
Found 56 Authors (Results 1–56)

Aceves, Alejandro B.

31 Publications (1986–2024) indexed
82 Citations
Co-Authors: Parker, Ross; Kevrekidis, Panayotis G.; Choi, Brian; …
Main Fields: Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX); Partial differential equations (35-XX); Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX); ...
Published as: Aceves, Alejandro; Aceves, Alejandro B.; Aceves, A. B.

Bar-Ad, Shimshon

2 Publications (2008–2009) indexed
3 Citations
Co-Authors: Aimez, Vincent; Ares, Richard; Efremidis, Nikolaos K.; …
Main Fields: Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX); Partial differential equations (35-XX); Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX)
Published as: Bar-Ad, Shimshon; Bar-Ad, S.

Baruch, Guy

8 Publications (2007–2011) indexed
96 Citations
Co-Authors: Fibich, Gadi; Tsynkov, Semyon V.; Mandelbaum, E.; …
Main Fields: Numerical analysis (65-XX); Partial differential equations (35-XX)
Published as: Baruch, G.; Baruch, Guy

Cheng, Bin

25 Publications (2007–2024) indexed
107 Citations
Co-Authors: Mahalov, Alex; Schochet, Steven H.; Ju, Qiangchang; …
Main Fields: Partial differential equations (35-XX)
Published as: Cheng, Bin

Degond, Pierre

313 Publications (1983–2024) indexed
5,282 Citations
Co-Authors: Liu, Jianguo; Ringhofer, Christian A.; Ben Abdallah, Naoufel; …
Main Fields: Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX); Partial differential equations (35-XX); Fluid mechanics (76-XX); ...
Published as: Degond, Pierre; Degond, P.

Ditkowski, Adi

37 Publications (1991–2024) indexed
195 Citations
Co-Authors: Abarbanel, Saul Sigmond; Gottlieb, Sigal; Fibich, Gadi; …
Main Fields: Numerical analysis (65-XX); Partial differential equations (35-XX); Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX); ...
Published as: Ditkowski, Adi; Ditkowski, A.

Dutrifoy, Alexandre

12 Publications (1999–2015) indexed
128 Citations
Co-Authors: Majda, Andrew J.; Hmidi, Taoufik; Schochet, Steven H.
Main Fields: Partial differential equations (35-XX)
Published as: Dutrifoy, Alexandre

Efremidis, Nikolaos K.

7 Publications (2005–2018) indexed
11 Citations
Co-Authors: Christodoulides, Demetrios N.; Bar-Ad, Shimshon; Chremmos, Ioannis D.; …
Main Fields: Partial differential equations (35-XX); Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX); Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX)
Published as: Efremidis, N. K.; Efremidis, Nikolaos K.

Eliazar, Iddo I.

93 Publications (1998–2024) indexed
402 Citations
Co-Authors: Klafter, Joseph; Cohen, Morrel H.; Shlesinger, Michael F.; …
Main Fields: Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX); Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX); Statistics (62-XX)
Published as: Eliazar, Iddo; Eliazar, Iddo I.; Eliazar, I.

Engelberg, Shlomo

30 Publications (1996–2024) indexed
152 Citations
Co-Authors: Keren, Osnat; Naiman, Aaron E.; Schochet, Steven H.; …
Main Fields: Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX); Systems theory; control (93-XX); Partial differential equations (35-XX); ...
Published as: Engelberg, Shlomo; Engelberg, S.

Even-Dar Mandel, Liat

2 Publications (2017) indexed
2 Citations
Co-Authors: Schochet, Steven H.
Main Fields: Partial differential equations (35-XX)
Published as: Even-Dar Mandel, Liat; Even-Dar Mandel, L.

Fukuizumi, Reika

39 Publications (2001–2023) indexed
433 Citations
Co-Authors: de Bouard, Anne; Debussche, Arnaud; Ohta, Masahito; …
Main Fields: Partial differential equations (35-XX); Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX); Quantum theory (81-XX); ...
Published as: Fukuizumi, Reika

Gannot, I.

1 Publication (2006) indexed
1 Citation
Co-Authors: Fibich, Gadi; Schochet, Steven H.
Main Fields: Partial differential equations (35-XX)
Published as: Gannot, I.

Gavious, Arieh

23 Publications (2001–2019) indexed
190 Citations
Co-Authors: Fibich, Gadi; Minchuk, Yizhaq; Berman, Oded; …
Main Fields: Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX)
Published as: Gavious, Arieh

Gavish, Nir

18 Publications (2005–2023) indexed
148 Citations
Co-Authors: Fibich, Gadi; Ditkowski, Adi; Promislow, Keith Steven; …
Main Fields: Partial differential equations (35-XX); Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX); Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX); ...
Published as: Gavish, Nir; Gavish, N.

