
Optimality criteria for investment projects under uncertainty. (English) Zbl 1211.91158

Dzemyda, Gintautas et al., Stochastic and global optimization. Dedicated to Prof. Jonas Močkus on his 70th birthday (June 18, 2001). Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers (ISBN 1-4020-0484-2/hbk). Nonconvex Optim. Appl. 59, 221-233 (2002).
Summary: The uncertainty of effect of investment projects can have various types. Known types, namely, set-uncertainty and probabilistic one we consider as special cases of new type set-probabilistic uncertainty. Under such uncertainty the effect of the investment project is random variable with not exactly known distribution. We formalize such projects as families of one-dimensional probability distributions. Then the criterion for projects comparison becomes some functional on a class of distributions families. To ensure rational economic behavior of firm in which the decisions on projects selection are decentralized, such functional should be monotonous, continuous and additive. It turned out that such functional is generalization of mean criterion and Hurwicz’s criterion (average weighted of extremal means of distributions included in family).
For the entire collection see [Zbl 0986.00084].


91B38 Production theory, theory of the firm
91G50 Corporate finance (dividends, real options, etc.)
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