
Quantum error correction: noise-adapted techniques and applications. (English) Zbl 1542.81323

Summary: The quantum computing devices of today have tens to hundreds of qubits that are highly susceptible to noise due to unwanted interactions with their environment. The theory of quantum error correction provides a scheme by which the effects of such noise on quantum states can be mitigated, paving the way for realising robust, scalable quantum computers. In this article we survey the current landscape of quantum error correcting (QEC) codes, focusing on recent theoretical advances in the domain of noise-adapted QEC, and highlighting some key open questions. We also discuss the interesting connections that have emerged between such adaptive QEC techniques and fundamental physics, especially in the areas of many-body physics and cosmology. We conclude with a brief review of the theory of quantum fault tolerance which gives a quantitative estimate of the physical noise threshold below which error-resilient quantum computation is possible.


81P73 Computational stability and error-correcting codes for quantum computation and communication processing
60H50 Regularization by noise


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