
Found 61 Documents (Results 1–61)

Spectrum preserving tilings enable sparse and modular reference indexing. (English) Zbl 1530.92166

Tang, Haixu (ed.), Research in computational molecular biology. 27th annual international conference, RECOMB 2023, Istanbul, Turkey, April 16–19, 2023. Proceedings. Cham: Springer. Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. 13976, 21-40 (2023).
MSC:  92D20 92D10 92-04

Beating Fredman-Komlós for perfect \(k\)-hashing. (English) Zbl 07561585

Baier, Christel (ed.) et al., 46th international colloquium on automata, languages, and programming, ICALP 2019, Patras, Greece, July 9–12, 2019. Proceedings. Wadern: Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik. LIPIcs – Leibniz Int. Proc. Inform. 132, Article 92, 14 p. (2019).
MSC:  68Nxx 68Qxx
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On the circuit complexity of perfect hashing. (English) Zbl 1343.94057

Goldreich, Oded (ed.), Studies in complexity and cryptography. Miscellanea on the interplay between randomness and computation. In collaboration with Lidor Avigad, Mihir Bellare, Zvika Brakerski, Shafi Goldwasser, Shai Halevi, Tali Kaufman, Leonid Levin, Noam Nisan, Dana Ron, Madhu Sudan, Luca Trevisan, Salil Vadhan, Avi Wigderson, David Zuckerman. Berlin: Springer (ISBN 978-3-642-22669-4/pbk). Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6650, 26-29 (2011).
MSC:  94A60 68R05
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