
Bussemaker, Frans C.

Author ID: bussemaker.frans-c Recent zbMATH articles by "Bussemaker, Frans C."
Published as: Bussemaker, F. C.; Bussemaker, Frans C.; Bussemaker, Frans
Documents Indexed: 17 Publications since 1970, including 4 Books
Co-Authors: 13 Co-Authors with 17 Joint Publications
544 Co-Co-Authors

Citations contained in zbMATH Open

16 Publications have been cited 251 times in 219 Documents Cited by Year
There are exactly 13 connected, cubic, integral graphs. Zbl 0357.05064
Bussemaker, F. C.; Cvetkovic, D. M.
Computer investigation of cubic graphs. Zbl 0322.05144
Bussemaker, F. C.; Cobeljic, S.; Cvetkovic, D. M.; Seidel, J. J.
Graphs related to exceptional root systems. Zbl 0338.05116
Bussemaker, F. C.; Cvetkovic, D. M.; Seidel, J. J.
Exceptional graphs with smallest eigenvalue -2 and related problems. Zbl 0770.05060
Bussemaker, F. C.; Neumaier, A.
Tables of two-graphs. Zbl 0482.05024
Bussemaker, F. C.; Mathon, R. A.; Seidel, J. J.
Symmetric Hadamard matrices of order 36. Zbl 0239.05010
Bussemaker, F. C.; Seidel, J. J.
Tables of two-graphs. Zbl 0439.05032
Bussemaker, F. C.; Mathon, R. A.; Seidel, J. J.
Cubic graphs on \(\leq 14\) vertices. Zbl 0369.05045
Bussemaker, F. C.; Cobeljic, S.; Cvetkovic, D. M.; Seidel, J. J.
Graphs related to exceptional root systems. Zbl 0392.05055
Bussemaker, F. C.; Cvetkovic, D. M.; Seidel, J. J.
New extremal doubly-even codes of length 56 derived from Hadamard matrices of order 28. Zbl 0671.94013
Bussemaker, F. C.; Tonchev, V. D.
A (49,16,3,6) strongly regular graph does not exist. Zbl 0683.05024
Bussemaker, F. C.; Haemers, W. H.; Mathon, R.; Wilbrink, H. A.
Symmetric Hadamard matrices of order 36. Zbl 0324.05015
Bussemaker, F. C.; Seidel, J. J.
The search for pseudo orthogonal Latin squares of order six. Zbl 0985.05011
Bussemaker, Frans C.; Haemers, Willem; Spence, Edward
Extremal doubly-even codes of length 40 derived from Hadamard matrices of order 20. Zbl 0696.94017
Bussemaker, F. C.; Tonchev, V. D.
Determinants of matrices of the conference type. Zbl 0878.15001
Bussemaker, Frans; Kaplansky, Irving; McKay, Brendan; Seidel, Jacob
On \((v,k,\lambda{})\) graphs and designs with trivial automorphism group. Zbl 0747.05012
Bussemaker, F. C.; Haemers, W. H.; Seidel, J. J.; Spence, E.
The search for pseudo orthogonal Latin squares of order six. Zbl 0985.05011
Bussemaker, Frans C.; Haemers, Willem; Spence, Edward
Determinants of matrices of the conference type. Zbl 0878.15001
Bussemaker, Frans; Kaplansky, Irving; McKay, Brendan; Seidel, Jacob
Exceptional graphs with smallest eigenvalue -2 and related problems. Zbl 0770.05060
Bussemaker, F. C.; Neumaier, A.
Extremal doubly-even codes of length 40 derived from Hadamard matrices of order 20. Zbl 0696.94017
Bussemaker, F. C.; Tonchev, V. D.
New extremal doubly-even codes of length 56 derived from Hadamard matrices of order 28. Zbl 0671.94013
Bussemaker, F. C.; Tonchev, V. D.
A (49,16,3,6) strongly regular graph does not exist. Zbl 0683.05024
Bussemaker, F. C.; Haemers, W. H.; Mathon, R.; Wilbrink, H. A.
On \((v,k,\lambda{})\) graphs and designs with trivial automorphism group. Zbl 0747.05012
Bussemaker, F. C.; Haemers, W. H.; Seidel, J. J.; Spence, E.
Tables of two-graphs. Zbl 0482.05024
Bussemaker, F. C.; Mathon, R. A.; Seidel, J. J.
Tables of two-graphs. Zbl 0439.05032
Bussemaker, F. C.; Mathon, R. A.; Seidel, J. J.
Graphs related to exceptional root systems. Zbl 0392.05055
Bussemaker, F. C.; Cvetkovic, D. M.; Seidel, J. J.
There are exactly 13 connected, cubic, integral graphs. Zbl 0357.05064
Bussemaker, F. C.; Cvetkovic, D. M.
Cubic graphs on \(\leq 14\) vertices. Zbl 0369.05045
Bussemaker, F. C.; Cobeljic, S.; Cvetkovic, D. M.; Seidel, J. J.
Computer investigation of cubic graphs. Zbl 0322.05144
Bussemaker, F. C.; Cobeljic, S.; Cvetkovic, D. M.; Seidel, J. J.
Graphs related to exceptional root systems. Zbl 0338.05116
Bussemaker, F. C.; Cvetkovic, D. M.; Seidel, J. J.
Symmetric Hadamard matrices of order 36. Zbl 0239.05010
Bussemaker, F. C.; Seidel, J. J.
Symmetric Hadamard matrices of order 36. Zbl 0324.05015
Bussemaker, F. C.; Seidel, J. J.
all top 5

