
Found 6 Documents (Results 1–6)

From the history of the development of physico-mathematical sciences. Collection of scientific works. (Из истории развития физико-математических наук. Сборник научных трудов.) (Russian) Zbl 0486.00003

Akademiya Nauk Ukrainskoi SSR. Ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni Institut Matematiki. Kiev: ”Naukova Dumka”. 152 pp. R. 1.20 (1981).
MSC:  00B15 01-06

Outlines on the history of mathematics and physics in the Ukraine. Collection of scientific works. (Очерки по истории математики и физики на Украине. Сборник научных трудов.) (Russian) Zbl 0444.00008

Akademiya Nauk Ukrainskoj SSR, Sektor Istorii Estestvoznaniya i Tekhniki Instituta Istorii. Kiev: ”Naukova Dumka”. 176 p. R. 1.30 (1978).
MSC:  00B15 01-06

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