
Large scale anomaly detection in mixed numerical and categorical input spaces. (English) Zbl 1454.62550

Summary: This work presents the ADMNC method, designed to tackle anomaly detection for large-scale problems with a mixture of categorical and numerical input variables. A flexible parametric probability measure is adjusted to input data, allowing low likelihood values to be tracked as anomalies. The main contribution of this method is that, to cope with the variable nature of the variables, we factorize the joint probability measure into two parts, namely, the marginal density of the continuous variables and the conditional probability of the categorical variables given the continuous part of the feature vector. The result is a model trained through a maximum likelihood objective function optimized with stochastic gradient descent that yields an effective and scalable algorithm. Compared with other well-known anomaly detection algorithms over several datasets, ADMNC is observed to both offer top level accuracy in datasets that are out of reach for the most effective existing methods and to scale up well to processing very large datasets. This makes it a powerful tool for solving a problem growing in popularity that currently lacks suitable scalable algorithms.


62R07 Statistical aspects of big data and data science
62G32 Statistics of extreme values; tail inference




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