
Distributionally robust optimization for engineering design under uncertainty. (English) Zbl 07864304

Summary: This paper addresses the challenge of design optimization under uncertainty when the designer only has limited data to characterize uncertain variables. We demonstrate that the error incurred when estimating a probability distribution from limited data affects the out-of-sample performance (ie, performance under the true distribution) of optimized designs. We demonstrate how this can be mitigated by reformulating the engineering design problem as a distributionally robust optimization (DRO) problem. We present computationally efficient algorithms for solving the resulting DRO problem. The performance of the DRO approach is explored in a practical setting by applying it to an acoustic horn design problem. The DRO approach is compared against traditional approaches to optimization under uncertainty, namely, sample-average approximation and multiobjective optimization incorporating a risk reduction objective. In contrast with the multiobjective approach, the proposed DRO approach does not use an explicit risk reduction objective but rather specifies a so-called ambiguity set of possible distributions and optimizes against the worst-case distribution in this set. Our results show that the DRO designs, in some cases, significantly outperform those designs found using the sample-average or the multiobjective approach.
{© 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.}


90Cxx Mathematical programming
74Pxx Optimization problems in solid mechanics
90Bxx Operations research and management science
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