
Evanescent operators in one-loop matching computations. (English) Zbl 1541.81102

Summary: Effective Field Theory calculations used in countless phenomenological analyses employ dimensional regularization, and at intermediate stages of computations, the operator bases extend beyond the four-dimensional ones. The extra pieces – the evanescent operators – can ultimately be removed with a suitable renormalization scheme, resulting in a finite shift of the physical operators. Modern Effective Field Theory matching techniques relying on the method of expansion by regions have to be extended to account for this. After illustrating the importance of these shifts in two specific examples, we compute the finite shifts required to remove all evanescent operators appearing in the one-loop matching of generic ultraviolet theories to the Standard Model Effective Field Theory and elucidate the formalism for generic Effective Field Theory calculations.


81T12 Effective quantum field theories
81T17 Renormalization group methods applied to problems in quantum field theory


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