

swMATH ID: 4594
Software Authors: Grant, Michael; Boyd, Stephen
Description: CVX is a modeling system for constructing and solving disciplined convex programs (DCPs). CVX supports a number of standard problem types, including linear and quadratic programs (LPs/QPs), second-order cone programs (SOCPs), and semidefinite programs (SDPs). CVX can also solve much more complex convex optimization problems, including many involving nondifferentiable functions, such as ℓ1 norms. You can use CVX to conveniently formulate and solve constrained norm minimization, entropy maximization, determinant maximization, and many other convex programs. As of version 2.0, CVX also solves mixed integer disciplined convex programs (MIDCPs) as well, with an appropriate integer-capable solver.
Homepage: http://cvxr.com/cvx/
Dependencies: Matlab
Related Software: SDPT3; SeDuMi; Mosek; YALMIP; Matlab; CVXPY; PDCO; Gurobi; GitHub; CPLEX; UCI-ml; Convex.jl; CVXR; CoSaMP; SPGL1; PhaseLift; GloptiPoly; ECOS; Julia; SCS
Cited in: 1,051 Documents

Standard Articles

1 Publication describing the Software, including 1 Publication in zbMATH Year
Disciplined convex programming. Zbl 1130.90382
Grant, Michael; Boyd, Stephen; Ye, Yinyu
all top 5

Cited by 1,990 Authors

28 Boyd, Stephen Poythress
21 Khlebnikov, Mikhail Vladimirovich
19 Xia, Yong
17 Salahi, Maziar
13 Thai Doan Chuong
12 Jeyakumar, Vaithilingam
12 Li, Duan
11 Nemirovski, Arkadi S.
10 Gillis, Nicolas
10 Juditsky, Anatoli B.
10 Zhang, Shuzhong
10 Zheng, Xiaojin
10 Zhou, Julie
9 Foucart, Simon
9 Shcherbakov, Pavel Sergeevich
9 Tian, Ye
8 Lee, Jae Hyoung
8 Sharma, Punit
7 Beck, Amir
7 Li, Guoyin
7 Sun, Xiaoling
7 Zhao, Yunbin
6 Bai, Yanqin
6 Deng, Zhibin
6 Fang, Shu-Cherng
6 Jiao, Liguo
6 Lisser, Abdel
6 Patra, Sourav
6 Peng, Jiming
6 Polyak, Boris Teodorovich
6 Semenikhin, Konstantin V.
6 Wong, Wengkee
6 Xu, Yangyang
5 Bhowmick, Parijat
5 Gelb, Anne
5 He, Simai
5 Johnston, Nathaniel
5 Khodamoradi, Tahereh
5 Kim, Donghwan
5 Lubin, Miles
5 Luo, Jian
5 Nagahara, Masaaki
5 Trnovská, Mária
5 Vandenberghe, Lieven
5 Vermeire, Brian C.
5 Woolnough, Daniel
4 Ansary Karbasy, Saeid
4 Banjerdpongchai, David
4 Candès, Emmanuel J.
4 Chen, Tianshi
4 Fessler, Jeffrey A.
4 Halická, Margaréta
4 Hedayati Nasab, Siavash
4 Jiang, Bin
4 Kanno, Yoshihiro
4 Kelley, Carl T.
4 Lasserre, Jean-Bernard
4 Li, Qian
4 Li, Zhening
4 Lu, Cheng
4 Luo, Hezhi
4 Nayak, Rupaj Kumar
4 Nguyen Dinh Hoa
4 Ohlsson, Henrik
4 Postek, Krzysztof
4 Seiler, Peter J.
4 Terlaky, Tamás
4 Toh, Kim Chuan
4 Uhler, Caroline
4 Ulus, Firdevs
4 Vielma, Juan Pablo
4 Xu, Huan
4 Yamada, Hiroshi
4 Yan, Xin
4 Yu, Changshui
4 Zhang, Ke
4 Zheng, Zhi
3 Adcock, Ben
3 Andersen, Martin S.
3 Arcak, Murat
3 Barratt, Shane T.
3 Becker, Stephen R.
3 Bemporad, Alberto
3 Bhattacharya, Raktim
3 Borcea, Liliana
3 Brandeau, Margaret L.
3 Brunton, Steven L.
3 Cheng, Jianqiang
3 Chiuso, Alessandro
3 Coey, Chris
3 Cui, Baotong
3 Cui, Xueting
3 De Persis, Claudio
3 Diamond, Steven
3 Doan, Xuan Vinh
3 Dumitrescu, Bogdan Alexandru
3 Fawzi, Hamza
3 Fernandez-Granda, Carlos
3 Garatti, Simone
3 Ghate, Archis
...and 1,890 more Authors
all top 5

