
Towards NNLO+PS matching with sector showers. (English) Zbl 1518.81097

Summary: We outline a new technique for the fully-differential matching of final-state parton showers to NNLO calculations, focussing here on the simplest case of leptonic collisions with two final-state jets. The strategy is facilitated by working in the antenna formalism, making use of NNLO antenna subtraction on the fixed-order side and the sector-antenna framework on the shower side. As long as the combined real-virtual and double-real corrections do not overcompensate the real-emission term in the three-jet region, negative weights can be eliminated from the matching scheme. We describe the implementation of all necessary components in the Vincia antenna shower in Pythia 8.3.


81U30 Dispersion theory, dispersion relations arising in quantum theory
81V15 Weak interaction in quantum theory
81V25 Other elementary particle theory in quantum theory
81Q15 Perturbation theories for operators and differential equations in quantum theory


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