
More on maximal line-free sets in \(\mathbb{F}_p^n\). arXiv:2403.18611

Preprint, arXiv:2403.18611 [math.CO] (2024).
Summary: For a prime \(p\) we construct a subset of \(\mathbb{F}_p^{(k^2-k)/2}\) of size \(p^{(k^2-k)/2-1}\) that does not contain progressions of length \(k\). More generally, we show that for any prime power \(q\) there is a subset of \(\mathbb{F}_q^{(k^2-k)/2}\) of size \(q^{(k^2-k)/2-1}\) that does not contain \(k\) points on a line. This yields the first asympotic lower bounds \(c^n\) for the size of \(p\)-progression-free sets in \(\mathbb{F}_p^{n}\) with \(c=p-o(1)\), as \(p\) tends to infinity.


51E21 Blocking sets, ovals, \(k\)-arcs
11B25 Arithmetic progressions
05D05 Extremal set theory
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