
Chickering, David Maxwell

Author ID: chickering.david-maxwell Recent zbMATH articles by "Chickering, David Maxwell"
Published as: Chickering, David Maxwell; Chickering, David M.; Chickering, D. M.
Documents Indexed: 9 Publications since 1995
Co-Authors: 7 Co-Authors with 7 Joint Publications
69 Co-Co-Authors

Publications by Year

Citations contained in zbMATH Open

9 Publications have been cited 616 times in 462 Documents Cited by Year
Learning Bayesian networks: The combination of knowledge and statistical data. Zbl 0831.68096
Heckerman, David; Geiger, Dan; Chickering, David M.
Optimal structure identification with greedy search. Zbl 1084.68519
Chickering, David Maxwell
Learning equivalence classes of Bayesian-network structures. Zbl 1007.68179
Chickering, David Maxwell
Large-sample learning of Bayesian networks is NP-hard. Zbl 1222.68169
Chickering, David Maxwell; Heckerman, David; Meek, Christopher
Dependency networks for inference, collaborative filtering, and data visualization. Zbl 1008.68132
Heckerman, David; Chickering, David Maxwell; Meek, Christopher; Rounthwaite, Robert; Kadie, Carl
Efficient approximations for the marginal likelihood of Bayesian networks with hidden variables. Zbl 0894.68124
Chickering, David Maxwell; Heckerman, David
On finding a cycle basis with a shortest maximal cycle. Zbl 0875.68685
Chickering, David M.; Geiger, Dan; Heckerman, David
Best-first minimax search. Zbl 1506.68126
Korf, Richard E.; Chickering, David Maxwell
Computationally efficient methods for selecting among mixtures of graphical models. (With discussion). Zbl 0974.62027
Thiesson, B.; Meek, C.; Chickering, D. M.; Heckerman, D.
Large-sample learning of Bayesian networks is NP-hard. Zbl 1222.68169
Chickering, David Maxwell; Heckerman, David; Meek, Christopher
Optimal structure identification with greedy search. Zbl 1084.68519
Chickering, David Maxwell
Learning equivalence classes of Bayesian-network structures. Zbl 1007.68179
Chickering, David Maxwell
Dependency networks for inference, collaborative filtering, and data visualization. Zbl 1008.68132
Heckerman, David; Chickering, David Maxwell; Meek, Christopher; Rounthwaite, Robert; Kadie, Carl
Computationally efficient methods for selecting among mixtures of graphical models. (With discussion). Zbl 0974.62027
Thiesson, B.; Meek, C.; Chickering, D. M.; Heckerman, D.
Efficient approximations for the marginal likelihood of Bayesian networks with hidden variables. Zbl 0894.68124
Chickering, David Maxwell; Heckerman, David
Best-first minimax search. Zbl 1506.68126
Korf, Richard E.; Chickering, David Maxwell
Learning Bayesian networks: The combination of knowledge and statistical data. Zbl 0831.68096
Heckerman, David; Geiger, Dan; Chickering, David M.
On finding a cycle basis with a shortest maximal cycle. Zbl 0875.68685
Chickering, David M.; Geiger, Dan; Heckerman, David
all top 5