Cited in 248 Serials

74 Automatica
40 SIAM Journal on Optimization
33 Mathematical Programming. Series A. Series B
32 Journal of Global Optimization
28 Automation and Remote Control
24 Computational Optimization and Applications
23 European Journal of Operational Research
21 Journal of the Franklin Institute
21 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications
19 International Journal of Control
18 Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis
18 Optimization Letters
17 Optimization and Engineering
16 Mathematical Problems in Engineering
14 INFORMS Journal on Computing
14 Optimization Methods & Software
13 SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences
12 SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications
12 Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing
12 Linear Algebra and its Applications
12 Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR)
12 Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization
11 Operations Research
11 Journal of Scientific Computing
10 Computational Statistics and Data Analysis
10 Electronic Journal of Statistics
9 Journal of Computational Physics
9 Systems & Control Letters
9 Operations Research Letters
9 Annals of Operations Research
9 International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control
9 SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing
9 Mathematical Programming Computation
8 SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization
8 International Journal of Systems Science. Principles and Applications of Systems and Integration
7 Applied Mathematics and Computation
7 Foundations of Computational Mathematics
6 Inverse Problems
6 The Annals of Statistics
6 Information Sciences
6 Statistical Papers
6 The Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications
6 European Journal of Control
6 Journal of Combinatorial Optimization
6 Quantum Information Processing
6 Nonlinear Analysis. Hybrid Systems
6 The Annals of Applied Statistics
5 Kybernetika
5 Mathematics of Operations Research
5 Optimization
5 Computers & Operations Research
5 Signal Processing
5 International Journal of Computer Vision
4 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
4 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics
4 Optimal Control Applications & Methods
4 Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing
4 Neural Networks
4 Numerical Algorithms
4 Computational and Applied Mathematics
4 Mathematical Methods of Operations Research
4 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical
4 Statistics and Computing
4 Numerical Algebra, Control and Optimization
4 Journal of the Operations Research Society of China
3 Mathematical Biosciences
3 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering
3 Numerische Mathematik
3 Machine Learning
3 Computational Statistics
3 Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation
3 Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications
3 Nonlinear Dynamics
3 Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics
3 Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics
3 New Journal of Physics
3 Journal of High Energy Physics
3 Quantitative Finance
3 Set-Valued and Variational Analysis
3 Asian Journal of Control
3 SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification
3 SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science
2 Artificial Intelligence
2 The Canadian Journal of Statistics
2 Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics
2 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
2 Calcolo
2 IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
2 Journal of Approximation Theory
2 Journal of Econometrics
2 SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis
2 Statistics & Probability Letters
2 ACM Transactions on Graphics
2 Journal of Complexity
2 Constructive Approximation
2 Algorithmica
2 SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics
2 International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing
2 Discrete Event Dynamic Systems
2 Pattern Recognition
...and 148 more Serials
all top 5

Cited in 46 Fields

544 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX)
237 Systems theory; control (93-XX)
193 Numerical analysis (65-XX)
163 Statistics (62-XX)
120 Computer science (68-XX)
117 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX)
85 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX)
68 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX)
54 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX)
32 Quantum theory (81-XX)
29 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX)
26 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX)
23 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX)
20 Operator theory (47-XX)
16 Combinatorics (05-XX)
16 Partial differential equations (35-XX)
16 Approximations and expansions (41-XX)
15 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX)
12 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX)
11 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX)
10 Fluid mechanics (76-XX)
9 Functional analysis (46-XX)
7 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX)
6 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX)
6 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX)
6 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX)
5 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX)
4 Integral equations (45-XX)
4 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX)
3 Algebraic geometry (14-XX)
3 Real functions (26-XX)
3 Measure and integration (28-XX)
3 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX)
2 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX)
2 Commutative algebra (13-XX)
2 Difference and functional equations (39-XX)
2 Geometry (51-XX)
2 Geophysics (86-XX)
1 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX)
1 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX)
1 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX)
1 Special functions (33-XX)
1 Differential geometry (53-XX)
1 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX)
1 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX)
1 Mathematics education (97-XX)

Citations by Year