Gibori, Ro’i

1 Publication (2010) indexed
9 Citations
Co-Authors: Fibich, Gadi
Main Fields: Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX)
Published as: Gibori, Ro’i

Gillingham, Kenneth

2 Publications (2019–2024) indexed
1 Citation
Co-Authors: Fibich, Gadi; Levin, Tomer; Tsvetanov, Tsvetan
Main Fields: Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX)
Published as: Gillingham, Kenneth

Goodman, Roy H.

30 Publications (1981–2024) indexed
308 Citations
Co-Authors: Weinstein, Michael I.; Holmes, Philip J.; Adriazola, Jimmie; …
Main Fields: Partial differential equations (35-XX); Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX); Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX); ...
Published as: Goodman, Roy H.; Goodman, R. H.; Goodman, Roy

Hounie, Jorge G.

115 Publications (1975–2023) indexed
704 Citations
Co-Authors: Berhanu, Shiferaw; Cordaro, Paulo D.; Cardoso, Fernando; …
Main Fields: Partial differential equations (35-XX); Functions of a complex variable (30-XX); Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX); ...
Published as: Hounie, Jorge; Hounie, J.; Hounie, Jorge G.; Hounie, Jorge Guillermo

Ilan, Boaz

14 Publications (2001–2024) indexed
260 Citations
Co-Authors: Fibich, Gadi; Hoefer, Mark A.; Sprenger, Patrick; …
Main Fields: Partial differential equations (35-XX); Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX)
Published as: Ilan, Boaz; Ilan, B.

Ju, Qiangchang

83 Publications (1999–2024) indexed
806 Citations
Co-Authors: Jiang, Song; Li, Fucai; Li, Yong; …
Main Fields: Partial differential equations (35-XX)
Published as: Ju, Qiangchang; Ju, Qiang Chang

Kamin, Shoshana

88 Publications (1952–2016) indexed
1,439 Citations
Co-Authors: Vazquez, Juan Luis; Peletier, Lambertus Adrianus; Eĭdel’man, Samuïl Davydovych; …
Main Fields: Partial differential equations (35-XX)
Published as: Kamin, S.; Kamin, Shoshana; Kamenomostskaya, S. L.; Kamin, Sh.; Kamenomostskaya, S.

Klein, Roy

7 Publications (1964–2018) indexed
5 Citations
Co-Authors: Julisch, B.; Klix, Friedhart; Krause, Werner; …
Main Fields: Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX)
Published as: Klein, Roy

Koenigsberg, Oded

3 Publications (2007–2017) indexed
12 Citations
Co-Authors: Desai, Preyas S.; Fibich, Gadi; Klein, Roy; …
Main Fields: Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX)
Published as: Koenigsberg, Oded

Ksherim, Baruch

1 Publication (2008) indexed
53 Citations
Co-Authors: Fibich, Gadi; Fukuizumi, Reika; Le Coz, Stefan; …
Main Fields: Partial differential equations (35-XX); Quantum theory (81-XX)
Published as: Ksherim, Baruch

Le Coz, Stefan

25 Publications (2006–2024) indexed
398 Citations
Co-Authors: Tsai, Tai-Peng; Besse, Christophe; Duboscq, Romain; …
Main Fields: Partial differential equations (35-XX); Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX)
Published as: Le Coz, Stefan

Levin, Tomer

6 Publications (2019–2024) indexed
12 Citations
Co-Authors: Fibich, Gadi; Gillingham, Kenneth; Givoli, Dan; …
Main Fields: Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX); Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX); Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX)
Published as: Levin, Tomer

Lopes Filho, Milton da Costa

67 Publications (1993–2024) indexed
701 Citations
Co-Authors: Nussenzveig Lopes, Helena Judith; Iftimie, Dragoş; Ambrose, David M.; …
Main Fields: Partial differential equations (35-XX)
Published as: Lopes Filho, M. C.; Lopes Filho, Milton C.; Filho, Milton C. Lopes; Lopes-Filho, M. C.; Filho, M. C. Lopes; Lopes Filho, Milton da Costa; da Costa Lopes-Filho, Milton; Lopes Filho, Milton D.; Lopes-Filho, Milton

Lowengart, Oded

2 Publications (2003–2011) indexed
52 Citations
Co-Authors: Fibich, Gadi; Gavious, Arieh; Heiman, Amir
Main Fields: Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX); Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX)
Published as: Lowengart, Oded

Majda, Andrew J.

