Author ID: chankong.vira Recent zbMATH articles by "Chankong, Vira"
Published as: Chankong, Vira; Chankong, V.

Citations contained in zbMATH Open

12 Publications have been cited 616 times in 580 Documents Cited by Year
Multiobjective decision making. Theory and methodology. Zbl 0622.90002
Chankong, Vira; Haimes, Yacov Y.
Optimization-based methods for multiobjective decision-making: An overview. Zbl 0525.90085
Chankong, V.; Haimes, Y. Y.
Multiobjective decision making. Theory and methodology. Reprint of the 1983 ed. Zbl 1217.91053
Chankong, Vira; Haimes, Yacov Y.
Kuhn-Tucker multipliers as trade-offs in multiobjective decision-making analysis. Zbl 0406.90065
Haimes, Yacov Y.; Chankong, Vira
The interactive surrogate worth trade-off (ISWT) method for multiobjective decision-making. Zbl 0385.90106
Chankong, Vira; Haimes, Yacov Y.
On the characterization of noninferior solutions of the vector optimization problem. Zbl 0513.90078
Chankong, V.; Haimes, Y. Y.
Recurrent neural networks for linear programming: Analysis and design principles. Zbl 0757.90056
Wang, Jun; Chankong, Vira
A multiobjective dynamic programming method for capacity expansion. Zbl 0464.90082
Chankong, Vira; Haimes, Yacov Y.; Gemperline, David M.
Multiple criteria optimization: A state of the art review. Zbl 0558.90088
Chankong, V.; Haimes, Y. Y.; Thadathil, J.; Zionts, S.
A heuristic algorithm for the mixed Chinese postman problem. Zbl 1036.90058
Yaoyuenyong, Kriangchai; Charnsethikul, Peerayuth; Chankong, Vira
Decision making with multiple objectives. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Multiple Criteria Decision Making Held at the Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, USA, June 4-8, 1984. Zbl 0552.00017
An on-line adaptive radiation therapy system for intensity modulated radiation therapy: An application of multi-objective optimization. Zbl 1180.92045
Thongphiew, Danthai; Chankong, Vira; Yin, Fang-Fang; Wu, Q. Jackie
Multiobjective decision making. Theory and methodology. Reprint of the 1983 ed. Zbl 1217.91053
Chankong, Vira; Haimes, Yacov Y.
An on-line adaptive radiation therapy system for intensity modulated radiation therapy: An application of multi-objective optimization. Zbl 1180.92045
Thongphiew, Danthai; Chankong, Vira; Yin, Fang-Fang; Wu, Q. Jackie
A heuristic algorithm for the mixed Chinese postman problem. Zbl 1036.90058
Yaoyuenyong, Kriangchai; Charnsethikul, Peerayuth; Chankong, Vira
Recurrent neural networks for linear programming: Analysis and design principles. Zbl 0757.90056
Wang, Jun; Chankong, Vira
Multiple criteria optimization: A state of the art review. Zbl 0558.90088
Chankong, V.; Haimes, Y. Y.; Thadathil, J.; Zionts, S.
Decision making with multiple objectives. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Multiple Criteria Decision Making Held at the Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, USA, June 4-8, 1984. Zbl 0552.00017
Multiobjective decision making. Theory and methodology. Zbl 0622.90002
Chankong, Vira; Haimes, Yacov Y.
Optimization-based methods for multiobjective decision-making: An overview. Zbl 0525.90085
Chankong, V.; Haimes, Y. Y.
On the characterization of noninferior solutions of the vector optimization problem. Zbl 0513.90078
Chankong, V.; Haimes, Y. Y.
A multiobjective dynamic programming method for capacity expansion. Zbl 0464.90082
Chankong, Vira; Haimes, Yacov Y.; Gemperline, David M.
Kuhn-Tucker multipliers as trade-offs in multiobjective decision-making analysis. Zbl 0406.90065
Haimes, Yacov Y.; Chankong, Vira
The interactive surrogate worth trade-off (ISWT) method for multiobjective decision-making. Zbl 0385.90106
Chankong, Vira; Haimes, Yacov Y.
all top 5

