
Bélisle, Claude J. P.

Author ID: belisle.claude-j-p Recent zbMATH articles by "Bélisle, Claude J. P."
Published as: Bélisle, Claude; Bélisle, Claude J. P.
External Links: MGP
Documents Indexed: 15 Publications since 1989
Co-Authors: 9 Co-Authors with 6 Joint Publications
263 Co-Co-Authors

Citations contained in zbMATH Open

14 Publications have been cited 152 times in 133 Documents Cited by Year
Convergence theorems for a class of simulated annealing algorithms on \({\mathbb{R}{}}^ d\). Zbl 0765.65059
Bélisle, Claude J. P.
Hit-and-run algorithms for generating multivariate distributions. Zbl 0771.60052
Bélisle, Claude J. P.; Romeijn, H. Edwin; Smith, Robert L.
Windings of random walks. Zbl 0693.60020
Bélisle, Claude
When is a probability measure determined by infinitely many projections? Zbl 0878.60006
Bélisle, Claude; Massé, Jean-Claude; Ransford, Thomas
Convergence properties of hit-and-run samplers. Zbl 0912.65121
Bélisle, Claude; Boneh, Arnon; Caron, Richard J.
Independence after adaptive allocation. Zbl 1139.62060
Bélisle, Claude; Melfi, Vince
On the polygon generated by \(n\) random points on a circle. Zbl 1208.60009
Bélisle, Claude
Winding angle and maximum winding angle of the two-dimensional random walk. Zbl 0748.60057
Bélisle, Claude; Faraway, Julian
The effects of a limited memory capacity on foraging behavior. Zbl 0892.92027
Bélisle, Claude; Cresswell, James
Odd central moments of unimodal distributions. Zbl 0741.60012
Bélisle, Claude
Slow convergence of the Gibbs sampler. Zbl 0922.60058
Bélisle, Claude
Windings of spherically symmetric random walks via Brownian embedding. Zbl 0803.60062
Bélisle, Claude
Slow hit-and-run sampling. Zbl 0954.60053
Bélisle, Claude
The runner problem and its probabilistic interpretation. (Le problème du coureur et son interprétation probabiliste.) Zbl 0826.60015
Bélisle, Claude
On the polygon generated by \(n\) random points on a circle. Zbl 1208.60009
Bélisle, Claude
Independence after adaptive allocation. Zbl 1139.62060
Bélisle, Claude; Melfi, Vince
Slow hit-and-run sampling. Zbl 0954.60053
Bélisle, Claude
Convergence properties of hit-and-run samplers. Zbl 0912.65121
Bélisle, Claude; Boneh, Arnon; Caron, Richard J.
Slow convergence of the Gibbs sampler. Zbl 0922.60058
Bélisle, Claude
When is a probability measure determined by infinitely many projections? Zbl 0878.60006
Bélisle, Claude; Massé, Jean-Claude; Ransford, Thomas
The effects of a limited memory capacity on foraging behavior. Zbl 0892.92027
Bélisle, Claude; Cresswell, James
The runner problem and its probabilistic interpretation. (Le problème du coureur et son interprétation probabiliste.) Zbl 0826.60015
Bélisle, Claude
Hit-and-run algorithms for generating multivariate distributions. Zbl 0771.60052
Bélisle, Claude J. P.; Romeijn, H. Edwin; Smith, Robert L.
Convergence theorems for a class of simulated annealing algorithms on \({\mathbb{R}{}}^ d\). Zbl 0765.65059
Bélisle, Claude J. P.
Winding angle and maximum winding angle of the two-dimensional random walk. Zbl 0748.60057
Bélisle, Claude; Faraway, Julian
Odd central moments of unimodal distributions. Zbl 0741.60012
Bélisle, Claude
Windings of spherically symmetric random walks via Brownian embedding. Zbl 0803.60062
Bélisle, Claude
Windings of random walks. Zbl 0693.60020
Bélisle, Claude
all top 5

