
A Bayesian spatio-temporal model for precipitation extremes – STOR team contribution to the EVA2017 challenge. (English) Zbl 1404.62133

This paper outlines one approach which was used in the EVA2017 challenge, whose target was to predict extreme quantiles for rainfall at several sites in the Netherlands.
Letting \(R_{j,m}\) denote the daily rainfall amount at site \(j\) in month \(m=1,\ldots,12\), the authors model the transformed random variable \[ \tilde{R}_{j,m}=\log\left(1+R_{j,m}\right) \] using a Bayesian hierarchical model. Their model assigns a probability \(p_{m,j}\) of observing a non-zero amount of rainfall. The amount of rainfall (for days on which this is positive) is then modelled using an extremal mixture model; given a threshold \(u_{j,m}\), rainfall below this threshold is modelled using a truncated Gamma distribution, and rainfall above this threshold using a generalised Pareto distribution. The prior in the Bayesian model aims to exploit the spatial and seasonal structure by assuming that parameters for neighbouring sites and consecutive months are likely to be similar.


62P12 Applications of statistics to environmental and related topics
62G32 Statistics of extreme values; tail inference
62F15 Bayesian inference
62M30 Inference from spatial processes
62E20 Asymptotic distribution theory in statistics


spBayes; ismev
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