Author ID: chesters.allan-k Recent zbMATH articles by "Chesters, Allan K."
Published as: Chesters, A. K.; Chesters, Allan K.
External Links: MGP
Documents Indexed: 16 Publications since 1977
Co-Authors: 10 Co-Authors with 12 Joint Publications
73 Co-Co-Authors

Citations contained in zbMATH Open

12 Publications have been cited 76 times in 66 Documents Cited by Year
Bubble coalescence in pure liquids. Zbl 0487.76104
Chesters, A. K.; Hofman, G.
An analytical solution for the profile and volume of a small drop or bubble symmetrical about a vertical axis. Zbl 0389.76016
Chesters, A. K.
The effect of the dispersed to continuous-phase viscosity ratio on film drainage between interacting drops. Zbl 1137.76528
Bazhlekov, I. B.; Chesters, A. K.; van de Vosse, F. N.
The drainage and rupture of partially-mobile films between colliding drops at constant approach velocity. Zbl 1134.76473
Abid, S.; Chesters, A. K.
Numerical investigation of the dynamic influence of the contact line region on the macroscopic meniscus shape. Zbl 0891.76027
Bazhlekov, Ivan B.; Chesters, Allan K.
Modes of bubble growth in the slow-formation regime of nucleate pool boiling. Zbl 0381.76089
Chesters, A. K.
Bubble coalescence in turbulent flows: A mechanistic model for turbulence-induced coalescence applied to microgravity bubbly pipe flow. Zbl 1137.76625
Kamp, A. M.; Chesters, A. K.; Colin, C.; Fabre, J.
An approximate analytical solution of the hydrodynamic problem associated with an advancing liquid-gas contact line. Zbl 1134.76498
Boender, W.; Chesters, A. K.; Van Der Zanden, A. J. J.
Drainage and rupture of a Newtonian film between two power-law liquid drops interacting under a constant force. Zbl 0985.76006
Bazhlekov, I. B.; van de Vosse, F. N.; Chesters, A. K.
An approximate solution of the hydrodynamic problem associated with receding liquid-gas contact lines. Zbl 1144.76362
Chesters, A. K.; Van Der Zanden, A. J. J.
An experimental study of the meniscus shape associated with moving liquid-fluid contact lines. Zbl 1134.76697
Van Der Zanden, A. J. J.; Chesters, A. K.
An approximate solution of the hydrodynamic problem associated with moving liquid-liquid contact lines. Zbl 1134.76698
Van Der Zanden, A. J. J.; Chesters, A. K.
Bubble coalescence in turbulent flows: A mechanistic model for turbulence-induced coalescence applied to microgravity bubbly pipe flow. Zbl 1137.76625
Kamp, A. M.; Chesters, A. K.; Colin, C.; Fabre, J.
The effect of the dispersed to continuous-phase viscosity ratio on film drainage between interacting drops. Zbl 1137.76528
Bazhlekov, I. B.; Chesters, A. K.; van de Vosse, F. N.
Drainage and rupture of a Newtonian film between two power-law liquid drops interacting under a constant force. Zbl 0985.76006
Bazhlekov, I. B.; van de Vosse, F. N.; Chesters, A. K.
Numerical investigation of the dynamic influence of the contact line region on the macroscopic meniscus shape. Zbl 0891.76027
Bazhlekov, Ivan B.; Chesters, Allan K.
The drainage and rupture of partially-mobile films between colliding drops at constant approach velocity. Zbl 1134.76473
Abid, S.; Chesters, A. K.
An experimental study of the meniscus shape associated with moving liquid-fluid contact lines. Zbl 1134.76697
Van Der Zanden, A. J. J.; Chesters, A. K.
An approximate solution of the hydrodynamic problem associated with moving liquid-liquid contact lines. Zbl 1134.76698
Van Der Zanden, A. J. J.; Chesters, A. K.
An approximate solution of the hydrodynamic problem associated with receding liquid-gas contact lines. Zbl 1144.76362
Chesters, A. K.; Van Der Zanden, A. J. J.
An approximate analytical solution of the hydrodynamic problem associated with an advancing liquid-gas contact line. Zbl 1134.76498
Boender, W.; Chesters, A. K.; Van Der Zanden, A. J. J.
Bubble coalescence in pure liquids. Zbl 0487.76104
Chesters, A. K.; Hofman, G.
Modes of bubble growth in the slow-formation regime of nucleate pool boiling. Zbl 0381.76089
Chesters, A. K.
An analytical solution for the profile and volume of a small drop or bubble symmetrical about a vertical axis. Zbl 0389.76016
Chesters, A. K.
all top 5

Cited by 150 Authors

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4 Yeoh, Guan Heng
3 Bazhlekov, Ivan B.
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3 Yoon, Yosang
2 Chan, Derek Y. C.
2 Cheung, Sherman C. P.
2 Hadjiconstantinou, Nicolas G.
2 Khoo, Boo Cheong
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2 Martínez-Bazán, Carlos
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2 Spelt, Peter D. M.
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1 Baltussen, Michiel G. H. M.
1 Basaran, Osman A.
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1 Beysens, Daniel A.
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1 Breugem, Wim-Paul
1 Bush, John W. M.
1 Calver, Simon N.
1 Carnie, Steven L.
1 Cen, Chunze
1 Ceniceros, Hector D.
1 Champagne, J. Y.
1 Chang, Xiangting
1 Chen, X.
1 Chesters, Allan K.
1 Chevaillier, Jean-Philippe
1 Colin, Catherine
1 Connor, Jason N.
1 Dagastine, Raymond R.
1 Darmana, D.
1 Davis, Robert H.
1 De Moerloose, Laurent
1 De Paepe, Michel
1 Deen, Niels G.
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1 Deju, L.
1 Demeester, Toon
1 Denner, Fabian
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1 Horn, Roger G.
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1 Kamp, Arjan
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1 Kumaran, Vishwanathan
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