
Found 220 Documents (Results 1–100)

On the complexity of closest pair via polar-pair of point-sets. (English) Zbl 1473.05213

Speckmann, Bettina (ed.) et al., 34th international symposium on computational geometry, SoCG 2018, June 11–14, 2018, Budapest, Hungary. Wadern: Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz Zentrum für Informatik. LIPIcs – Leibniz Int. Proc. Inform. 99, Article 28, 15 p. (2018).
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The block-matrix sphericity test: exact and near-exact distributions for the test statistic. (English) Zbl 1407.62202

Oliveira, Paulo Eduardo (ed.) et al., Recent developments in modeling and applications in statistics. Selected papers based on the presentations at the 18th annual congress of the Portuguese Statistical Society, S. Pedro do Sul, Portugal, September 29 – October 2, 2010. Studies in Theoretical and Applied Statistics. Selected Papers of the Statistical Societies. Berlin: Springer. 169-177 (2013).
MSC:  62H15 62G10 62B05
Full Text: DOI

Sphericity of a protein via \(\beta\)-complex. (English) Zbl 1328.92053

Sugihara, Kokichi (ed.) et al., Voronoï’s impact on modern science. Book 4, Volume 2. Proceedings of the 5th international symposium on Voronoi diagrams in science and engineering, ISVD-2008, Kyiv, Ukraine, September 22–28, 2008. Kyiv: Institute of Mathematics, NAS of Ukraine (ISBN 978-966-02-4890-8/pbk; 978-966-02-4892-2/set). 133-143 (2008).
MSC:  92D20 92C40

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