Cited by 255 Authors

5 Romeijn, H. Edwin
5 Smith, Robert Longworth
4 Tarłowski, Dawid
4 Xu, Wenqing
4 Zabinsky, Zelda B.
3 Bélisle, Claude J. P.
3 Fraiman, Ricardo
3 Galbete, Arkaitz
3 Kiatsupaibul, Seksan
3 Křivan, Vlastimil
3 Moler, José Antonio
3 Peretz, Yossi
3 Plo, Fernando
2 Badenbroek, Riley
2 Bajaj, Ishan
2 Bandyopadhyay, Uttam
2 Bickel, J. Eric
2 Bornn, Luke
2 Chen, Yuansi
2 Comtet, Alain
2 Cuesta-Albertos, Juan Antonio
2 de Klerk, Etienne
2 Diaconis, Persi Warren
2 Dwivedi, Raaz
2 El Mehdi, Rachida
2 Faruque Hasan, M. M.
2 Ge, Cunjing
2 Gerber, Mathieu
2 Hafner, Christian Matthias
2 Ma, Feifei
2 Marinho, Pedro Rafael Diniz
2 Montiel, Luis V.
2 Ransford, Thomas J.
2 Rudolf, Daniel
2 Sahinidis, Nikolaos V.
2 Shen, Yanfang
2 Tsionas, Mike G.
2 Wainwright, Martin J.
2 Wang, Shasha
2 Yoshida, Ruriko
2 Yu, Bin
1 Ahuja, Ravindra K.
1 Akhmatskaya, Elena
1 Aleman, Dionne M.
1 Alizadeh, Morad
1 Alsmeyer, Gerold
1 Andersen, Hans Christian
1 Anstee, Richard P.
1 Aravind, Ashwin
1 Arfé, Andrea
1 Arora, Akhil
1 Assaf, A. George
1 Averous, Jean
1 Balasubramanian, Krishnakumar
1 Barnhill, David
1 Bartlett, Peter L.
1 Berec, Luděk
1 Bhattacharya, Rahul
1 Bodmann, Bernhard G.
1 Boman, Jan
1 Bosi, Gianluca
1 Boucherie, Richard J.
1 Bourguignon, Marcelo
1 Bousquet-Mélou, Mireille
1 Brännström, Åke
1 Bu, Ruijun
1 Budd, Timothy G.
1 Burton, Robert M. jun.
1 Camia, Federico
1 Cantillo, Victor
1 Chaisee, Kuntalee
1 Chapuy, Guillaume
1 Chatterjee, Debasish
1 Chatterji, Niladri S.
1 Chen, Minghui
1 Chen, Xi
1 Cherukuri, Ashish
1 Chinneck, John W.
1 Cho, Wendy K. Tam
1 Christen, J. Andrés
1 Cordeiro, Gauss Moutinho
1 Da Fonseca, José
1 Das, Souvik
1 de Gusmão, Felipe R. S.
1 de Jonge, Robert
1 de la Peña, Victor H.
1 de Rijke, Yolanda B.
1 De, Saurav
1 Demirtas, Derya
1 Demo, Nicola
1 Dempsey, James F.
1 Demuynck, Thomas
1 Desbois, Jean
1 Di Nardo, Elvira
1 Dieckmann, Ulf
1 Dong, Yuan
1 D’Onofrio, Giuseppe
1 Dorofeev, Eugene A.
1 Drmota, Michael
1 Dutykh, Denys
...and 155 more Authors
all top 5

Cited in 81 Serials

12 Journal of Global Optimization
8 Statistics & Probability Letters
3 European Journal of Operational Research
3 Optimization Methods & Software
3 Journal of Theoretical Biology
2 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
2 The Annals of Statistics
2 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A
2 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications
2 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation
2 Mathematics of Operations Research
2 Statistica Neerlandica
2 Operations Research Letters
2 Journal of Theoretical Probability
2 Annals of Operations Research
2 The Annals of Applied Probability
2 Computational Statistics
2 Applied Mathematical Modelling
2 Communications in Statistics. Simulation and Computation
2 Stochastic Processes and their Applications
2 Computational Statistics and Data Analysis
2 Bernoulli
2 Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR)
2 Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment
2 Algorithms
2 Journal of Probability and Statistics
2 Decision Analysis
1 International Journal of Modern Physics B
1 Acta Mechanica
1 The American Statistician
1 The Canadian Journal of Statistics
1 Computer Physics Communications
1 Journal d’Analyse Mathématique
1 Journal of Mathematical Biology
1 Journal of Statistical Physics
1 Physica A
1 Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics
1 The Annals of Probability
1 Automatica
1 Biometrics
1 Journal of Applied Probability
1 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics
1 Journal of Mathematical Economics
1 Journal of Multivariate Analysis
1 Theoretical Computer Science
1 Theoretical Population Biology
1 Journal of Time Series Analysis
1 Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica. English Series
1 Statistics
1 Sequential Analysis
1 Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods
1 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Probabilités et Statistiques
1 Indagationes Mathematicae. New Series
1 Computational Optimization and Applications
1 SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing
1 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York)
1 Journal of the Egyptian Mathematical Society
1 Electronic Journal of Probability
1 International Transactions in Operational Research
1 Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics
1 Journal of Applied Statistics
1 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation
1 Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability
1 Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics
1 Foundations of Computational Mathematics
1 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris
1 Thai Journal of Mathematics
1 Oberwolfach Reports
1 Stochastics
1 Optimization Letters
1 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical
1 Mathematical Programming Computation
1 Probability Surveys
1 Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews. WIREs Computational Statistics
1 Statistics and Computing
1 Annals of Finance
1 Open Mathematics
1 Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences
1 Journal de la Société Française de Statistique & Revue de Statistique Appliquée
1 Japanese Journal of Statistics and Data Science
1 Algebraic Statistics

Citations by Year