Author ID: busvelle.eric Recent zbMATH articles by "Busvelle, Éric"
Published as: Busvelle, E.; Busvelle, Eric; Busvelle, Éric
Documents Indexed: 15 Publications since 1992
Co-Authors: 15 Co-Authors with 15 Joint Publications
174 Co-Co-Authors

Citations contained in zbMATH Open

14 Publications have been cited 170 times in 139 Documents Cited by Year
High gain estimation for nonlinear systems. Zbl 0779.93018
Deza, F.; Busvelle, E.; Gauthier, J. P.; Rakotopara, D.
An adaptive high-gain observer for nonlinear systems. Zbl 1201.93122
Boizot, Nicolas; Busvelle, Eric; Gauthier, Jean-Paul
Exponential observers for nonlinear systems. Zbl 0792.93046
Deza, F.; Bossanne, D.; Busvelle, E.; Gauthier, J. P.; Rakotopara, D.
Stability of polymerization reactors using I/O linearization and a high- gain observer. Zbl 0825.93539
Viel, F.; Busvelle, E.; Gauthier, J. P.
Observation and identification tools for nonlinear systems: application to a fluid catalytic cracker. Zbl 1074.93507
Busvelle, Eric; Gauthier, Jean-Paul
On determining unknown functions in differential systems, with an application to biological reactors. Zbl 1063.93011
Busvelle, Éric; Gautier, Jean-Paul
Adaptive-gain observers and applications. Zbl 1220.93012
Boizot, Nicolas; Busvelle, Eric
High-gain and non-high-gain observers for nonlinear systems. Zbl 1175.93047
Busvelle, E.; Gauthier, J. P.
A stable control structure for binary distillation columns. Zbl 0886.93045
Viel, F.; Busvelle, E.; Gauthier, J. P.
Numerical integration of differential equations in the presence of first integrals: Observer method. Zbl 0819.34008
Busvelle, E.; Kharab, R.; Maciejewski, A. J.; Strelcyn, J.-M.
On the convergence of the unscented Kalman filter. Zbl 1455.93195
Daid, Assia; Busvelle, Eric; Aidene, Mohamed
On the stability of a differential Riccati equation for continuous-discrete observers. Zbl 1332.93360
Boizot, Nicolas; Busvelle, Eric
Un résultat de stabilité des filtres de Kalman étendu continu- continu et continu-discret. (A stability result on the continuous- continuous and continuous-discrete extended Kalman filters). Zbl 0760.93076
Deza, François; Busvelle, Éric; Gauthier, Jean-Paul; Rakotopara, Daniel
High-gain extended Kalman filter for continuous-discrete systems with asynchronous measurements. Zbl 1453.93232
Feddaoui, Aïda; Boizot, Nicolas; Busvelle, Eric; Hugel, Vincent
On the convergence of the unscented Kalman filter. Zbl 1455.93195
Daid, Assia; Busvelle, Eric; Aidene, Mohamed
High-gain extended Kalman filter for continuous-discrete systems with asynchronous measurements. Zbl 1453.93232
Feddaoui, Aïda; Boizot, Nicolas; Busvelle, Eric; Hugel, Vincent
On the stability of a differential Riccati equation for continuous-discrete observers. Zbl 1332.93360
Boizot, Nicolas; Busvelle, Eric
An adaptive high-gain observer for nonlinear systems. Zbl 1201.93122
Boizot, Nicolas; Busvelle, Eric; Gauthier, Jean-Paul
Adaptive-gain observers and applications. Zbl 1220.93012
Boizot, Nicolas; Busvelle, Eric
Observation and identification tools for nonlinear systems: application to a fluid catalytic cracker. Zbl 1074.93507
Busvelle, Eric; Gauthier, Jean-Paul
On determining unknown functions in differential systems, with an application to biological reactors. Zbl 1063.93011
Busvelle, Éric; Gautier, Jean-Paul
High-gain and non-high-gain observers for nonlinear systems. Zbl 1175.93047
Busvelle, E.; Gauthier, J. P.
A stable control structure for binary distillation columns. Zbl 0886.93045
Viel, F.; Busvelle, E.; Gauthier, J. P.
Stability of polymerization reactors using I/O linearization and a high- gain observer. Zbl 0825.93539
Viel, F.; Busvelle, E.; Gauthier, J. P.
Numerical integration of differential equations in the presence of first integrals: Observer method. Zbl 0819.34008
Busvelle, E.; Kharab, R.; Maciejewski, A. J.; Strelcyn, J.-M.
Exponential observers for nonlinear systems. Zbl 0792.93046
Deza, F.; Bossanne, D.; Busvelle, E.; Gauthier, J. P.; Rakotopara, D.
High gain estimation for nonlinear systems. Zbl 0779.93018
Deza, F.; Busvelle, E.; Gauthier, J. P.; Rakotopara, D.
Un résultat de stabilité des filtres de Kalman étendu continu- continu et continu-discret. (A stability result on the continuous- continuous and continuous-discrete extended Kalman filters). Zbl 0760.93076
Deza, François; Busvelle, Éric; Gauthier, Jean-Paul; Rakotopara, Daniel
all top 5

