algorithm for priority queue administration. Zbl 0324.68021
Jonassen, Arne; Dahl, Ole-Johan
An approach to correctness proofs of semicoroutines. Zbl 0337.68013
Dahl, Ole-Johan
Algorithms and data structures. (Algoritmer og datastrukturer.). Zbl 0334.68001
Dahl, Ole-Johan; Belsnes, Dag
Structured programming. Zbl 0267.68001
Dahl, O.-J.; Dijkstra, E. W.; Hoare, C. A. R.
Coroutine sequencing in a block structured environment. Zbl 0242.68013
Wang, Arne; Dahl, Ole-Johan
SIMULA - an ALGOL-based simulation language. Zbl 0139.32903
Dahl, O. J.; Nygaard, K.
all top 5

Cited by 200 Authors

7 Owe, Olaf
3 Cardelli, Luca
3 Din, Crystal Chang
3 Hoare, Charles Antony Richard
3 Oriat, Catherine
2 Dahl, Ole-Johan
2 Dovland, Johan
2 Johnsen, Einar Broch
2 Jones, Cliff B.
2 Kingston, Jeffrey H.
2 Knuth, Donald Ervin
2 Mitchell, John C.
2 Szwarcfiter, Jayme Luiz
2 Tsejtlin, G. E.
2 Yushchenko, E. L.
1 Adiga, Sadashiv
1 America, Pierre
1 Apt, Krzysztof Rafal
1 Arbib, Michael A.
1 Ardis, Mark
1 Asdre, Katerina
1 Axelsen, Holger Bock
1 Bakulin, A. V.
1 Barendregt, Hendrik Pieter
1 Barros, Fernando J.
1 Barthe, Gilles
1 Bento, Lucila Maria Souza
1 Birchenhall, Chris
1 Bobrow, Daniel G.
1 Boccardo, Davidson R.
1 Bona, Jerry Lloyd
1 Brol’, V. V.
1 Brucker, Achim D.
1 Callegarin, G.
1 Cao, Chun
1 Cardone, Felice
1 Coffey, Shannon L.
1 Colvin, Robert J.
1 Cook, William R.
1 Coquand, Thierry
1 Correll, Claus H.
1 Cousineau, Guy
1 Cremers, Armin B.
1 Cunha, Paulo Roberto Freire
1 Daley, Nigel
1 Davies, Jim
1 de Lucena, Carlos José Pereira
1 De Meuter, Wolfgang
1 de V. Garcia, Alex
1 Deprit, André
1 Dershowitz, Nachum
1 Desjardins, Pierre
1 Dessouky, Yasser M.
1 Dragomir, Iulia
1 Drossopolou, Sophia
1 Duan, Zhenhua
1 Duncan, Arthur G.
1 Ehrig, Hartmut
1 Eisenbach, Susan
1 Elvang-Gøransson, Morten
1 Evtimov, Venelin K.
1 Faitelson, David
1 Fresco, Nir
1 Friedman, Frank L.
1 Furukawa, Kōichi
1 Gaines, Brian R.
1 Galand, S.
1 Gibbons, Jeremy
1 Ginzburg, Abraham
1 Gjessing, Stein
1 Glassey, C. Roger
1 Glück, Robert
1 Glushkov, Viktor Mikhaĭlovich
1 Grant, Phil W.
1 Gu, Ronghui
1 Guessarian, Irène
1 Guo, Yu
1 Gurov, V. S.
1 Habermann, A. Nico
1 Haeusler, Edward Hermann
1 Haigh, Thomas
1 Halaas, Arne
1 Harland, David M.
1 Harman, Mark
1 Hayes, Ian J.
1 Hibbard, Thomas N.
1 Hierons, Robert Mark
1 Hinze, Ralf
1 Hoffman, Daniel
1 Huang, Yu
1 Jobling, C. P.
1 Johansen, Peter
1 Johnson, Donald B.
1 Jonassen, Arne T.
1 Kapitonova, Yu. V.
1 Kaplan, Ronald M.
1 Kasatkina, I. V.
1 Kay, Martin
1 Kleijnen, Jack P. C.
1 Klimek, Radosław
...and 100 more Authors
all top 5

Cited in 46 Serials

9 Acta Informatica
9 Theoretical Computer Science
8 BIT. Nordisk Tidskrift for Informationsbehandling
7 Formal Aspects of Computing
6 Information Processing Letters
6 Information and Computation
4 Artificial Intelligence
4 Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming
3 Cybernetics
3 Cybernetics and Systems Analysis
3 Diagrammes
2 RAIRO, Informatique Théorique
2 Software. Practice & Experience
2 The Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming
1 Discrete Applied Mathematics
1 International Journal of General Systems
1 International Journal of Theoretical Physics
1 Automatica
1 International Journal of Computer & Information Sciences
1 Journal of Algebra
1 Journal of Computer and System Sciences
1 Journal of Economic Theory
1 Journal of Soviet Mathematics
1 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation
1 Mathematical Systems Theory
1 Programming and Computer Software
1 Science of Computer Programming
1 Mathematical Social Sciences
1 Operations Research Letters
1 International Journal of Production Research
1 Journal of Complexity
1 Journal of Computer Science and Technology
1 New Generation Computing
1 Mathematical Structures in Computer Science
1 Discrete Event Dynamic Systems
1 Celestial Mechanics
1 European Journal of Operational Research
1 International Journal of Computer Mathematics
1 Advances in Engineering Software
1 Computational Economics
1 Journal of Functional Programming
1 Erkenntnis
1 International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
1 Science in China. Series F
1 Logical Methods in Computer Science

Citations by Year

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