Author ID: bertolini.marco Recent zbMATH articles by "Bertolini, Marco"
Published as: Bertolini, Marco
External Links: ORCID
Documents Indexed: 9 Publications since 2014
Co-Authors: 4 Co-Authors with 8 Joint Publications
60 Co-Co-Authors

Publications by Year

Citations contained in zbMATH Open

8 Publications have been cited 76 times in 58 Documents Cited by Year
Hybrid conformal field theories. Zbl 1333.81312
Bertolini, Marco; Melnikov, Ilarion V.; Plesser, M. Ronen
Accidents in \((0,2)\) Landau-Ginzburg theories. Zbl 1333.81363
Bertolini, Marco; Melnikov, Ilarion V.; Plesser, M. Ronen
On the global symmetries of 6D superconformal field theories. Zbl 1388.81774
Bertolini, Marco; Merkx, Peter R.; Morrison, David R.
Worldsheet instantons and \((0,2)\) linear models. Zbl 1388.81284
Bertolini, Marco; Plesser, M. Ronen
Aspects of \((2,2)\) and \((0,2)\) hybrid models. Zbl 1440.81067
Bertolini, Marco; Romo, Mauricio
(0,2) hybrid models. Zbl 1398.83100
Bertolini, Marco; Plesser, M. Ronen
Massless spectrum for hybrid CFTs. Zbl 1321.81049
Bertolini, Marco; Melnikov, Ilarion V.; Plesser, M. Ronen
Fixed points of \((0, 2)\) Landau-Ginzburg renormalization group flows and the chiral algebra. Zbl 1531.81159
Bertolini, Marco; Melnikov, Ilarion V.; Plesser, M. Ronen
Fixed points of \((0, 2)\) Landau-Ginzburg renormalization group flows and the chiral algebra. Zbl 1531.81159
Bertolini, Marco; Melnikov, Ilarion V.; Plesser, M. Ronen
Aspects of \((2,2)\) and \((0,2)\) hybrid models. Zbl 1440.81067
Bertolini, Marco; Romo, Mauricio
(0,2) hybrid models. Zbl 1398.83100
Bertolini, Marco; Plesser, M. Ronen
On the global symmetries of 6D superconformal field theories. Zbl 1388.81774
Bertolini, Marco; Merkx, Peter R.; Morrison, David R.
Worldsheet instantons and \((0,2)\) linear models. Zbl 1388.81284
Bertolini, Marco; Plesser, M. Ronen
Hybrid conformal field theories. Zbl 1333.81312
Bertolini, Marco; Melnikov, Ilarion V.; Plesser, M. Ronen
Accidents in \((0,2)\) Landau-Ginzburg theories. Zbl 1333.81363
Bertolini, Marco; Melnikov, Ilarion V.; Plesser, M. Ronen
Massless spectrum for hybrid CFTs. Zbl 1321.81049
Bertolini, Marco; Melnikov, Ilarion V.; Plesser, M. Ronen
all top 5

Cited by 106 Authors

7 Melnikov, Ilarion V.
5 Bertolini, Marco
4 Apruzzi, Fabio
4 Oehlmann, Paul-Konstantin
4 Plesser, Moshe Ronen
3 Ashmore, Anthony
3 Del Zotto, Michele
3 Ruehle, Fabian
3 Sharpe, Eric R.
2 Bhardwaj, Lakshya
2 Erkinger, David
2 Gukov, Sergei
2 Guo, Jirui
2 Heckman, Jonathan J.
2 Israël, Dan
2 Knapp, Johanna
2 Komargodski, Zohar
2 Morrison, David R.
2 Ovrut, Burt A.
2 Sarkis, Matthieu
2 Schäfer-Nameki, Sakura
2 Svanes, Eirik Eik
2 Vafa, Cumrun
2 Wang, Yinan
2 Weigand, Timo
1 Adams, Griffen
1 Agarwal, Prarit
1 Ahmed, Hamza
1 Anderson, Lara B.
1 Aspinwall, Paul S.
1 Blaszczyk, Michael
1 Buchbinder, Evgeny I.
1 Caldeira, João F.
1 Colgáin, Eoin Ó
1 Costello, Kevin Joseph
1 Couzens, Christopher
1 Davenport, Ian C.
1 De Ia Ossa, Xenia
1 Dedushenko, Mykola
1 Dierigl, Markus
1 Dimofte, Tudor Dan
1 Fazzi, Marco
1 Feng, He
1 Gadde, Abhijit
1 Gaiotto, Davide
1 Garavuso, Richard S.
1 Gauntlett, Jerome P.
1 Gholson, Sean M.
1 Gomis, Jaume
1 Gu, Jie
1 Gu, Wei
1 Haghighat, Babak
1 He, Yang-Hui Evariste
1 Heyes, Elli
1 Hsin, Po-Shen
1 Huang, Yu-Chien
1 Jardine, Ian T.
1 Jia, Bei
1 Karndumri, Parinya
1 Kim, Joonho
1 Kim, Seok
1 Klemm, Albrecht
1 Larfors, Magdalena
1 Lawrie, Craig
1 Lee, Seungjoo
1 Lin, Ling
1 Lin, Ying-Hsuan
1 Liu, Muyang
1 Lockhart, Guglielmo
1 Lukas, André
1 Magill, Matthew
1 Martelli, Dario
1 Martinec, Emil J.
1 Massai, Stefano
1 Maxfield, Travis
1 Merkx, Peter R.
1 Minasian, Ruben
1 Nawata, Satoshi
1 Ossa, Xenia De La
1 Palti, Eran
1 Putrov, Pavel
1 Quigley, Callum
1 Razamat, Shlomo S.
1 Regalado, Diego
1 Romo, Mauricio
1 Rudelius, Tom
1 Saberi, Ingmar A.
1 Schwimmer, Adam
1 Sciarappa, Antonio
1 Seiberg, Nathan
1 Sela, Orr
1 Sethi, Savdeep
1 Shao, Shu-Heng
1 Sharon, Adar
1 Sparks, James
1 Stošić, Marko
1 Strickland-Constable, Charles
1 Sułkowski, Piotr
1 Sun, Kaiwen
1 Taylor, Washington IV
...and 6 more Authors

Citations by Year