
Optimal vaccinations: Cordons sanitaires, reducible population and optimal rays. arXiv:2209.07381

Preprint, arXiv:2209.07381 [math.OC] (2022).
Summary: We consider the bi-objective problem of allocating doses of a (perfect) vaccine to an infinite-dimensional metapopulation in order to minimize simultaneously the vaccination cost and the effective reproduction number \(R_e\), which is defined as the spectral radius of the effective next-generation operator. In this general framework, we prove that a cordon sanitaire, that is, a strategy that effectively disconnects the non-vaccinated population, might not be optimal, but it is still better than the ”worst” vaccination strategies. Inspired by graph theory, we also compute the minimal cost which ensures that no infection occurs using independent sets. Using Frobenius decomposition of the whole population into irreducible sub-populations, we give some explicit formulae for optimal (”best” and ”worst”) vaccinations strategies. Eventually, we provide some sufficient conditions for a scaling of an optimal strategy to still be optimal.


92D30 Epidemiology
47B34 Kernel operators
58E17 Multiobjective variational problems, Pareto optimality, applications to economics, etc.
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