Cited by 914 Authors

15 Bühlmann, Peter
13 Larrañaga, Pedro
9 Castelletti, Federico
9 Studený, Milan
8 Cussens, James
8 de Campos, Luis Miguel
8 Puerta, Jose Miguel
7 de Campos, Cassio Polpo
7 Park, Gunwoong
6 Bielza, Concha
6 Consonni, Guido
6 Corander, Jukka
6 Gámez, José Antonio
6 Geng, Zhi
6 Maathuis, Marloes H.
6 Scutari, Marco
5 Heckerman, David E.
5 Inza, Iñaki
5 Peluso, Stefano
5 Pensar, Johan
5 Smith, James Quartermaine
5 Uhler, Caroline
4 Acid, Silvia
4 Corani, Giorgio
4 Geiger, Dan
4 Greiner, Russell
4 Grzegorczyk, Marco A.
4 He, Yangbo
4 Kuo, Kun-Lin
4 La Rocca, Luca
4 Moral, Serafín
4 Nyman, Henrik
4 Peters, Jonas
4 Ramon, Jan
4 Santana, Roberto
4 Schulte, Oliver
4 Vomlel, Jiří
4 Wang, Yuchung J.
4 Yang, Youlong
4 Zaffalon, Marco
4 Zhou, Qing
3 Almudevar, Anthony
3 Alonso-Barba, Juan I.
3 Blockeel, Hendrik
3 Borgelt, Christian
3 Bruynooghe, Maurice
3 Castellano, Javier G.
3 Constantinou, Anthony C.
3 delaOssa, Luis
3 Dobra, Adrian
3 Ernest, Jan
3 Feelders, Ad J.
3 Fierens, Daan
3 Ji, Qiang
3 Kalisch, Markus
3 Kuipers, Jack B.
3 Leray, Philippe
3 Masmoudi, Afif
3 Moffa, Giusi
3 Oates, Chris J.
3 Pan, Wei
3 Perlman, Michael D.
3 Raskutti, Garvesh
3 Rebai, Ahmed
3 Roverato, Alberto
3 Scanagatta, Mauro
3 Shen, Xiaotong
3 Solus, Liam T.
3 Stella, Fabio
3 Stingo, Francesco Claudio
3 Sun, Wei
3 Wang, Yi
3 Wu, Yan
3 Xiang, Yang
3 Zhang, Nevin Lianwen
2 Adão, Pedro
2 Aghdam, Rosa
2 Angelopoulos, Nicos
2 Balabanov, A. S.
2 Baladandayuthapani, Veerabhadran
2 Balov, Nikolay H.
2 Barclay, Lorna M.
2 Bouhamed, Heni
2 Cano, Andrés
2 Carvalho, Alexandra M.
2 Chen, Tao
2 Chobtham, Kiattikun
2 Colombo, Diego
2 Costa, Lilia
2 Drton, Mathias
2 Eslahchi, Changiz
2 Fang, Zhuangyan
2 Fernández-Luna, Juan Manuel
2 Ganjali, Mojtaba
2 Goldberg, David Edward
2 Grünwald, Peter D.
2 Gu, Jiaying
2 Guo, Jianhua
2 Ha, Min Jin
2 Han, SungWon
...and 814 more Authors
all top 5

Cited in 127 Serials

67 International Journal of Approximate Reasoning
30 Machine Learning
21 Computational Statistics and Data Analysis
17 Artificial Intelligence
16 The Annals of Statistics
14 Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR)
11 Information Sciences
10 Statistics and Computing
9 Statistical Science
9 Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
9 The Annals of Applied Statistics
8 Pattern Recognition
7 Biometrics
7 Journal of Applied Statistics
6 Journal of the American Statistical Association
6 European Journal of Operational Research
5 Journal of Multivariate Analysis
5 Neural Computation
5 Statistical Methods and Applications
5 Electronic Journal of Statistics
4 Scandinavian Journal of Statistics
4 Theoretical Computer Science
4 Bayesian Analysis
3 New Generation Computing
3 SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics
3 Annals of Operations Research
3 Computational Statistics
3 Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation
3 Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence
3 Mathematical Problems in Engineering
3 Statistical Analysis and Data Mining
3 Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics
2 Information Processing Letters
2 Physics Reports
2 Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference
2 Statistica Neerlandica
2 Theoretical Population Biology
2 Statistics & Probability Letters
2 International Journal of Intelligent Systems
2 Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing
2 Communications in Statistics. Simulation and Computation
2 Cybernetics and Systems Analysis
2 Computational Economics
2 Test
2 Bernoulli
2 Chaos
2 International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
2 Entropy
2 Quantum Information Processing
2 Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology
2 Computational Biology and Chemistry
2 Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering
2 Journal of the Korean Statistical Society
2 Frontiers of Mathematics in China
2 Algebraic Statistics
2 Stat
1 ACM Computing Surveys
1 Biological Cybernetics
1 The Canadian Journal of Statistics
1 Computers & Mathematics with Applications
1 Discrete Applied Mathematics
1 Discrete Mathematics
1 International Journal of Theoretical Physics
1 Journal of Computational Physics
1 Journal of the Franklin Institute
1 Mathematical Biosciences
1 Physica A
1 Psychometrika
1 Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics
1 Automatica
1 International Statistical Review
1 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics
1 Journal of Computer and System Sciences
1 Kybernetika
1 Metron
1 Studia Logica
1 Synthese
1 Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica. English Series
1 Statistics
1 Theoria. Segunda Epoca
1 Journal of Computer Science and Technology
1 Information and Computation
1 Computers & Operations Research
1 Mathematical and Computer Modelling
1 Neural Networks
1 Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems
1 International Journal of Computer Mathematics
1 Linear Algebra and its Applications
1 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
1 Foundations of Computing and Decision Sciences
1 Journal of Logic, Language and Information
1 International Journal of Computer Vision
1 The Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR)
1 Journal of Computational Neuroscience
1 Complexity
1 European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ESAIM): Probability and Statistics
1 Soft Computing
1 Mathematical Methods of Operations Research
1 PAA. Pattern Analysis and Applications
1 Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics
...and 27 more Serials

Citations by Year