Cited by 251 Authors

14 Farza, Mondher
11 M’Saad, Mohammed
8 Ahmed-Ali, Tarek
7 Busvelle, Éric
7 Vivalda, Jean-Claude
6 Efimov, Denis V.
6 Gauthier, Jean-Paul A.
6 Hammouri, Hassan
6 Ménard, Tomas
5 Giri, Fouad
5 Ma, Tong
5 Praly, Laurent
4 Alessandri, Angelo
4 Ben Abdennour, Ridha
4 Besançon, Gildas
4 Boizot, Nicolas
4 Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue, Françoise
4 Nadri, Madiha
3 Ammar, Sabeur
3 Andrieu, Vincent
3 Bernard, Pauline
3 Bouraoui, Ibtissem
3 Hernández-González, Omar
3 Hetel, Laurentiu
3 Liu, Jinfeng
3 Marconi, Lorenzo
3 Martinez-Guerra, Rafael
3 Mazenc, Frédéric
3 Targui, Boubekeur
3 Veluvolu, Kalyana C.
3 Zemouche, Ali
2 Ali, Sofiane Ahmed
2 Astorga-Zaragoza, Carlos-Manuel
2 Battilotti, Stefano
2 Bedouhene, Fazia
2 Busawon, Krishna K.
2 Ding, Bo
2 El Fadil, Hassan
2 Etienne, Lucien
2 Fridman, Emilia
2 Furtat, Igor Borisovich
2 Gushchin, Pavel A.
2 Iggidr, Abderrahman
2 Karafyllis, Iasson
2 Lafont, Frederic
2 Lee, Dongik
2 Maatoug, Tarak
2 Massaoud, Majid
2 Nekhoroshikh, Artem N.
2 Oueder, M.
2 Perruquetti, Wilfrid
2 Polyakov, Andrey
2 Rossi, Anna Maria
2 Sanfelice, Ricardo G.
2 Seo, Jin Heon
2 Shen, Yanjun
2 Tian, Yang
2 Tornambè, Antonio
2 Tsinias, John
2 Wang, Haoping
2 Xu, Zhidong
2 Zhang, Tianping
2 Zhuang, Xincheng
1 Adil, Ania
1 Aguilar-López, Ricardo
1 Ahmed, Fayez Shakil
1 Ahmed, Saim
1 Aidene, Mohamed
1 Akhtar, Jahanzeb
1 Alvarez-Ramirez, Jose
1 Ammeh, Leila
1 Arezki, Hasni
1 Astolfi, Daniele
1 Astorga, C.
1 Azlan Hussain, M.
1 Balmat, Jean-Francois
1 Benabdallah, Amel
1 Benabdelhadi, Abdeljalil
1 Bernard, Olivier
1 Bian, Guangrui
1 Biedermann, Bastian
1 Borsali, Fethi
1 Boskos, Dimitris
1 Boukhobza, Taha
1 Cao, Chengyu
1 Chaoui, Fatima-Zahra
1 Chen, Xiaodong
1 Cheng, Cheng
1 Daid, Assia
1 Dalla Mora, Manuela
1 Dan, Zhihong
1 de León Morales, Jesús
1 Defoort, Michael
1 Dimassi, Habib
1 Dinh, Thach Ngoc
1 Diouf, Mamadou L.
1 Dresp-Langley, Birgitta
1 Du, Haiping
1 Duan, Zhaoxia
1 Duan, Zhisheng
...and 151 more Authors
all top 5

Cited in 36 Serials

38 Automatica
14 Systems & Control Letters
14 International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control
12 International Journal of Control
8 European Journal of Control
4 Applied Mathematics Letters
4 International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing
4 International Journal of Systems Science. Principles and Applications of Systems and Integration
3 International Journal of Systems Science
3 Applied Mathematics and Computation
3 SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization
2 Journal of the Franklin Institute
2 Information Sciences
2 Mathematical Problems in Engineering
2 Nonlinear Analysis. Hybrid Systems
2 Asian Journal of Control
1 Astrophysics and Space Science
1 Computer Physics Communications
1 Kybernetika
1 Mathematische Zeitschrift
1 Automation and Remote Control
1 Stochastic Processes and their Applications
1 International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering
1 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York)
1 European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ESAIM): Control, Optimization and Calculus of Variations
1 Nonlinear Dynamics
1 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation
1 International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
1 Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems
1 Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics
1 Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering
1 International Journal of Biomathematics
1 IET Control Theory & Applications
1 Advances in Mathematical Physics
1 Mathematical Control and Related Fields
1 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications

Citations by Year