329 Publications (1974–2020) indexed
12,099 Citations
Co-Authors: Qi, Di; Chen, Nan; Harlim, John; …
Main Fields: Fluid mechanics (76-XX); Partial differential equations (35-XX); Geophysics (86-XX); ...
Published as: Majda, Andrew J.; Majda, Andrew; Majda, A. J.; Majda, A.; Madja, Andrew J.

Mandelbaum, E.

2 Publications (2010) indexed
28 Citations
Co-Authors: Baruch, Guy; Fibich, Gadi
Main Fields: Partial differential equations (35-XX)
Published as: Mandelbaum, E.

Merle, Frank

171 Publications (1987–2024) indexed
6,486 Citations
Co-Authors: Martel, Yvan; Raphael, Pierre; Kenig, Carlos Eduardo; …
Main Fields: Partial differential equations (35-XX)
Published as: Merle, Frank; Merle, F.; Merle, Franck

Métivier, Guy

159 Publications (1973–2022) indexed
1,884 Citations
Co-Authors: Rauch, Jeffrey B.; Joly, Jean-Luc; Zumbrun, Kevin R.; …
Main Fields: Partial differential equations (35-XX); Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX)
Published as: Métivier, Guy; Métivier, G.; Metivier, Guy; Metivier, G.

Mu, PengCheng

16 Publications (2010–2024) indexed
21 Citations
Co-Authors: Ju, Qiangchang; Yin, Qinye; Cousin, Jean-Gabriel; …
Main Fields: Fluid mechanics (76-XX); Partial differential equations (35-XX)
Published as: Mu, Pengcheng; Mu, PengCheng

Muller, Eitan

30 Publications (1976–2017) indexed
231 Citations
Co-Authors: Hillebrandt, Wolfgang; Fershtman, Chaim; Kössl, D.; …
Main Fields: Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX)
Published as: Muller, Eitan; Muller, Eiten

Nordmann, Samuel

11 Publications (2018–2024) indexed
24 Citations
Co-Authors: Perthame, Benoît; Berestycki, Henri; Calvez, Vincent; …
Main Fields: Partial differential equations (35-XX)
Published as: Nordmann, Samuel

Nussenzveig Lopes, Helena Judith

69 Publications (1994–2024) indexed
739 Citations
Co-Authors: Lopes Filho, Milton da Costa; Iftimie, Dragoş; Ambrose, David M.; …
Main Fields: Partial differential equations (35-XX)
Published as: Nussenzveig Lopes, Helena J.; Nussenzveig Lopes, H. J.; Lopes, Helena J. Nussenzveig; Lopes, H. J. Nussenzveig; Nussenzveig Lopes, Helena Judith; Lopes, H. J. N.

Oren, Gal

4 Publications (2014–2022) indexed
4 Citations
Co-Authors: Barenboim, Leonid; Fibich, Gadi; Solan, Eilon
Main Fields: Computer science (68-XX); Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX)
Published as: Oren, Gal

Papanicolaou, George C.

279 Publications (1971–2022) indexed
6,742 Citations
Co-Authors: Tsogka, Chrysoula; Borcea, Liliana; Garnier, Josselin; …
Main Fields: Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX); Partial differential equations (35-XX); Fluid mechanics (76-XX); ...
Published as: Papanicolaou, George; Papanicolaou, G.; Papanicolaou, George C.; Papanicolaou, G. C.; Papanicolaou, Georges; Papanicolaou, George S.

Piccoli, Benedetto

203 Publications (1994–2024) indexed
3,043 Citations
Co-Authors: Garavello, Mauro; D’Apice, Ciro; Rossi, Francesco; …
Main Fields: Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX); Partial differential equations (35-XX); Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX); ...
Published as: Piccoli, Benedetto; Piccoli, B.; Piccoli, Benedotto; Piccoli, Bendetto; Piccoli, Benetto

Raphael, Pierre

75 Publications (2003–2023) indexed
2,118 Citations
Co-Authors: Merle, Frank; Szeftel, Jérémie; Martel, Yvan; …
Main Fields: Partial differential equations (35-XX); Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX); Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX)
Published as: Raphaël, Pierre; Raphael, Pierre; Rapha\'’el, Pierre; Raphaël, P.

Rosenau, Philip S.

