
Found 202 Documents (Results 1–100)

Babylonian number theory and trigonometric functions: trigonometric table and Pythagorean triples in the mathematical tablet Plimpton 322. (English) Zbl 1290.01008

Knobloch, Eberhard (ed.) et al., Seki, founder of modern mathematics in Japan. A commemoration on his tercentenary. Collected papers of the international conference on the history of mathematics in memory of Seki Takakazu, Tokyo, Japan, August 25–31, 2008. Tokyo: Springer (ISBN 978-4-431-54272-8/hbk; 978-4-431-54273-5/ebook). Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics 39, 31-47 (2013).
MSC:  01A17
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A notebook-trip to the land of maths: from Babylon via Pythagoras to Fermat, Euler, Gauss, Jacobi, Dedekind into the digital age. (Notebook-Reise ins Mathe-Land: von Babylon über Pythagoras zu Fermat, Euler, Gauß, Jacobi, Dedekind bis ins digitale Zeitalter.) (German) Zbl 1284.01012

Baierl, Rudolf (ed.), A. Friedrich Hirzebruch. B. Historische Arbeiten zu Fluiden: Hans Gebelein, Ernst Mohr. C. Bedeutsame Aspekte zur Geschichte der Mathematik, Babylon. Berlin: Berliner Mathematische Gesellschaft (BMG) (ISBN 978-3-940170-21-7/pbk). Forum der Berliner Mathematischen Gesellschaft 21, 109-126 (2012).
MSC:  01A05 01A17

Generalizations of classical results on Jeśmanowicz’ conjecture concerning Pythagorean triples. (English) Zbl 1198.11035

Komatsu, Takao (ed.), Diophantine analysis and related fields 2010. DARF–2010. Proceedings of the conference, Musashino, Tokyo, Japan, March 4–5, 2010. Melville, NY: American Institute of Physics (AIP) (ISBN 978-0-7354-0815-9). AIP Conference Proceedings 1264, 41-51 (2010).
MSC:  11D61 11D41 11A07
Full Text: DOI

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