
Critchlow, Douglas E.

Author ID: critchlow.douglas-e Recent zbMATH articles by "Critchlow, Douglas E."
Published as: Critchlow, Douglas E.; Critchlow, D. E.; Critchlow, D.
Documents Indexed: 9 Publications since 1985, including 1 Book
Co-Authors: 9 Co-Authors with 6 Joint Publications
77 Co-Co-Authors

Citations contained in zbMATH Open

6 Publications have been cited 145 times in 118 Documents Cited by Year
Metric methods for analyzing partially ranked data. Zbl 0589.62041
Critchlow, Douglas E.
Probability models on rankings. Zbl 0741.62024
Critchlow, Douglas E.; Fligner, Michael A.; Verducci, Joseph S.
Ranking models with item covariates. Zbl 0766.62011
Critchlow, Douglas E.; Fligner, Michael A.
Paired comparison, triple comparison, and ranking experiments as generalized linear models, and their implementation on GLIM. Zbl 0850.62574
Critchlow, Douglas E.; Fligner, Michael A.
On rank statistics: An approach via metrics on the permutation group. Zbl 0770.62036
Critchlow, Douglas E.
Detecting a trend in paired rankings. Zbl 0825.62386
Critchlow, D. E.; Verducci, J. S.
Ranking models with item covariates. Zbl 0766.62011
Critchlow, Douglas E.; Fligner, Michael A.
On rank statistics: An approach via metrics on the permutation group. Zbl 0770.62036
Critchlow, Douglas E.
Detecting a trend in paired rankings. Zbl 0825.62386
Critchlow, D. E.; Verducci, J. S.
Probability models on rankings. Zbl 0741.62024
Critchlow, Douglas E.; Fligner, Michael A.; Verducci, Joseph S.
Paired comparison, triple comparison, and ranking experiments as generalized linear models, and their implementation on GLIM. Zbl 0850.62574
Critchlow, Douglas E.; Fligner, Michael A.
Metric methods for analyzing partially ranked data. Zbl 0589.62041
Critchlow, Douglas E.
all top 5

Cited by 194 Authors

6 Yu, Philip Leung Ho
5 Regenwetter, Michel
4 Brandenburg, Franz-Josef
4 Brandt, Felix
4 Diaconis, Persi Warren
4 Gleißner, Andreas
3 Bansal, Mukul Subodh
3 Böckenholt, Ulf
3 Critchlow, Douglas E.
3 Dittrich, Regina
3 Fernández-Baca, David
3 Fligner, Michael A.
3 Francis, Brian J.
3 Hatzinger, Reinhold
3 Hofmeier, Andreas
3 Lee, Paul H.
3 Marley, Anthony A. J.
3 Mollica, Cristina
3 Tardella, Luca
3 Viappiani, Paolo
2 Alvo, Mayer
2 Calvo, Borja
2 Csiszár, Villő
2 D’Ambrosio, Antonio
2 Damien, Paul
2 Dong, Jianrong
2 Geist, Christian
2 Glickman, Mark E.
2 Grofman, Bernard
2 Gupta, Jayanti
2 Heiser, Willem J.
2 Irurozki, Ekhine
2 Kamiya, Hidehiko
2 Kemp, K. E.
2 Liu, Jun S.
2 Lozano, Jose A.
2 Nelson, Paul Irwin
2 Nikolov, Nikolay I.
2 Quade, Dana
2 Salama, Ibrahim A.
2 Seedig, Hans Georg
2 Strobel, Martin
2 Takemura, Akimichi
2 Tsoukiàs, Alexis
2 Verducci, Joseph Stephen
2 Xu, Hang
1 Adkins, Laura
1 Aghayerashti, Maryam
1 Aledo, Juan Ángel
1 Alhassan, B.
1 Amodio, Sonia
1 Anand Tularam, Gurudeo
1 Arjas, Elja
1 Bachmaier, Christian
1 Bachmeier, Georg
1 Bachoc, François
1 Bahrami Samani, Ehsan
1 Baker, Rose D.
1 Balding, David Joseph
1 Basu, Riddhipratim
1 Benabbou, Nawal
1 Bentler, Peter M.
1 Bhatnagar, Nayantara
1 Biernacki, Christophe
1 Blocher, Hannah
1 Block, Henry W.
1 Borodin, Alexei
1 Boulesteix, Anne-Laure Isabeau
1 Boys, Richard J.
1 Brockmeier, Austin J.
1 Broto, Baptiste
1 Castella, Dominique
1 Chan, Wai
1 Chatterjee, Sourav
1 Chen, Yilin
1 Chhetry, Devendra
1 Crispino, Marta
1 DeCarlo, Lawrence T.
1 DeJong, Jennifer
1 DeSarbo, Wayne S.
1 Doignon, Jean-Paul
1 Dossou-Gbete, Simplice
1 D’Urso, Pierpaolo
1 Eugster, Manuel J. A.
1 Evangelopoulos, Xenophon
1 Falmagne, Jean-Claude
1 Fan, Xiaodan
1 Fang, Zhaoben
1 Fenner, Trevor I.
1 Ferrari, Pablo Augusto
1 Fraiman, Ricardo
1 Frigessi, Arnoldo
1 Fueda, Kaoru
1 Fulman, Jason E.
1 Gamboa, Fabrice
1 Gámez, José Antonio
1 Ganjali, Mojtaba
1 Garba, Isah Abor
1 Gaubert, Stéphane
1 Gnedin, Alexander V.
...and 94 more Authors
all top 5

Cited in 58 Serials

11 Psychometrika
7 Journal of Mathematical Psychology
7 Computational Statistics and Data Analysis
6 Mathematical Social Sciences
6 Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods
5 Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference
4 Journal of Multivariate Analysis
4 Journal of Classification
2 Artificial Intelligence
2 Metrika
2 The Annals of Statistics
2 Journal of the American Statistical Association
2 Journal of Computer and System Sciences
2 Theoretical Computer Science
2 Statistical Science
2 Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation
2 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. New Series
2 Journal of Applied Statistics
1 Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Mathematics
1 Information Processing Letters
1 Scandinavian Journal of Statistics
1 Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics
1 The Annals of Probability
1 Applied Mathematics and Computation
1 Biometrical Journal
1 British Journal of Mathematical & Statistical Psychology
1 Kybernetika
1 Mathematische Zeitschrift
1 Metron
1 Theoretical Population Biology
1 Journal of the Nigerian Mathematical Society
1 Social Choice and Welfare
1 International Journal of Approximate Reasoning
1 Journal of Theoretical Probability
1 Machine Learning
1 Random Structures & Algorithms
1 European Journal of Operational Research
1 Pattern Recognition
1 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Probabilités et Statistiques
1 Test
1 Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence
1 Bernoulli
1 The Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications
1 Journal of Nonparametric Statistics
1 Journal of Combinatorial Optimization
1 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B. Statistical Methodology
1 Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability
1 Statistical Modelling
1 Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR)
1 Journal of Discrete Algorithms
1 Statistical Methods and Applications
1 Advances in Data Analysis and Classification. ADAC
1 Statistical Analysis and Data Mining
1 Electronic Journal of Statistics
1 The Annals of Applied Statistics
1 Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews. WIREs Computational Statistics
1 Bayesian Analysis
1 Cogent Mathematics

Citations by Year