Author ID: asaeda.marta-m Recent zbMATH articles by "Asaeda, Marta M."
Published as: Asaeda, Marta; Asaeda, Marta M.; Asaeda, M.
Documents Indexed: 14 Publications since 1999, including 1 Additional arXiv Preprint
Reviewing Activity: 12 Reviews
Co-Authors: 7 Co-Authors with 11 Joint Publications
274 Co-Co-Authors

Citations contained in zbMATH Open

11 Publications have been cited 211 times in 176 Documents Cited by Year
Categorification of the Kauffman bracket skein module of \(I\)-bundles over surfaces. Zbl 1070.57008
Asaeda, Marta M.; Przytycki, Jozef H.; Sikora, Adam S.
Exotic subfactors of finite depth with Jones indices \((5+\sqrt{13})/2\) and \((5+\sqrt{17})/2\). Zbl 1014.46042
Asaeda, M.; Haagerup, U.
Khovanov homology: torsion and thickness. Zbl 1088.57012
Asaeda, Marta M.; Przytycki, Józef H.
On Haagerup’s list of potential principal graphs of subfactors. Zbl 1180.46051
Asaeda, Marta; Yasuda, Seidai
Kauffman-Harary conjecture holds for Montesinos knots. Zbl 1095.57003
Asaeda, Marta M.; Przytycki, Józef H.; Sikora, Adam S.
Galois groups and an obstruction to principal graphs of subfactors. Zbl 1117.46041
Asaeda, Marta
Categorification of the skein module of tangles. Zbl 1138.57013
Asaeda, Marta M.; Przytycki, Józef H.; Sikora, Adam S.
A note on the Bar-Natan skein module. Zbl 1148.57014
Asaeda, Marta; Frohman, Charles
A quadrilateral in the Asaeda-Haagerup category. Zbl 1230.46052
Asaeda, Marta; Grossman, Pinhas
Fusion rules on a parametrized series of graphs. Zbl 1241.46035
Asaeda, Marta; Haagerup, Uffe
Notes on link homology. Zbl 1194.57001
Asaeda, Marta; Khovanov, Mikhail
A quadrilateral in the Asaeda-Haagerup category. Zbl 1230.46052
Asaeda, Marta; Grossman, Pinhas
Fusion rules on a parametrized series of graphs. Zbl 1241.46035
Asaeda, Marta; Haagerup, Uffe
On Haagerup’s list of potential principal graphs of subfactors. Zbl 1180.46051
Asaeda, Marta; Yasuda, Seidai
Notes on link homology. Zbl 1194.57001
Asaeda, Marta; Khovanov, Mikhail
Galois groups and an obstruction to principal graphs of subfactors. Zbl 1117.46041
Asaeda, Marta
A note on the Bar-Natan skein module. Zbl 1148.57014
Asaeda, Marta; Frohman, Charles
Categorification of the skein module of tangles. Zbl 1138.57013
Asaeda, Marta M.; Przytycki, Józef H.; Sikora, Adam S.
Categorification of the Kauffman bracket skein module of \(I\)-bundles over surfaces. Zbl 1070.57008
Asaeda, Marta M.; Przytycki, Jozef H.; Sikora, Adam S.
Khovanov homology: torsion and thickness. Zbl 1088.57012
Asaeda, Marta M.; Przytycki, Józef H.
Kauffman-Harary conjecture holds for Montesinos knots. Zbl 1095.57003
Asaeda, Marta M.; Przytycki, Józef H.; Sikora, Adam S.
Exotic subfactors of finite depth with Jones indices \((5+\sqrt{13})/2\) and \((5+\sqrt{17})/2\). Zbl 1014.46042
Asaeda, M.; Haagerup, U.
all top 5

