
On computational capabilities of Ising machines based on nonlinear oscillators. (English) Zbl 1492.68051

Summary: Dynamical Ising machines are actively investigated from the perspective of finding efficient heuristics for NP-hard optimization problems. However, the existing data demonstrate super-polynomial scaling of the running time with the system size, which is incompatible with large NP-hard problems. We show that oscillator networks implementing the Kuramoto model of synchronization are capable of demonstrating polynomial scaling. The dynamics of these networks is related to the semidefinite programming relaxation of the Ising model ground state problem. Consequently, such networks, as we numerically demonstrate, are capable of producing the best possible approximation in polynomial time. To reach such performance, however, the reconstruction of the binary Ising state (rounding) must be specially addressed. We demonstrate that commonly implemented forced collapse to a close-to-Ising state may diminish the computational capabilities up to their complete invalidation. Therefore, consistent treatment of rounding may cardinally improve various operation metrics of already existing and upcoming dynamical Ising machines.


68Q09 Other nonclassical models of computation
82C20 Dynamic lattice systems (kinetic Ising, etc.) and systems on graphs in time-dependent statistical mechanics
90C27 Combinatorial optimization
90C59 Approximation methods and heuristics in mathematical programming


CirCut; MQLib


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