
Submersions, fibrations and bundles. (English) Zbl 1001.55016

Let \(E,B\) be two spaces, \(\pi:E\to B\) a map, \(B^p\) the compact \(p\)-ball, \(S^p=\partial B^{p+1}\), and \(*\in S^p\) a base point. \(\pi\) is a homotopic submersion if for every map \(f:X\to E\) whose source \(X\) is a polytope, every germ-of-homotopy for \(\pi\circ f\) lifts to a germ-of-homotopy for \(f\). A vanishing \(p\)-cycle is a fibred map \(f:S^p\times [0,1]\to E\) such that for each \(t>0\), the map \(f_t\) is null-homotopic in its fibre. An emerging \(p\)-cycle is a fibred map \(f:S^p \times [0,1]\to E\) such that \(f(*,t)\) has a limit for \(t\to 0\). This paper investigates necessary and sufficient conditions for a submersion to have the homotopy lifting property. The author proves
Theorem 1. A surjective map is a fibration if and only if it satisfies the following three conditions: it is a homotopic submersion, all vanishing cycles of all dimensions are trivial, and all emerging cycles of all dimensions are trivial.
A vertical domain is a \(p\)-dimensional compact submanifold of a fibre with a smooth boundary. A family \(VD\) of vertical domains is exhaustive if every compact subset of every fibre is contained in some \(X\in VD\). The author also proves
Theorem 2. A surjective smooth submersion \(\pi:E\to B^q\) is a (locally trivial fibre) bundle if and only if it admits an exhaustive isotopy, \((q-1)\)-fibred family of vertical domains.
Let \(VE(X,E)\) be the space of vertical embeddings of \(X\) into \(E\), and \(VE^0(X,E)\) the connected component of \(VE(X,E)\) containing the original inclusion \(X\to E_b\), \(E_b\) is a fiber. \(VD\) is isotopy invariant if for every \(X\in VD\) and every \(\Phi\in VE^0(X,E)\), \(\Phi (X)\in VD\). The result is applied to spaces of embeddings of compact domains into the fibers. From this results some corollaries are obtained.


55R05 Fiber spaces in algebraic topology
57R52 Isotopy in differential topology
55R10 Fiber bundles in algebraic topology
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