Cited by 173 Authors

15 Morrison, Scott
13 Snyder, Noah
9 Jones, Vaughan Frederick Randal
9 Penneys, David
8 Grossman, Pinhas
8 Wehrli, Stephan M.
7 Przytycki, Józef Henryk
6 Grigsby, Julia Elisenda
6 Izumi, Masaki
6 Kawahigashi, Yasuyuki
6 Peters, Emily
5 Evans, David E.
5 Kauffman, Louis Hirsch
5 Sazdanović, Radmila
4 Akhmechet, Rostislav
4 Asaeda, Marta M.
4 Gannon, Terry
4 Lipshitz, Robert
4 Liu, Zhengwei
4 Lowrance, Adam M.
4 Queffelec, Hoel
4 Roberts, Lawrence P.
3 Audoux, Benjamin
3 Beliakova, Anna
3 Khovanov, Mikhail G.
3 Lin, Ying-Hsuan
3 Manturov, Vassiliĭ Olegovich
3 Martin, Gage N.
3 Nikonov, Igor Mikhailovich
3 Sarkar, Sucharit
3 Silvero, Marithania
3 Wedrich, Paul
3 Willis, Michael
3 Xie, Yi
2 Auroux, Denis
2 Baldwin, John A.
2 Banica, Teodor
2 Bigelow, Stephen J.
2 Bisch, Dietmar H.
2 Champanerkar, Abhijit
2 Dasbach, Oliver T.
2 Huang, Tzu-Chen
2 Hubbard, Diana
2 Krushkal, Vyacheslav S.
2 Lawson, Tyler Douglas
2 Mukherjee, Sujoy
2 Ogasa, Eiji
2 Pinto, Paulo R. F.
2 Pinzari, Claudia
2 Putyra, Krzysztof Karol
2 Roberts, John Elias
2 Rose, David E. V.
2 Rozansky, Lev
2 Russell, Heather M.
2 Saito, Masahico
2 Scofield, Daniel
2 Seifnashri, Sahand
2 Sikora, Adam S.
2 Tubbenhauer, Daniel
2 Turaev, Vladimir Georgievich
2 Wagner, Emmanuel
2 Zhang, Boyu
2 Zhang, Melissa
1 Abel, Michael
1 Afzaly, Narjess
1 Aiello, Valeriano
1 Bar-Natan, Dror
1 Beldon, Theo
1 Binns, Fraser
1 Boerner, Jeffrey
1 Borodzik, Maciej
1 Brothier, Arnaud
1 Calegari, Frank
1 Cantero Morán, Federico
1 Carpi, Sebastiano
1 Carter, J. Scott
1 Chakraborty, Apratim
1 Chandler, Alex
1 Cheng, Zhiyun
1 Conti, Roberto
1 Crans, Alissa S.
1 Damiano, David B.
1 DeStefano, Mia
1 Ehrig, Michael
1 Elhamdadi, Mohamed
1 Fiedler, Thomas
1 Gabrovšek, Boštjan
1 Gang, Dongmin
1 García-Rodrigo, Sergio
1 Goto, Satoshi
1 Helme-Guizon, Laure
1 Hogancamp, Matthew
1 Hong, Seung-Moon
1 Il’yutko, Denis Petrovich
1 Inamura, Kansei
1 Ito, Noboru
1 Jordan, David Andrew
1 Kaestner, Aaron M.
1 Karadayi, Enver
1 Khan, Abdullah S.
...and 73 more Authors
all top 5

Cited in 55 Serials

26 Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications
14 Algebraic & Geometric Topology
11 Advances in Mathematics
10 International Journal of Mathematics
10 Quantum Topology
9 Communications in Mathematical Physics
7 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society
7 Topology and its Applications
6 Geometry & Topology
4 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. New Series
3 Letters in Mathematical Physics
3 Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society
3 Geometriae Dedicata
3 Journal of Functional Analysis
3 Mathematische Annalen
3 Michigan Mathematical Journal
3 Selecta Mathematica. New Series
3 Journal of High Energy Physics
2 Journal of Mathematical Physics
2 Compositio Mathematica
2 Duke Mathematical Journal
2 Fundamenta Mathematicae
2 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society
2 Advances in Applied Mathematics
2 Transformation Groups
2 Communications in Contemporary Mathematics
2 Journal of Topology
1 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society
1 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals
1 Journal of Geometry and Physics
1 Acta Mathematica
1 Indiana University Mathematics Journal
1 Inventiones Mathematicae
1 Journal of Algebra
1 Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra
1 Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik
1 Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society
1 Pacific Journal of Mathematics
1 Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society. Series II
1 Rendiconti di Matematica e delle sue Applicazioni. Serie VII
1 L’Enseignement Mathématique. 2e Série
1 Expositiones Mathematicae
1 Experimental Mathematics
1 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York)
1 Annales Mathématiques Blaise Pascal
1 Journal of the European Mathematical Society (JEMS)
1 JP Journal of Geometry and Topology
1 Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu
1 Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics
1 Oberwolfach Reports
1 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical
1 Journal of Combinatorial Algebra
1 Algebraic Combinatorics
1 Higher Structures
1 SciPost Physics

Citations by Year