Cited by 889 Authors

25 Sakawa, Masatoshi
15 Miettinen, Kaisa M.
14 Yano, Hitoshi
11 Jiao, Liguo
10 Li, Duan
10 Osuna-Gómez, Rafaela
9 Rufián-Lizana, Antonio
9 Wiecek, Margaret M.
8 Arana-Jiménez, Manuel
8 Ehrgott, Matthias
7 Antczak, Tadeusz
7 Kassem, Mohamed Abd El-Hady
7 Kim, Do Sang
7 Klamroth, Kathrin
7 Lee, Jae Hyoung
7 Liu, Xinwang
7 Luque, Mariano
7 Ruiz-Garzón, Gabriel
7 Wang, Jun
6 Batista Dos Santos, Lucelina
6 Biswal, Mahendra Prasad
6 Conde, Eduardo
6 Haimes, Yacov Y.
6 Hussein, Mohammad Lotfy
5 Abo-Sinna, Mahmoud A.
5 Ben Abdelaziz, Fouad
5 Carrizosa, Emilio
5 Dutta, Joydeep
5 Galperin, Efim A.
5 Mavrotas, George
5 Nagurney, Anna
5 Nobakhtian, Soghra
5 Rojas-Medar, Marko Antonio
5 Ruiz, Ana Belén
4 Ammar, Elsaid Ebrahim
4 Arbel, Ami
4 Bryson, Noel A.
4 Burachik, Regina Sandra
4 Charkhgard, Hadi
4 Deb, Kalyanmoy
4 Dinh The Luc
4 Figueira, José Rui
4 Gorski, Jochen
4 Hu, Chaofang
4 Lai, K. K.
4 Malakooti, Behnam B.
4 Rizvi, Mohammed Mustafa
4 Ruzika, Stefan
4 Takahashi, Ricardo H. C.
4 Vanderpooten, Daniel
4 Verdegay, José Luis
4 Wiecek, Malgorzata M.
4 Youness, Ebrahim A.
3 Benson, Harold P.
3 Bloemhof, Jacqueline M.
3 Cadenas, José Manuel
3 Dong, June
3 Emam, Tarek G.
3 Engau, Alexander
3 Eskelinen, Petri
3 Ghaznavi, Mehrdad
3 Henig, Mordechai I.
3 Holzhauser, Michael
3 Jimenez Guerra, Pedro
3 Kaliszewski, Ignacy
3 Kato, Kosuke
3 Kaya, C. Yalçin
3 Khorram, Esmaile
3 Kostreva, Michael M.
3 Krumke, Sven Oliver
3 Lalitha, C. S.
3 Laporte, Gilbert
3 Lee, Gue Myung
3 Li, Dengfeng
3 Li, Shaoyuan
3 Michalowski, Wojtek
3 Mishra, Shashi Kant
3 Paquete, Luís F.
3 Psarras, John E.
3 Raith, Andrea
3 Ravindran, A.
3 Savelsbergh, Martin W. P.
3 Sawada, Kazuya
3 Shin, Wan Seon
3 Steuer, Ralph E.
3 Sun, Erjiang
3 Suneja, Surjeet Kaur
3 Tammer, Christiane
3 Tarvainen, Kyosti
3 Thielen, Clemens
3 Xu, Jiuping
2 Aguirre, Luis Antonio
2 Akhavan Niaki, Seyed Taghi
2 Ali, Fatma Mohamed
2 Allaoui, Hamid
2 Bae, Kwan Deok
2 Balbás, Alejandro
2 Bhatia, Davinder
2 Bogetoft, Peter
2 Boland, Natashia L.
...and 789 more Authors
all top 5

Cited in 126 Serials

105 European Journal of Operational Research
43 Computers & Operations Research
38 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications
28 Fuzzy Sets and Systems
28 Annals of Operations Research
17 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
16 Applied Mathematics and Computation
16 Journal of Global Optimization
13 Automatica
12 Optimization
10 Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis
9 Computers & Mathematics with Applications
9 Information Sciences
9 Applied Mathematical Modelling
9 Mathematical Methods of Operations Research
8 Operations Research Letters
8 OR Spectrum
6 Mathematical Programming. Series A. Series B
6 INFORMS Journal on Computing
5 International Journal of Systems Science
5 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods
5 Opsearch
5 Journal of Information & Optimization Sciences
5 Mathematical and Computer Modelling
5 Computational Optimization and Applications
5 Top
5 Mathematical Problems in Engineering
5 Optimization Letters
4 International Journal of Approximate Reasoning
3 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics
3 Journal of Mathematical Psychology
3 Cybernetics and Systems
3 International Transactions in Operational Research
3 Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics
3 Journal of Inequalities and Applications
3 Optimization and Engineering
3 Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making
2 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
2 Networks
2 Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization
2 OR Spektrum
2 International Journal of Production Research
2 International Journal of Intelligent Systems
2 Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research
2 Neural Networks
2 International Journal of Computer Mathematics
2 ZOR. Zeitschrift für Operations Research
2 Computational and Applied Mathematics
2 Journal of Combinatorial Optimization
2 CEJOR. Central European Journal of Operations Research
2 International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems
2 Quantitative Finance
2 4OR
2 Computational Management Science
2 Networks and Spatial Economics
2 Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization
2 Mathematical Programming Computation
1 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society
1 International Journal of Control
1 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids
1 Information Processing Letters
1 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals
1 Acta Mathematica Vietnamica
1 Calcolo
1 Gaṇita
1 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
1 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering
1 Journal of Computer and System Sciences
1 Kybernetes
1 Kybernetika
1 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation
1 Meccanica
1 Theoretical Computer Science
1 Optimal Control Applications & Methods
1 Journal of Classification
1 Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control
1 Trabajos de Investigacion Operativa
1 Machine Learning
1 International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing
1 Computer Science in Economics and Management
1 Linear Algebra and its Applications
1 SIAM Journal on Optimization
1 International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering
1 Advances in Engineering Software
1 Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International
1 Applied Mathematics. Series B (English Edition)
1 Applicationes Mathematicae
1 Journal of the Egyptian Mathematical Society
1 Georgian Mathematical Journal
1 Filomat
1 Opuscula Mathematica
1 Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence
1 ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation
1 Constraints
1 Vietnam Journal of Mathematics
1 Optimization Methods & Software
1 Journal of Scheduling
1 Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics
1 New Journal of Physics
...and 26 more Serials

Citations by Year