
Characterization of finite shift via Herglotz’s representation. arXiv:2407.10664

Preprint, arXiv:2407.10664 [math.CV] (2024).
Summary: A complete characterization of parabolic self-maps of finite shift is given in terms of their Herglotz’s representation. This improves a previous result due to Contreras, Díaz-Madrigal, and Pommerenke. We also derive some consequences for the rate of convergence of these functions to their Denjoy-Wolff point, improving a related result of Kourou, Theodosiadis, and Zarvalis for the continuous setting.


30D05 Functional equations in the complex plane, iteration and composition of analytic functions of one complex variable
37F99 Dynamical systems over complex numbers
30E20 Integration, integrals of Cauchy type, integral representations of analytic functions in the complex plane
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