84 Publications (1972–2023) indexed
2,100 Citations
Co-Authors: Zilburg, Alon; Kamin, Shoshana; Oron, Alexander; …
Main Fields: Partial differential equations (35-XX); Fluid mechanics (76-XX); Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX); ...
Published as: Rosenau, Philip; Rosenau, P.; Rosenau, Philip S.; Rosenau, Phillip

Sagiv, Amir

13 Publications (2017–2023) indexed
17 Citations
Co-Authors: Weinstein, Michael I.; Ditkowski, Adi; Fibich, Gadi; …
Main Fields: Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX); Partial differential equations (35-XX); Numerical analysis (65-XX); ...
Published as: Sagiv, Amir

Sela, Aner

57 Publications (1996–2023) indexed
444 Citations
Co-Authors: Einy, Ezra; Haimanko, Ori; Cohen, Chen; …
Main Fields: Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX)
Published as: Sela, Aner; Sela, A.

Shpigelman, D.

1 Publication (2016) indexed
4 Citations
Co-Authors: Fibich, Gadi
Main Fields: Partial differential equations (35-XX)
Published as: Shpigelman, D.

Sivan, Yonatan

6 Publications (2006–2021) indexed
79 Citations
Co-Authors: Chen, Parry Y.; Fibich, Gadi; Bar-Ad, Shimshon; …
Main Fields: Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX); Partial differential equations (35-XX); Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX)
Published as: Sivan, Yonatan; Sivan, Y.

Solan, Eilon

110 Publications (1998–2024) indexed
797 Citations
Co-Authors: Vieille, Nicolas; Rosenberg, Dinah; Flesch, Janos; …
Main Fields: Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX); Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX)
Published as: Solan, Eilon; Solan, E.

Tadmor, Eitan

199 Publications (1975–2024) indexed
8,345 Citations
Co-Authors: Mishra, Siddhartha; Goldberg, Moshe; Liu, Hailiang; …
Main Fields: Partial differential equations (35-XX); Numerical analysis (65-XX); Fluid mechanics (76-XX); ...
Published as: Tadmor, Eitan; Tadmor, E.

Tsynko, S.

1 Publication (2008) indexed
Co-Authors: Fibich, Gadi
Main Fields: Partial differential equations (35-XX)
Published as: Tsynko, S.

Tsynkov, Semyon V.

92 Publications (1990–2024) indexed
1,094 Citations
Co-Authors: Turkel, Eli L.; Gilman, Mikhail; Ryaben’kiĭ, Viktor Solomonovich; …
Main Fields: Numerical analysis (65-XX); Partial differential equations (35-XX); Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX); ...
Published as: Tsynkov, S. V.; Tsynkov, Semyon; Tsynkov, S.; Tsynkov, Semyon V.

Turkel, Eli L.

136 Publications (1973–2024) indexed
2,948 Citations
Co-Authors: Tsynkov, Semyon V.; Gottlieb, David I.; Bayliss, Alvin; …
Main Fields: Numerical analysis (65-XX); Partial differential equations (35-XX)
Published as: Turkel, Eli; Turkel, E.; Turkel, Eli L.

Wang, Xiaoping

112 Publications (1994–2024) indexed
1,340 Citations
Co-Authors: Wang, Dong; Xu, Xianmin; He, Qiaolin; …
Main Fields: Fluid mechanics (76-XX); Partial differential equations (35-XX); Numerical analysis (65-XX); ...
Published as: Wang, Xiao-Ping; Wang, Xiaoping; Wang, X. P.; Wang, Xiao-ping; Wang, Xiao Ping

Weinstein, Michael I.

131 Publications (1982–2024) indexed
4,643 Citations
Co-Authors: Fefferman, Charles Louis; Soffer, Avraham; Lee-Thorp, James P.; …
Main Fields: Partial differential equations (35-XX); Quantum theory (81-XX); Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX); ...
Published as: Weinstein, Michael I.; Weinstein, M. I.; Weinstein, M.

Xu, Xin

137 Publications (2002–2024) indexed
202 Citations
Co-Authors: Luo, Xiaopeng; Ju, Qiangchang; Wang, Weike; …
Main Fields: Partial differential equations (35-XX); Computer science (68-XX); Fluid mechanics (76-XX); ...
Published as: Xu, Xin

Yakir, Oren

10 Publications (2019–2024) indexed
9 Citations
Co-Authors: Sodin, Mikhail; Wennman, Aron; Zeitouni, Ofer; …
Main Fields: Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX); Functions of a complex variable (30-XX); Number theory (11-XX); ...
Published as: Yakir, Oren

Yechiali, Uri

108 Publications (1971–2024) indexed
1,394 Citations
Co-Authors: Perel, Efrat; Perel, Nir; Altman, Eitan; …
Main Fields: Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX)
Published as: Yechiali, Uri; Yechiali, U.

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