Cited by 301 Authors

15 Koolen, Jack H.
10 Cvetković, Dragoš
10 Van Dam, Edwin Robert
9 Haemers, Willem H.
8 Neumaier, Arnold
8 Simić, Slobodan K.
6 Greaves, Gary
6 Tonchev, Vladimir D.
6 Wang, Ligong
5 Rowlinson, Peter
5 Spence, Edward
4 Bussemaker, Frans C.
4 Deza, Michel Marie
4 Harada, Masaaki
4 Holton, Derek Allan
4 Sano, Yoshio
4 Seidel, Johan Jacob
3 Aldred, Robert E. L.
3 Cioabă, Sebastian M.
3 Frau, María Dolores
3 Gavrilyuk, Alexander L.
3 Hoede, Cornelis
3 Huang, Xueyi
3 Li, Xueliang
3 Lu, Lu
3 Seo, Suk Jai
3 Stanić, Zoran
3 Stevanović, Dragan
3 Szöllősi, Ferenc
3 Terwilliger, Paul M.
2 Alaeiyan, Mehdi
2 Alvarez, Victor
2 Amooshahi, Marzieh
2 Armario, José ándrés
2 Bagchi, Sunanda
2 Barefoot, Curtiss A.
2 Behajaina, Angelot
2 Behbahani, Majid
2 Bhattacharjya, Bikash
2 Broersma, Hajo J.
2 Cardoso, Domingos Moreira
2 Cheng, Chingshui
2 Entringer, Roger Charles
2 Ghorbani, Ebrahim
2 Gudiel, Félix
2 Hou, Yaoping
2 Huang, Jing
2 Huang, Qiongxiang
2 Huilgol, Medha Itagi
2 Jean, Devin C.
2 Kadyan, Monu
2 Kimura, Hiroshi
2 Klin, Mikhail H.
2 Laurent, Monique
2 Legrand, François
2 Li, Shuchao
2 Majd, Leila Parsaei
2 Mathon, Rudolf A.
2 Mehrabani, Ayoob
2 Merris, Russell
2 Miklavič, Štefko
2 Mixon, Dustin G.
2 Munemasa, Akihiro
2 Muzychuk, Mikhail E.
2 Nozaki, Hiroshi
2 Östergård, Patric R. J.
2 Park, Jongyook
2 Paulsen, Vern Ival
2 Rama, Paula
2 Rukavina, Sanja
2 Saito, Ken
2 Sankey, Alyssa D.
2 Still, Georg J.
2 Syatriadi, Jeven
2 Taeri, Bijan
2 Tang, Zikai
2 Taniguchi, Tetsuji
2 Vijayakumar, Gurusamy Rengasamy
2 Wang, Jianfeng
2 Woo, Renee Y. Y.
1 Abdi, Maryam
1 Abdollahi, Alireza
1 Abiad, Aida
1 Afshani, Peyman
1 Alon, Noga
1 Amin, Ashok T.
1 Anglada, Olivier
1 Aouchiche, Mustapha
1 Arévalo, N. E.
1 Balogh, József
1 Bapat, Ravindra Bhalchandra
1 Barbedo, Inês
1 Basso, Giuliano
1 Bau, Sheng
1 Bauer, Heinz
1 Beker, Henry J.
1 Belardo, Francesco
1 Bodmann, Bernhard G.
1 Bouabdallah, Abdelmadjid
1 Braga, Rodrigo O.
...and 201 more Authors
all top 5

Cited in 65 Serials

49 Linear Algebra and its Applications
36 Discrete Mathematics
10 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A
10 Graphs and Combinatorics
9 European Journal of Combinatorics
9 Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics
8 Discrete Applied Mathematics
5 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series B
4 Journal of Graph Theory
4 SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics
4 Designs, Codes and Cryptography
3 Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference
3 Journal of Combinatorial Designs
2 Israel Journal of Mathematics
2 Mathematics of Computation
2 Archiv der Mathematik
2 Theoretical Computer Science
2 Aequationes Mathematicae
2 The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics
2 Discussiones Mathematicae. Graph Theory
2 AKCE International Journal of Graphs and Combinatorics
2 Ars Mathematica Contemporanea
2 Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications
2 Electronic Journal of Graph Theory and Applications
1 Computers & Mathematics with Applications
1 Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Mathematics
1 Information Processing Letters
1 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
1 Linear and Multilinear Algebra
1 Metrika
1 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics
1 Applied Mathematics and Computation
1 Journal of Algebra
1 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics
1 Journal of Functional Analysis
1 Mathematische Nachrichten
1 Mathematica Slovaca
1 Nagoya Mathematical Journal
1 Networks
1 Revista de la Unión Matemática Argentina
1 SIAM Journal on Algebraic and Discrete Methods
1 Combinatorica
1 Mathematical and Computer Modelling
1 Mathematical Programming. Series A. Series B
1 Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing
1 The Australasian Journal of Combinatorics
1 Applied Mathematics. Series B (English Edition)
1 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York)
1 Acta Universitatis Matthiae Belii. Series Mathematics
1 Filomat
1 Finite Fields and their Applications
1 Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence
1 Journal of Mathematical Chemistry
1 Mathematical Communications
1 Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences & Cryptography
1 RAIRO. Operations Research
1 Portugaliae Mathematica. Nova Série
1 Journal of Algebra and its Applications
1 Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics
1 Advances in Mathematics of Communications
1 Arabian Journal of Mathematics
1 Journal of Discrete Mathematics
1 Open Mathematics
1 SIAM Journal on Applied Algebra and Geometry
1 The Art of Discrete and Applied Mathematics

Citations by Year