
Genericity of distributional chaos in non-autonomous dynamical systems. arXiv:2410.10288

Preprint, arXiv:2410.10288 [math.DS] (2024).
Summary: In this paper we solve two open problems concerning distributional chaos in non-autonomous discrete dynamical systems stated in [4] and [17]. In the first problem it is wondered if the limit function of pointwise convergent non-autonomous system with positive topological entropy is DC2. We show that the answer to this problem depends on the given metric and can be both, positive or negative. In the second open problem it is wondered if to be DC1 is a generic property of pointwise convergent non-autonomous systems. We prove that the answer is negative for convergent systems on the Cantor set. Concerning interval systems, we show that DC1 chaotic systems form dense, but not open (nor closed) set in the space of non-autonomous convergent systems on the interval, independently of the metric we use.


37B20 Notions of recurrence and recurrent behavior in topological dynamical systems
37E05 Dynamical systems involving maps of the interval
37C20 Generic properties, structural stability of dynamical systems
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