
On the one dimensional polynomial, regular and regulous images of closed balls and spheres. arXiv:2406.09943

Preprint, arXiv:2406.09943 [math.AG] (2024).
Summary: We present a full geometric characterization of the \(1\)-dimensional (semialgebraic) images \(S\) of either \(n\)-dimensional closed balls \(\overline{\mathcal B}_n\subset{\mathbb R}^n\) (of center the origin and radius \(1\)) or \(n\)-dimensional spheres \({\mathbb S}^n\subset{\mathbb R}^{n+1}\) (of center the origin and radius \(1\)) under polynomial, regular and regulous maps for some \(n\geq1\). In all the previous cases one can find an alternative polynomial, regular or regulous map on either \(\overline{\mathcal B}_1:=[-1,1]\) or \({\mathbb S}^1\) such that \(S\) is the image under such map of either \(\overline{\mathcal B}_1:=[-1,1]\) or \({\mathbb S}^1\). As a byproduct, we provide a full characterization of the images of \({\mathbb S}^1\subset{\mathbb C}\equiv{\mathbb R}^2\) under Laurent polynomials \(f\in{\mathbb C}[{\tt z},{\tt z}^{-1}]\), taking advantage of some previous works of Kobalev-Yang and Wilmshurst.


14P10 Semialgebraic sets and related spaces
26C05 Real polynomials: analytic properties, etc.
26C15 Real rational functions
14P05 Real algebraic sets
14P25 Topology of real algebraic varieties
42A05 Trigonometric polynomials, inequalities, extremal problems
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