Author ID: briaud.pierre Recent zbMATH articles by "Briaud, Pierre"
Published as: Briaud, Pierre
Documents Indexed: 9 Publications since 2020
Co-Authors: 20 Co-Authors with 9 Joint Publications
309 Co-Co-Authors

Citations contained in zbMATH Open

7 Publications have been cited 43 times in 35 Documents Cited by Year
An algebraic attack on rank metric code-based cryptosystems. Zbl 1479.94122
Bardet, Magali; Briaud, Pierre; Bros, Maxime; Gaborit, Philippe; Neiger, Vincent; Ruatta, Olivier; Tillich, Jean-Pierre
An algebraic approach to the rank support learning problem. Zbl 1485.94053
Bardet, Magali; Briaud, Pierre
Improving support-minors rank attacks: applications to GeMSS and Rainbow. Zbl 1517.94058
Baena, John; Briaud, Pierre; Cabarcas, Daniel; Perlner, Ray; Smith-Tone, Daniel; Verbel, Javier
Revisiting algebraic attacks on MinRank and on the rank decoding problem. Zbl 1526.94021
Bardet, Magali; Briaud, Pierre; Bros, Maxime; Gaborit, Philippe; Tillich, Jean-Pierre
A new algebraic approach to the regular syndrome decoding problem and implications for PCG constructions. Zbl 1528.94037
Briaud, Pierre; Øygarden, Morten
Cryptanalysis of rank-metric schemes based on distorted Gabidulin codes. Zbl 1537.94046
Briaud, Pierre; Loidreau, Pierre
A polynomial time key-recovery attack on the Sidon cryptosystem. Zbl 07926020
Briaud, Pierre; Tillich, Jean-Pierre; Verbel, Javier
Revisiting algebraic attacks on MinRank and on the rank decoding problem. Zbl 1526.94021
Bardet, Magali; Briaud, Pierre; Bros, Maxime; Gaborit, Philippe; Tillich, Jean-Pierre
A new algebraic approach to the regular syndrome decoding problem and implications for PCG constructions. Zbl 1528.94037
Briaud, Pierre; Øygarden, Morten
Cryptanalysis of rank-metric schemes based on distorted Gabidulin codes. Zbl 1537.94046
Briaud, Pierre; Loidreau, Pierre
Improving support-minors rank attacks: applications to GeMSS and Rainbow. Zbl 1517.94058
Baena, John; Briaud, Pierre; Cabarcas, Daniel; Perlner, Ray; Smith-Tone, Daniel; Verbel, Javier
A polynomial time key-recovery attack on the Sidon cryptosystem. Zbl 07926020
Briaud, Pierre; Tillich, Jean-Pierre; Verbel, Javier
An algebraic approach to the rank support learning problem. Zbl 1485.94053
Bardet, Magali; Briaud, Pierre
An algebraic attack on rank metric code-based cryptosystems. Zbl 1479.94122
Bardet, Magali; Briaud, Pierre; Bros, Maxime; Gaborit, Philippe; Neiger, Vincent; Ruatta, Olivier; Tillich, Jean-Pierre
all top 5

Cited by 79 Authors

7 Gaborit, Philippe
4 Bardet, Magali
4 Briaud, Pierre
4 Fu, Fangwei
4 Smith-Tone, Daniel
4 Verbel, Javier A.
3 Aragon, Nicolas
3 Guo, Wenshuo
3 Tillich, Jean-Pierre
2 Bartz, Hannes
2 Bidoux, Loïc
2 Bros, Maxime
2 Cabarcas, Daniel
2 Couvreur, Alain
2 Dyseryn, Victor
2 Huang, Xinyi
2 Loidreau, Pierre
2 Perlner, Ray
2 Persichetti, Edoardo
2 Renner, Julian
2 Song, Yongcheng
2 Wachter-Zeh, Antonia
2 Wu, Wei
1 Adj, Gora
1 Aguilar-Melchor, Carlos
1 Baena, John Bayron
1 Baldi, Marco
1 Bellini, Emanuele
1 Bertin, Manon
1 Bettaieb, Slim
1 Blazy, Olivier
1 Bombar, Maxime
1 Burle, Étienne
1 Cartor, Max
1 Cartor, Ryann
1 Chailloux, André
1 Cheriere, Agathe
1 Connan, Yann
1 Couteau, Geoffroy
1 Debris-Alazard, Thomas
1 Deneuville, Jean-Christophe
1 Ducros, Clément
1 El Mrabet, Nadia
1 Esser, Andre
1 Etinski, Simona
1 Gopalakrishnan, Sriram
1 Gritti, Clémentine
1 Hatri, Younes
1 Holzbaur, Lukas
1 Hörmann, Felicitas
1 Kalachi, Hervé Talé
1 Khathuria, Karan
1 Lange, Tanja
1 Lau, Terry Shue Chien
1 Liu, Hedongliang
1 McLoughlin, Callum
1 Mora, Rocco
1 Mortajine, Lina
1 Neiger, Vincent
1 Otmani, Ayoub
1 Pellegrini, Alex
1 Prabowo, Theo Fanuela
1 Puchinger, Sven
1 Randrianarisoa, Tovohery Hajatiana
1 Ravagnani, Alberto
1 Richmond, Tania
1 Rivera-Zamarripa, Luis
1 Safey El Din, Mohab
1 Samandari, Juliet
1 Sanna, Carlo
1 Santini, Paolo
1 Sun, Zhe
1 Tan, Chik How
1 Tchatchiem Kamche, Hermann
1 Tone, Cristina
1 Yang, Haining
1 Zémor, Gilles
1 Zhou, Zimeng
1 Zhuang, Jincheng

Citations by Year