
Galaxy clusters and a possible variation of the fine structure constant. (English) Zbl 1541.83131

Summary: Galaxy clusters have been used as a cosmic laboratory to verify a possible time variation of fundamental constants. Particularly, it has been shown that the ratio \(Y_{SZ}D_A^2/C_{XZS}Y_X\), which is expected to be constant with redshift, can be used to probe a variation of the fine structure constant, \(\alpha\). In this ratio, \(Y_{SZ}D_A^2\) is the integrated comptonization parameter of a galaxy cluster obtained via Sunyaev-Zel’dovich (SZ) effect observations multiplied by its angular diameter distance, \(D_A\), \(Y_X\) is the X-ray counterpart and \(C_{XSZ}\) is an arbitrary constant. Using a combination of SZ and X-ray data, a recent analysis found \(Y_{SZ}D_A^2/C_{XZS}Y_X = C \alpha(z)^{3.5}\), where C is a constant. In this paper, following previous results that suggest that a variation of \(\alpha\) necessarily leads to a violation of the cosmic distance duality relation, \(D_L/D_A(1+z)^2 = 1\), where \(D_L\) is the luminosity distance of a given source, we derive a new expression, \(Y_{SZ}D_A^2/C_{XSZ}Y_X = C \alpha^{3.5} \eta^{-1}(z)\), where \(\eta(z) = D_L/D_A(1+z)^2\). In particular, considering the direct relation \(\eta(z) \propto \alpha(z)^{1/2}\), derived from a class of dilaton runaway models, and 61 measurements of the ratio \(Y_{SZ}D_A^2/C_{XSZ}Y_X\) provided by the Planck collaboration, we discuss bounds on a possible variation of \(\alpha\). We also estimate the value of the constant C, which is compatible with the unity at \(2\sigma\) level, indicating that the assumption of isothermality for the temperature profile of the galaxy clusters used in the analysis holds.


83F05 Relativistic cosmology
85A40 Astrophysical cosmology


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