
Found 92 Documents (Results 1–92)

Almost tight approximation hardness for single-source directed \(k\)-edge-connectivity. (English) Zbl 07870299

Bojańczyk, Mikołaj (ed.) et al., 49th EATCS international conference on automata, languages, and programming, ICALP 2022, Paris, France, July 4–8, 2022. Wadern: Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik. LIPIcs – Leibniz Int. Proc. Inform. 229, Article 89, 17 p. (2022).
MSC:  68Nxx 68Qxx

Survivable network design for group connectivity in low-treewidth graphs. (English) Zbl 1521.68092

Blais, Eric (ed.) et al., Approximation, randomization, and combinatorial optimization. Algorithms and techniques. 21st international workshop, APPROX 2018, and 22nd international workshop, RANDOM 2018 August 20–22, 2018, Princeton, USA. Proceedings. Wadern: Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz Zentrum für Informatik. LIPIcs – Leibniz Int. Proc. Inform. 116, Article 8, 19 p. (2018).
MSC:  68R10 68Q17 68W25

Greedy algorithms for online survivable network design. (English) Zbl 1499.68410

Chatzigiannakis, Ioannis (ed.) et al., 45th international colloquium on automata, languages, and programming. ICALP 2018, Prague, Czech Republic, July 9–13, 2018. Proceedings. Wadern: Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz Zentrum für Informatik. LIPIcs – Leibniz Int. Proc. Inform. 107, Article 152, 14 p. (2018).
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A note on iterated rounding for the survivable network design problem. (English) Zbl 1433.68285

Seidel, Raimund (ed.), 1st symposium on simplicity in algorithms. SOSA 2018, January 7–10, 2018, New Orleans, LA, USA. Co-located with the 29th ACM-SIAM symposium on discrete algorithms (SODA 2018). Wadern: Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz Zentrum für Informatik. OASIcs – OpenAccess Ser. Inform. 61, Article 2, 10 p. (2018).
MSC:  68R10 68W25
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Formulations for designing robust networks. An application to wind power collection. (English) Zbl 1392.90021

Gouveia, Luís (ed.) et al., Proceedings of the 8th international network optimization conference (INOC 2017), Lisbon, Portugal, February 26–28, 2017. Amsterdam: Elsevier. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 64, 365-374 (2018).

Surviving in directed graphs: a quasi-polynomial-time polylogarithmic approximation for two-connected directed Steiner tree. (English) Zbl 1370.68231

Hatami, Hamed (ed.) et al., Proceedings of the 49th annual ACM SIGACT symposium on theory of computing, STOC ’17, Montreal, QC, Canada, June 19–23, 2017. New York, NY: Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) (ISBN 978-1-4503-4528-6). 420-428 (2017).
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Fast approximation algorithms for the generalized survivable network design problem. (English) Zbl 1398.68673

Seok-Hee Hong (ed.), 27th international symposium on algorithms and computation, ISAAC 2016, Sydney, Australia, December 12–14, 2016. Proceedings. Wadern: Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz Zentrum für Informatik (ISBN 978-3-95977-026-2). LIPIcs – Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics 64, Article 33, 12 p. (2016).
MSC:  68W25 05C85 90C35

Approximating the generalized terminal backup problem via half-integral multiflow relaxation. (English) Zbl 1356.90123

Mayr, Ernst W. (ed.) et al., 32nd international symposium on theoretical aspects of computer science, STACS’15, Garching, Germany, March 4–7, 2015. Wadern: Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz Zentrum für Informatik (ISBN 978-3-939897-78-1). LIPIcs – Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics 30, 316-328 (2015).
MSC:  90C27 05C85 68W25
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Polynomial-time approximation schemes for subset-connectivity problems in bounded-genus graphs. (English) Zbl 1236.68010

Albers, Susanne (ed.) et al., STACS 2009. 26th international symposium on theoretical aspects of computer science, Freiburg, Germany, February 26–28, 2009. Wadern: Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz Zentrum für Informatik (ISBN 978-3-939897-09-5). LIPIcs – Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics 3, 171-182, electronic only (2009).
MSC:  68M10 68R10

An efficient technique for dynamic lightpath establishment in survivable local/metro WDM optical networks. (English) Zbl 1205.68048

Das, Samir R. (ed.) et al., Distributed computing – IWDC 2003. 5th international workshop, Kolkata, India, December 27–30, 2003. Proceedings. Berlin: Springer (ISBN 3-540-20745-7/pbk). Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. 2918, 350-360 (2003).
MSC:  68M10 68M20 68T20
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Capacity efficiency of distributed path restoration mechanisms in optical mesh networks. (English) Zbl 1046.68888

Gregori, Enrico (ed.) et al., NETWORKING 2002. Networking technologies, services, and protocols; performance of computer and communication networks; mobile and wireless communications. 2nd international IFIP-TC6 networking conference, Pisa, Italy, May 19–24, 2002. Proceedings. Berlin: Springer (ISBN 3-540-43709-6). Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. 2345, 875-886 (2002).

A primal-dual approximation algorithm for the survivable network design problem in hypergraph. (English) Zbl 0978.68015

Ferreira, Afonso (ed.) et al., STACS 2001. 18th annual symposium on theoretical aspects of computer science. Dresden, Germany, February 15-17, 2001. Proceedings. Berlin: Springer. Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. 2010, 478-489 (2001).

Design of broadband virtual private networks: Model and heuristics for the B-WiN. (English) Zbl 0965.90004

Dean, Nathaniel (ed.) et al., Robust communication networks: Interconnection and survivability. DIMACS workshop, Princeton, NJ, USA, November 18-20, 1998. Providence, RI: AMS, American Mathematical Society. DIMACS, Ser. Discrete Math. Theor. Comput. Sci. 53, 1-16 (2000).

Models and methods for the construction of survivable networks. (Modelle und Methoden zur Konstruktion ausfallsicherer Netzwerke.) (German) Zbl 0884.90083

Bachem, Achim (ed.) et al., Mathematik in der Praxis. Fallstudien aus Industrie, Wirtschaft, Naturwissenschaften und Medizin. Ausarbeitungen der Vorträge der Tagung “Mathematik in Industrie und Wirtschaft”, März 1993, Köln/Germany. Berlin: Springer-Verlag. 533-549 (1995).
MSC:  90B18 90B25

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